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What does a stay at home mom do that a working mom doesn't have to do when she gets home?


Its like money. The more you have the more you find things to spend it on.


If you have young kids at home you probably don't do a whole lot more since you're constantly chasing and following up after the youngsters. As they age, you start finding more time to do things that you couldn't do if you worked full time. You stay busy.


I was a stay at home mom for five years when my kids were little. It was the greatest gift in the world. I would not trade those days for anything.


I really dont think it is the hardest job in the world. I have been both a stay at home mom and working mom. It is much harder to try to juggle work and being a mom IMO.

I was a stay at home mom for five years when my kids were little. It was the greatest gift in the world. I would not trade those days for anything.


I really dont think it is the hardest job in the world. I have been both a stay at home mom and working mom. It is much harder to try to juggle work and being a mom IMO.


I never did get to stay at home except for the summer - I'm a teacher - It is very difficult to juggle especially when they get older, only when they start driving themselves to practice, dances etc does it get easier and then you have a whole new world with worries.

I believe I missed a lot - but can't go back and change it now.


I caution any men reading this thread, strongly:


You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can (and in my experience) will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you . . .

I caution any men reading this thread, strongly:


You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can (and in my experience) will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you . . .



What about working moms? :lol:

I caution any men reading this thread, strongly:


You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can (and in my experience) will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you . . .


I was about to put my foot in my mouth until I got to your post. Thanks.


I am a stay at home mom and I love it. I love being with my children and seeing them grow and learn every day. We do have alot of fun but I do a lot around the house that anyone working or staying at home would do as well...cleaning, laundry, errands, you name it. I do plan on going back to work full time when both of my kids are in full time school though. I am fortunate to get to stay at home and I enjoy every minute of it and I am very thankful to be able to to stay home.


I think very highly of working moms though.....juggling a job outside of a job is the way I look at it.


My wife continued to work for 3 years after we had our first child . Grandma watched him .

When our second one came along she ( " retired " for want of a better word ) for about 10 years through the birth of our third child , until it was time for the first one to enter NCC . She then unretired and went to work at a local bank near our house .

I'm now retired and do a majority of the domestic chores ie. cooking ,cleaning . She won't let me do the laundry as I tend to shrink and dye things .I really appreciate what my wife did and does around the house now .

Planning a weekly menu is tough.

I'm not sure how to respond to the question, or some of the responses.


I'm getting close to retirement (9 years) and I just wanted to know how if the grass was greener on the other side. LOL

You don't see as many moms stay home as you did when I was in high school. Seems like most people needs 2 salaries to make it anymore. Mr. Mom55 is a teacher also and we struggle.

I never did get to stay at home except for the summer - I'm a teacher - It is very difficult to juggle especially when they get older, only when they start driving themselves to practice, dances etc does it get easier and then you have a whole new world with worries.

I believe I missed a lot - but can't go back and change it now.


No but at least you had your summers! I was lucky. I took care of them when they were sick, played with them, picnics, visits to the zoo, etc. I never had to worry about who would take care of them, or drive them places. When I went back to work it was much more stressful. Working and worrying about whether homework would be done, if they got picked up on time and GOD FORBID one of them got sick!

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