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Everything posted by CincySportsFan

  1. Got to be honest...none of those names are blowing me away. Saw one draft predictor say maybe they go after Jeremy Ruckert (OSU) in the 3rd round for that position.
  2. Might as well. Friend of mine said that he's treating the Reds like week-old produce anyway.
  3. With the NL adopting the DH, I'm sure that will eventually help. But, maybe there could be a hometown return for him, with the Blue Jays. Sort of like Griffey coming to the Reds. If Bob could get rid of him, he'd have done it yesterday. My head hurts just thinking about how bad this team is going to be.
  4. Just saw that. Wonder how close the Bengals were. As a side note, put this into the category of player moves I don't understand. From Super Bowl to what, fighting for 3rd in your division?
  5. So where do the Bengals stand with cap money after today? Just wondering if they have anything left for a deal with CJ.
  6. I think an average of 15,000 per game is totally possible. To get down to your number, it'd have to drop to 12k or so. But with the economy the way it is, and if gas prices continue to be high, then, yeah, I think it's possible. I feel bad for Votto, knowing that he'll never sniff the playoffs for the rest of his career here.
  7. Looks like the Bears are potentially going to sign Larry Ogunjobi. If true, then the Bengals need to re-sign BJ Hill...plus maybe look for some D-line help in the draft.
  8. Mitch Trubisky signs a 2 year deal. A step up (or two) from Mason Rudolph...but, doesn't scare me the way Deshaun Watson would have.
  9. Yep. 3 years, $39 million. If Tom was going to come back, he had to announce it before today, otherwise he could lose some of his guys.
  10. Sell the team, Bob. Just sell the team. It's clear you have no desire to field a winner. Who would've thought you could make Mike Brown look like a spendthrift. PS - I hope you realize that by August the Bengals training camp news will take precedence over your precious Reds game from last night in media coverage. And you'll wonder why attendance will be the lowest it's been during your ownership. You couldn't have picked a worse time to be cheap.
  11. One team trying to win this year. The other looking to make more profit and could care less about wins/losses in 2022.
  12. I think next week there is a deadline for teams to be get under the cap. I wonder if they are holding this until they get some of the other cuts/restructuring deals done. Then, if they still need another million or two to work their magic, they can still do it with Rodger's (move money from one year to another). There's probably been a deal done, in principle, with regards to total money and years...but, how it's distributed could help the team depending on how much they still need to "cut" this year.
  13. For any that are interested...funeral services for Coach and his wife will take place tomorrow (Friday) at 3 at the Stanley Funeral Home in Williamstown. Visitation will be tomorrow from 11 to 3 at the funeral home.
  14. If you really wanted to shake things up and go that route, here's what could make sense geographically... 29th: Oldham, S. Oldham, N. Oldham, Shelby, Collins 30th: Henry, Eminence, Trimble, Carroll 31st: Owen, Franklin, Western Hills, Frankfort 32nd: Grant, Williamstown, Walton-Verona, Gallatin, Simon Kenton (or send them back to 9th) That would make the 29th an absolute gauntlet to get out of, while the 30th would be treated like the ugly step-child (no offense to those schools)...so, there's a near zero percent chance of it happening.
  15. Have seen/read multiple reports of people in Russia talking to relatives in the Ukraine, and being very casual in conversation not knowing anything about what's going on, other than a "military maneuver." They are literally in disbelief when told about the bombing and killing going on. You'd think if they start having 5,000+ corpses being returned for burial, word would start to spread that this is not a "normal" event.
  16. Saw that US intelligence estimates that Russia has had more fatalities during these few weeks of the invasion, that we did during the entire time we were in Iraq...which is just mind-boggling to me.
  17. If it gets reduced at all...I'd say a minimum of eight games.
  18. Pat jokes with Ian (a lot of times at his expense) all the time on the show. Can't wait til he's on this week.
  19. Was watching McAfee's show when they discussed this. Seems Rodgers told him that no deal was actually in place. Ian Rappaport reporting otherwise. So, maybe it's an offer that's been made, but not accepted yet?
  20. Other changes that both the players and owners have agreed to: * Banning the shift * Widening the bases * Implementing a pitch clock (14 seconds when bases empty, 19 seconds with guy on base) The first one I am for. It'll provide for more action. Action is good. The second, I don't think will make one iota amount of difference. They're only widening them 1/2 an inch. That's not enough to help avoid the contact and subsequent leg injuries at the bag. The third...ehh. I'm interested in how they calculate the time when there's a guy on base. Does a step off/bluff count against you? The weird part about this, is that they're not looking to implement these until 2023. While I understand the equipment issue over the last two items, why hesitate on banning the shift? Go ahead and implement it this year (whenever it starts), just like the universal DH.
  21. Bingo. Honestly, if I had to pick the best Batman, it might be Pattinson. (And I went in thinking that I'd never say that.) But, he may be the worst Bruce Wayne. Fortunately for the movie, he's Batman 90% of the time. And the car introduction was AWESOME! First thing my son and I talked about afterwards.
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