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Everything posted by stepscalled

  1. As the radio man for Hopkins County Central, our new head coach, Marshall Enoch has done a great job this year of getting kids to come back out for football. The problem now is teaching kids who have lost for so long how to win a game. We know we have a tough road ahead and its a big question on whether we will win this year. But we have seen signs of improvement. Last year was really hard to watch because once they got behind heads dropped and the effort disappeared. We saw several games last year with the running clock rule. Trailing last night 13-0 at halftime, or kids came out and won the second half 8-6. Their effort was old school and there was pep in their step. Whatever was said, whatever the adjustments were, it made a difference. I can't tell you the last time we won a quarter; much less a half. Next week we play at Muhlenberg Co. which is the last school we beat. They probably have the best team they have had in years. When will we win again? I really don't know. But right now its good to see that we are least trying to turn this thing around.
  2. Did not get to see Central this summer, but I do know they have some higher expectations. The jv squad was very successful and they lost several seniors, so that group will come in and should take over. Hope to see them soon.
  3. Saw them a couple time this summer and Sindelar was not with them. Heard he has gotten a football offer so that may keep him out of the gym. Pepper kid did play well and can see them having a shot at the 7th district title.
  4. If there is a softball tournament in Owensboro; its going to rain.
  5. Hard for me to believe but checked it out on radar, Owensboro is getting a lot of rain. Games are delayed until 5.
  6. WOW, this one should be a great one. Should be a fast one as both teams play really well. 2-1 final? Hate to pick a winner, but I have seen Oldham County so I will take them. LOL
  7. This should be an entertaining game. Both teams hit the ball well and both teams know how to produce runs when they need to. Both teams are well coached. Livingston Central might be wide eyed at the state tourney for the first time while Catholic just seems to be there every year. I like LC in this ballgame, hope it is as good as I think it will be.
  8. They have had some close games, this one they should win. They should also win the state tourney but it would not surprise me if someone did upset them....but not twice.
  9. Livingston Central wins their first Regional title by defeating Henderson County 3-1. I failed to report the semi final games from last night. Livingston Central defeated Union County 5-3 while Henderson County defeated Madisonville 9-7. Congrats to head coach Stan Head and the Lady Cardinals and good luck next week in Owensboro. Livingston Central becomes the 6th team to win the title in Region 2. Christian County has 8 titles, Caldwell County, Hopkins County Central, and Henderson have 3 each, while Madisonville North Hopkins and now Livingston have won it once.
  10. And for Union County to walk both of them in; well what else can you say? Union should have won the game.
  11. The Lady Maroons defeat UHA 7 to 4 and advance to semis. They are still undefeated against KY schools. They have a rematch with Henderson County. This should be a very good game, both teams are well coached and hit the ball well. 2 years ago they met in the semis and Madisonville came away with a 1 run victory.
  12. From what I heard today; their tournament has been moved back and will start on Wednesday. Wish them the best.
  13. Jordan lead the game off with a double, got the triple in her second at bat. She hit a 3 run homer and in her last at bat she got the single. 4-4 for the game. Her batting average is .524 for the season and has hit 7 "out of the park" homers this season along with 8 triples. Hopkins County Central improved to 17-8 with the double header sweep of Todd County.
  14. Madisonville is the best team in the second region. Have not lost to anyone in Kentucky. Really surprised that Christian continues to get that many votes since they have lost to Madisonville, Union Co. and Henderson Co. Second region might be wide open but Madisonville is standing out front looking in; the rest will try to get by them.
  15. Just read today, Union committed 4 errors in the first 2 innings. Either way, winner loser of district 6, no easy draw. Hate to say it, but there isn't an easy draw in the second region except one; if the top two teams from each district make it. You got the top 8 in your thread, if there isn't an upset somewhere in the opening round.
  16. Henderson and Union both threw #2's in the first mtg. Why? Don't know. Guess we know now since Henderson came back and won the second meeting. They get the automatic bye into the district finals. Union should not have any problems with Webster.
  17. Totally agree Webster but some of those schools always receive the votes.
  18. She is having another great season, last night she became the first player from Hopkins County Central to hit for the cycle. She went 5-5 on the night. Over the last one and a half seasons she is hitting .540 with 14 homeruns, 59 rbi's, and 43 stolen bases. She has signed with the University of Louisville. Congrats Jordan.
  19. The Trophy that the Earlington Yellowjackets won still sits in the trophy case at Earlington Elementary School. Which was the old high school. It has 4 framed pictures around it showing the last 5 seconds of the championship game. Yes, that trophy is special and its huge!
  20. Maybe I missed it but I was looking for thoughts about no program at the tournament. I am one of those guys who likes to collect them and refer back to them later on. Didn't really like it when they took out a lot of the extras a couple years back. Such as the "shots heard around the state" section. Look at this tournament this year, in 5 years I would like to read about it again while sitting in rupp between games. I understand they cost money. Raise the price. Or better yet, I would like for the khsaa to have a preorder system in place. Order it online. The commish says this generation doesn't want programs. The people I was sitting around wanted a program. One guy, sitting right behind me, did go print if off and said even the ads were available to print off and then laughed. I cant see any business supporting this idea. I would like to think that the people from Madison Central would have liked to bought a program also. I understand the khsaa says they are losing money on programs. An online opportunity should be considered to at least "see" if it works. This year we took a look at an extra day and we are seeing it might work. I'm not for sure the cost for renting rupp, if that is what they do, but it had to go up for an extra day? Hopefully someone knows the answers to the concerns. I'm not sold on the extra day making for a better attendance figure. Having Madison Central make it to the finals certainly sold a lot of tickets.
  21. Opening Round 1 Madison Central 1 PRP 1 Ohio County 1 Hopkinsville 1 Montgomery County 1 John Hardin 1 Ballard 1 KCC 2 PRP 2 Hopkinsville 2 Montgomery County 2 Ballard 3 PRP 3 Ballard 5 Ballard 141
  22. Big shout out to Trigg County who packed the house to cheer on their Wildcats.
  23. Congrats to Matt Beshear, Madisonville first year head coach, on a tremendous game plan. When playing a top ranked team in the state you only hope you have a chance to win at the end and they had that chance. Eaves did have some deep 3's but the last one he shot was right in "The Scribes" face. Hopkinsville never looked rattled though, they have played a legit schedule and I still expect them to win tonight.
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