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Everything posted by TheReturn

  1. North Laurel's program may be in shambles, but right now in the season is not the time to be bashing your own coach. I hate when people do this, people who are real North Laurel fans would support the kids and hope for the best learning enviroment for them. These discussions are for after the season, but real fans would already understand that.
  2. Jellico has a better record over the last 20 year against Williamsburg than Mcreary does. It is hard for me to believe that Jenkins wouldn't have a better record as well, it could not be any worse. I think Williamsburg got forced in this game, or they wouldn't be traveling to Jenkins (because of the harlan co consolidation). I know coach herron was wanting to schedule Corbin and Oneida for next year, I hope it happens. I do not think there is a difference between Jellico and mcreary on the schedule.
  3. A simple solution would be if the Jackets and Corbin would play each other. I know Williamsburg has wanted to schedule this game ever since 2003 and 2004. Corbin does not want to play this game, I do not know why.
  4. I thought you just saw a couple of Williamsburg's players take the game over. How would you have seen any adjustments from the coach. The second play of the half Williamsburg created a turnover (Which Bath had a major edge in the turnover battle.) On the next series their running back goes out, which pretty much ended the game. I do not think your being fair.
  5. Whitley Co is back!!!! After several loosing seasons it looks like they have a district championship quality team. Letcher County and Perry are both good teams and should be tough, but you have to love Whitley's momentum. I have said it before, this is Whitley's year to win a district title.
  6. I saw them play last year and they have speed and are ultra aggressive defensively. This team really kept the Williamsburg offense on their heals for the entire second half.
  7. South wins South-29 Corbin-27 Corbin has had problems when south speeds up the tempo of the game in years past. A lot of South's scores in recent years has been because the Corbin kids could not handle the no huddle. I remember Corbin having trouble with that in 2004 with Williamsburg as well. When you use some of your best offensive players to cover they tend to wear out!!!
  8. Bath county has a lot of good athletes and gave Williamsburg a great game last year. There is no reason to think that this game will be another tough game that goes down to the wire.
  9. I think Whitley is a step above those two teams. I think they will be good ball games, but Whitley should be favored in both. It is Whitley's year!!!!
  10. Williamsburg went up to Clinton Co. and did what they needed to do. They did not make any big mistakes except for a kick return right before the half. Hats off to Clinton Co. they played very hard and are a much improved team from last year. There quarterback was a tough football player who really played hard. This will set up a big game with Bath County next week.
  11. I figured Whitley would dominate this game. Powers and Lebannion are very good hard nosed football players. Things are looking up for Whitley. I think you have to look at them as the district favorites.
  12. Watt's is that good of a player, and he creates yards for most of his teamates. I am not sure if they could score if Watt's doesn't get so much attention from the defense. You are right the last two years they have improved, but I think the biggest part of that is the Watt's kid. He can score on any given play. I think he is the best overall athlete in the mountains he is just on a team that is not as competative.
  13. I wish Lynn Camp all the best and hope they are at full strength for the October 24th game with the Jackets.
  14. I say McCreary Co should win this game but I would not be suprised to see this go the other way. McCreary will have the most talent on the field (but sometimes that is not enough for the raiders). McCreary needs to get things really rolling early and not let Leslie County hang in this game. McCreary-23 Leslie County-22
  15. Whitley will have the big rebound after getting blown out by Bell. Whitley is a much bigger and stronger team and should dominate this game in every way. Whitley- 39 Newport-7
  16. I here Clinton is much improved since they replaced Coach Hatcher. They are running the Franklin System I hear. Williamsburg has been unable to stop the pass this year, it will be a long bus ride , and the jackets are a huge favorite. I look for a let down by the Jackets and a close game. Jackets- 38 Clinton-33
  17. Lynn Camp will win this ball game by two TD's. Look for a strong defensive effort from Lynn camp.
  18. I really wish the Corbin game would work out. That would be a lot of fun. I have heard rumors that Corbin does not want to play this game anymore, and that does not make since to me. I have heard the jackets want to try to increase the difficultyof their schedule, and that is why they are not wanting to play Mcreary anymore. As far as the game, the Watts kid is the real deal. I really do not understand some of the things Mcreary has him doing,but he is a very talented young man. Williamsburg is to much on offense for Mcreary, and Mcreary seemed to have trouble moving the ball on the Jackets in a drive. It required big plays to score. I think the Jackets missing two defensive starters in this game really hurt the Jackets.
  19. Whitley showed they can beat lesser opponents, and this was the first real test. I did not think Whitley would win this game, but I felt they could hang in there defensively. Look for Whitley to rebound, and be really impressive from here on out. There are not to many teams that can hang in there with Bell Co. With the District they are in, they should still be favored to win the district.
  20. That was the word last year as well. I think they had a team that could have very easily won the district. They were in every game in the fourth quarter. The only game they got blew out was Lynn Camp. I think they are easily the district favorites again this year.
  21. The jackets really looked rough against Knox Central Defensively. I do not think Frankfort can stop the Jackets offense, but I do not think Williamsburg can contain the many fast runners of Frankfort. This will be a close one, Frankfort 40 Williamsburg 38
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