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Everything posted by GO CATS

  1. My team made it and was defeated in the first round...
  2. How about judging a canidate on the issues instead of things like churches and friends. Most liberal canidate ever nominated? How about McGovern, Kerry, Mondale, Dukakis. Granted, he is a bit liberal but not the most liberal canidate ever nominated.
  3. I was 99% sure this was going to happen.
  4. I'm reading, "Underboss: Sammy the Bull Gravano's Story of Life in the Mafia" and just finished, "What's the Matter with Kansas?: How Conservatives Won the Heart of America." http://www.amazon.com/Underboss-Sammy-Gravanos-Story-Mafia/dp/0060930969/ref=pd_bbs_sr_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1212208749&sr=1-2 http://www.amazon.com/Whats-Matter-Kansas-Conservatives-America/dp/080507774X/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1212208912&sr=1-1
  5. Whats your logic? I figure the SEC fanbase is larger.
  6. I would definitly get it, I bet it would recieve more viewers than the small 11 confrence!
  7. Those news networks do not promote the left nearly as much as Fox News supports the right...
  8. Im sorry, President Bush is not President Lincoln...
  9. Thats my understanding, I hear he was the California JUCO player of the year. What percent chance do you think he ends up at UK. My guess is very slim.
  10. He was a former White House Press Secretary, so he's not hurting for money. He is losing a lot of friends and adding a lot of enemies. I think he wanted to voice things he saw while in the white house. We will probally never know if any of this book is true but he does not have as much to gain as you might think!
  11. The guy picked Nebraska over Kansas and Memphis!
  12. Yes, the longer she stays in this race the worse his legacy is tarnished, IMO. The Clintons ran a horrible campain from the get go, which surprised me...
  13. BTW, president Clinton ended his presidential career with a 65% approval rating, the highest end-of-term approval rating of any President since Dwight D. Eisenhower, this is with the Moncia scandal.
  14. What mistakes with bin ladden? Clinton tryed and tryed to kill bin ladden, the FBI would not let him, watch this, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RLAKArfOe0.
  15. Imagine- John Lennon Tree Top Flyer- Stephen Stills 1979- Smashing Pumpkins Better Man- Pearl Jam
  16. My favorite meal growing up was scrambled eggs and grilled cheese!
  17. I heard that UK is interested in SG Roburt Sallie who wasn't cleared to play at Nebraska due to a technical error of some sort but is eligible this season outside the Big 12. Someone who works in the AD dept. at UK tells me Doc Sadler the Nebraska coach(yes the Doc Sadler that Gillispie took to the derby) has called coach G on Roburt's behalf to see if we had interest. It is a unique situation where Doc was loyal to Roburt and Roburt was loyal to Nebraska and Doc wants the very best for this kid and what has happened to him at NU should not have happened. From what I hear a visit will be coming soon by Sallie and yes he can play next year and yes his grades are just fine. Does anybody else have any infor on this guy?
  18. I agree Clinton in many ways was a true conservative but GWB is a neo conservative who was no where near the president that Clinton was. I find it interesting that GWB created 893,000 government jobs. I thought big government was a liberal idea.:sssh:
  19. Not all christians are lemmings just basketcases like Jerry Fawell and Pat Robertson!
  20. http://www.perkel.com/politics/clinton/accomp.htm Created 2.1 million jobs $167 Billion dollar surplus, (Where is that surplus now?) Created a smaller government by eliminating 375,000 government jobs, Republicans should appreciate this! (BTW, GWB created 893,000 government jobs) Lowest crime rate since 1967! These are a few accomplishments!
  21. His presidency was one of the most peacful and prosperous times in American history! He had a bit to much fun in the oval office but thats besides the point...
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