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theguru last won the day on June 1

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    Kentucky High School Sports, Music, Fitness, Friends, Family.


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    Founder BluegrassPreps.com


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  1. I think that should be the rule. I did listen to a report that said they had 30 days with the portal. But like you said, if several players left UConn could be a disaster later this year. Things change fast.
  2. A headline from the CJ just came up on my Facebook Feed: Stating 'a very toxic work environment,' John Hunt has stepped down after one season as the boys basketball coach at Fairdale High School. ============== Does anyone know more about the conditions or the toxic work environment Coach Hunt is referring to?
  3. I think when you frame it like that (30 of your 57 points) and the benefits you will get from eating healthy foods it seems like a no brainer to kick the coke habit. With that said, I prefer a Pepsi or Coke over an actual dessert, they taste that good to me. I also agree with Weight Watchers and others on the 1-2 pounds per week goal.
  4. I cut way back on caffeine recently and some days I don't consume any. Some days one 12oz soft drink and some days maybe a couple of Bourbon and Coke/Pepsi. More fruit for me too, I just bought some strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries.
  5. I remember Beast Man you and of course I see all the running pictures now, good job @Rebel and Who Ya With!
  6. The 3rd base ump called a ball foul and the home plate ump came out and overruled him. They showed a replay, super close call, but any way you cut it both close calls went against Simon Kenton and for Russell County. 2-1 RC bottom of the 2nd.
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