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Everything posted by ppawedwards

  1. A month away and you are already making your excuses for GRC!! JK Love this site. Keep up the good work. Top 5 no doubt and then as said before a crapshoot.
  2. What is the tie-breaker if Holmes CCH and HC all finish 2-1 in district?
  3. Another cheap shot from the peanut gallery who was not at the game.
  4. I am an avid Holmes fan and I agree that Pittman went over the line tonight. The Dixie kids can not be absolved from this either. I believe the referees can share in this as well as the trouble was brewing for two quarters and nothing was said to any of the players. Thankfully henley pulled Eli before it got any worse. I have no problem with trash talking as long is it doesn't cross the line. MJ and Kobe were and are the masters of trash talking. Having the game to back it up helps. Pittman has the game to back it up but he needs to learn when and when not to practice this fine art. The lopsided scores of these games is hurting Holmes and this will allow another Scott game to sneak up on them and maybe the next time will come tournament time and there will be no tomorrow. Whether the policy is or is not to sit a game after a technical I think Henley should sit Pittman to send Eli and the rest of the team the right message. This team has the potential to do great things and doesn't need the side show. I see Kevon looking up at Pittman and this is sending him the wrong message. All any of them have to do is look at Rico, JJ and Riley for the way to handle themselves. Rico went right after Zeke Pike after Eli was pulled with strong relentless defense and the talking stopped. Attacking Eli's character is ridiculous because he is a 16 year old KID that just needs to grow up a little. I am hoping a few weeks with Billy G will hasten this in a couple years. As for the game Dixie is scrappy but had nothing for Holmes. This is another game Holmes could have won by 40 but chose to live another day with three quality games in five days beginning Friday night.
  5. I don't know why the guy would want to stay with all of these loons out there. I am sure these are the same people who call the Coach Billy G show and tell him how to coach and recruit. :isurrender::scared::banana::jump:
  6. Eta these people obviously don't know what there talking about. Holmes has not beaten one team by more than 50 points this year. :idunno: :idunno:
  7. I wasn't going to go see a good basketball game but "Rock Mix" dance team is all the incentive I need.
  8. This could get ugly as Holmes may want to shake out the cobwebs or demons left over from Saturday. I see :isurrender: in Dixie's future.
  9. Very nice article. Congrats to Jonathan and to Dale. :ylsuper:
  10. I watched EC vs Rose Hill last week and if 2 thru 6 are a toss up then the regional tournament is a formality.
  11. Sarcasm, that is my point. Margin of victory should have no bearing in HS sports.
  12. I agree with Mr. Steele, the 78' and 80' teams were fun to watch and played the game the right way. I believe they were at the beginning of today's above the rim game. This year's Holmes team plays that game very well and are the most disciplined Holmes squad since the two Holmes teams mentioned above. AAU was something only a few played back then now you have to play to keep up. I think this Holmes team can go down as one of the greatest from NKY and maybe even more. However, I have had my heart broke by the fickle fate of the Sweet 16. Good Luck Bulldogs.
  13. No I believe they borrow one from the Smithsonian to do their crack research.
  14. I take it all back, I am disappoited they didn't go for the 100 point win that would have been impressive. I am sure this will have PRP ready for regional action. Great learning tool. Just because you can beat a team by 50 doesn't mean you do it. Unless it is UK vs. UT, Florida or Louisville then it is ok, lol.
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