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Surf Fisherman

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Everything posted by Surf Fisherman

  1. Dayton in a semi-close one. Close in first half, pulls away in the second.
  2. Dayton does this all the time. Whether they are playing at home or at a visiting stadium. They used to have to do anything possible to win, so that means letting there band that has about 5 people play whatever the heck they want, but they don't need to do that anymore. Its sounds like crap and is bad manners. I hope they melt down all of Dayton's music equipment because crap like this is just not needed and is the mark of a team with no class, and Dayton's football HAS been showing class. Dont let the band change peoples minds.
  3. :fight: Listen, I know you are sticking up for your team, but I think you think that they are better than what they really are. Yes Bellevue had one good drive, but that is it. And you want to talk about conditioning, I will bet money that Beechwood is the best conditioned team in Class A, if not the entire state. I saw what workout programs those boys went through this off season and I will tell you what, I felt sick just watching them. And this one could have been a nail biter? Beechwood's defense caused turnovers (which is the mark of a good defense) and put this one away. Saying "if not for the turnovers we would have won," is like saying if we scored more touchdowns we would have won. :argue::argue:
  4. Great game Beechwood. Beechwood came out the first series and just dominated from the get go. Teiple had another star permformance. Nice to see Elliott throw some TD's again. Beechwood is just the better team without question. Bellevue had one good drive in the first half to score after Elliott threw an interception. Bellevue scored again in the second half against the second team. The 1st team vs. 1st team score was 41- 8. Beechwood's O-Line just dominant throughout. Great pass protection and holes a truck could drive through. Great game to both teams!!! Bellevue never quit. CONGRATS TO BEECHWOOD for WINNING the DISTRICT UNDEFEATED!!!!!!! Next game up, NEWCATH, you can smell the pure hatred!!!
  5. Were the players being suspended for Mayfield play a big factor in this game? I am assuming it did.
  6. The Beechwood freshman have several studs I hear this year. 7 - QB/LB 26 I think - RB/DB 30- FB/LB
  7. Yeah, isn't this cheating? JV is only supposed to be Juniors, Sophmores, and some Freshman.
  8. I realize that Juggs fans have to root for there team, but lets be realistic here. NCC's JV team could probably win against Lloyd. And without Yeagle there to work his magic, it's going to be a long long night for the Juggs. NCC 45 Lloyd 6
  9. True, but Bellevue's field looked like the fire dpt. had been there all night. That was the major factor in the game, the muddy field. Beechwood did underestimate a talented Bellevue team, but there were some other factors involved.
  10. You can't beat a Beechwood vs. CovCath game at Edgar McNabb Stadium (Beechwood).
  11. Stay on Beechwood vs. Bellevue. BTH, Dayton wouldn't even come close to CovCath. CovCath is way to fast for them.
  12. Farris, I have seen him play, as many of you others have, and he just takes control of the game from the get go. He is almost unstoppable, and not to mention, he is FAST and STRONG!!!!
  13. Anybody could have predicted Ludlow's losses and especially Dayton losing to Beechwood. Those weren't exactly tough pics.
  14. Why? Are you just saying this to be the lone wolf and not make Bellevue players feel bad or do you truly believe it?
  15. This game is no surprise to me. Conner just doesn't have the talent that NewCath has.
  16. Beechwood came out flat. I think Beechwood was a little confused with the HC offense. They could run sweep, up the middle, or pass out of one formation. Beechwood had the quarterback for a sack about 2/3 of the time but the QB did a good job of scrambling and picked up yards or got back to the line of scrimmage. HC's #44 is pretty good. He is powerful on offense and made some plays on defense at DT. #26 for Beechwood looked good as well and made numerous sacks. #44 for the Tigers had a great game. He was fast, agile, and powerful. A deadly combination. He made something out of nothing half the time and kept moving his feet. He fell forward every time and drove the pile 3 or 4 extra yards. He gets the Player of the Game in my opinion. Over 100 yards rushing and 2 TD's. Beechwood played poorly and still held HC to 3 points. I think that is a sign of a team that has a lot of talent, but those players just haven't stepped up. Tigers still lack leadership and need to get excited. I did not one player the whole first half get pumped up. Then in the second half they looked a little better. As for the score 17-3, it could have possible been 24- 3 or 31-3. Beechwood fumbled the ball on HC 2 yardline. Beechwood recovered it, but the refs thought otherwise. Then at the end of the game Beechwood had the ball on the HC 1 yardline and just let the clock run out. Both teams showed class. Congrats to the Tigers!!!! Next week is Bellevue.
  17. Yes, they beat Beechwood but Elliott was for sure in the endzone, so to me they really did not beat them. Let's stay on subject CovCath vs. Elder.
  18. I am so excited for this weather, it's been to long!!!!
  19. Sorry CovCath, you guys just dont have enough talent to even compete with a team like Elder. Elder by at least 35.
  20. He should be the featured back. He is faster, more agile, and can get around the corner. Sorry, but I think that is the truth.
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