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Everything posted by GO CATS

  1. Dosent Christians go to Sunday School and Church to learn about that?
  2. So you admit you did take my post completly out of context? I did not compare Acie Law to McClintock, I just gave an example of someone who overachieved, im sorry you can't comprehend that.
  3. You can still teach both as possibillities.
  4. During this portion of the campain hes not, hes ran a horrible campain since he won the primary!
  5. G. Fitch is a better example, I don't think this kid will have a quick impact.
  6. The offese is better than you think...
  7. Why not teach both as possibillities, it's the only logical way to teach these subjects. After all no one really knows the truth, although many on this site will say the do know the truth.
  8. You forgot to read one word, maybe. I figured rivals would require good reading skills. I understand you have this anti UK pro UC bias but don't take peoples posts completly out of context.
  9. I don't think he will be a clon of Bush but I still beleive he will be simular, a "Bush Lite" if you will.
  10. Acie Law was a low level recruit, maybe Billy G sees something in him...
  11. BTW, Nick Saben deserves to be on the list!
  12. Jim Grobe? Are you kidding me?
  13. I would like to see a horse win the triple crown!
  14. Have you looked at the opinions of Barack Obama on this site?
  15. Granted, I've not been on here long but this site is extremly conservative and to say there is a liberal for every conservative spinning facts is just not true.
  16. , So, if Joel Osteen is a Christian, his job is not to bash homosexuals, his job is to tell those people to Jesus Christ and hopefully help them to know Jesus Christ.
  17. Hunter McClintock will be visiting UK in early June as he participates in Billy Gillispie's "Elite Camp," per rivals.
  18. BTW, I found some interesting articles on this subject... http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/05/22/mccain-rejects-hagee-backing-as-nazi-remarks-surface/index.html?hp http://blog.washingtonpost.com/the-trail/2008/05/22/mccain_denounces_hagee.html?hpid=topnews
  19. I agree it is a sin but hopefully he told them in a polite manner and did not completly bash the group.
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