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Everything posted by GO CATS

  1. Did you watch his Obama endorsment speech? It was a great speech by John Edwards and I'm a frequent critic of John Edwards...
  2. He definitly lacks book smarts.
  3. Edwards 2004 preforance during the presidential election concerns me but he seems to be more poised now...
  4. Personally, I think the non-Saturday schedule is just tacky...
  5. Uof L- W 38-28 NS- W 49-3 MTSU- W 38-0 WKU- W 42-10 Alabama- L 28-17 USCjr- W 21-14 Arkansas- W 23-10 UF- L 35-14 MSU- L 31-28 GA- L 42-28 Vandy- W 24-14 UT- W 28-24 8-4, if this happens I will be a happy man to say the least! :laugh:
  6. He said this was a 50-100 year war earlier in the campain, now it will take 4 years to win... Flip flop...
  7. Chuck Hagel, Republican Senator from Nebraska seems to be upset with decisions John McCain is making. "Presidential candidates will say many things in a campaign," Hagel added. "I am very upset with John about some of things he is saying... He is smarter than some of the things he is saying." http://blog.washingtonpost.com/the-trail/2008/05/20/hagel_suggests_mccain_will_cha.html
  8. Here is some interesting information... Look how well a Obama/Edwards ticket would do in PENNSYLVANIA and New Mexico... PENNSYLVANIA Obama/Edwards +17 McCain/Pawlenty +15 McCain/Romney +12 McCain/Lieberman +10 McCain/Huckabee NEW MEXICO Obama/Edwards +9 McCain/Pawlenty +6 McCain/Lieberman +6 McCain/Romney +3 McCain/Huckabee http://www.surveyusa.com/
  9. You have to remember that those moves were on a high school level. I personally want to save some of our scholarships for 09...
  10. Yes, that is his specialty. Why would you not want Jasper to stay?
  11. His name is being used in a disrespectful way, people are saying his middle name, "Hussain," to compare him to a terrorist.
  12. MSN smacks Louisville for non Saturday schedule... http://msn.foxsports.com/cfb/story/8158584/Non-Saturday-games-throwing-things-off "I suppose there must be some sort of bonus for this, more TV revenue perhaps, but if I was a Louisville fan I'd be upset. I mean, playing that many games on non-Saturdays is like begging for attention. Louisville has won a BCS game and just put a quarterback in the NFL. It shouldn't feel the need to get so much extra attention. Plus, after what happened last year, Louisville might want to shore up the defense some before putting it on proud display."
  13. The 2001 Hurricanes IMHO... They were a dominating team.
  14. I wish he was wearing a Kentucky uniform but oh well, hope he does well!!!
  15. :thumb: It was a very stupid comment and proves that Huckabee is not ready for prime time...
  16. I could not agree more... Granted any democratic canidate would have an advantage considering the preformace of George W. Bush...
  17. Don't try anything new and relax. It seems like the more pressure I put on myself before a round the worse I do...
  18. At least we have a back up plan...
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