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Everything posted by GO CATS

  1. I didn't think of it but Meeks could run the point if needed.
  2. I don't see Galloway and Porter getting it done!
  3. So your saying most churches are raciest free? I think you are wearing rose colored glasses are you don't attend church either one!
  4. So a person is going to hell because of they're political beliefs?
  5. I think you have him confused with Bill O'rieilly! :thumb:
  6. There is a place in hell for judgers as well!
  7. :thumb: BTW Keith Oberman is awesome!
  8. I still want to read Terrorist Hunter!
  9. I think this was a bad PR move on Obamas part, he needs to let this issue go and try to stay far far away from it to win this election.
  10. Obama does have the tendency to put his foot in his mouth but John McCain has had some trouble as well, remember when John McCain confused Shiites and Sunnis on multiple occasions among other goofs. The 100 year war bit will hurt McCain as well. Remember I am a undicided voter at this point although I do lean Obama, I just think to many people are wearing rose colared glasses when it comes to McCain and this election.
  11. It was a clever comeback. Thanks for playing!
  12. McCain has to seperate himself from Bush plain and simple! The McCain of old, when he was a true moderate and political maverick, would have won this election without question. Now he is a neo conservative just like George W. Bush, which will win over most of the Republican party but in this day and age will not with the Presidency of the United States. If he can get away from the shadows of George W. Bush he will have a good chance of winning this election.
  13. Do you know who Dennis Kucinich or Barbra Boxer even is?
  14. Way to switch the subject, I rest my case!
  15. When did I say Kerry was a moderiate? Kerry is a liberal that was not ready for the national stage.
  16. To the left of Kucinich and Boxer, your funny :lol:.
  17. I could not agree more about Michael Moore! So what does that make Boxer and Kucinich in your opinion, double ultra liberals?
  18. Most of my friends are very conservative, ultra conservative, HB20 knows how conservative some of my friends are ask him, so am I a staunch conservative? I attend a conservative Southern Baptist chuch, so am I a very conservative person? I went to a private christian college which happens to be a very conservative school, does that make me a conservative? I am from an area that is extremly conservative, 80% republican, does that make me ultra conservative? I have friends that are arabic, does that make me a muslum? Your theroy is flawed but you are right about one thing a lot simple minded people are blinded by friends, churches and social organizations.
  19. If Obama is an ultra liberal, where do you place Dennis Kucinich, Barbra Boxer, Michael Moore and others that make Obama look conservative?
  20. Voting record yes but churches belonged to and friends family come on now. If I ran for president and you looked at my church I would be the most conservative canidate alive, I really hope no one looks at my friends. Was you to young to remember John Kerry, jk ? John Kerry was more liberal imo and I think he will be a much better canidate, it shouldn't take much!
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