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Everything posted by HOMELESS CAMEL

  1. GRIFFEY IS A GANGSTAH and rollin with his homies. :lol:
  2. I hope so, they have pitched 212 innings the last few days.
  3. Well at least they had the lead for a few minutes. :lol:
  4. According to Fay, Harang threw today and felt good, should be back soon after 1 rehab start. Hairston Jr. might have 3 rehab starts, should be back soon. Burton might be back at the end of the week. The Reds had a scout watching the Rangers catchers. Didn't someone on the board possibly mention that to us a few days ago? :sssh:
  5. Didn't Griffey also get into a verbal spat with Marty several years ago over comments Marty made? At least it will give me a reason to watch/listen to tonight's game in Houston. :lol:
  6. It looks like any other Friday the 13th film? :lol: I won't get excited about any remake/reimagining/reinvention til I actually see it. There hasn't been one yet that has turned out halfway decent, so I will hold judgement.
  7. Yep, it's an animated movie. I believe there will be a live action TV show in the near future as well. Supposedly the initial TV series will be set between Episode 3 and 4, while it may not focus on the more popular characters, those characters may make a cameo.
  8. Believe me, if I had my way, we would start a Cubs thread after every win. No need to talk about the losses. :lol: They need to keep him in the pen when Wood comes back. He is going to have ups and downs, but he looks great so far. Today was a big, big win, not just the comeback, but pitching those two innings to close it out was just huge.
  9. All the good ones have been taken, I can say I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to Buckethead's stuff recently. I very much enjoy listening to the 20-30 minute live versions of Dazed and Confused from back in the day. Good stuff.
  10. We have a Track the Cubs thread. :thumb: http://www.bluegrasspreps.com/showthread.php?t=156684
  11. Sad thing is, the original ending had them jumping off the cliff and LIVING! And a sequel was tossed around at one time. I believe that original ending is on the new special, super, duper edition dvd that came out recently.
  12. :lol: "Here's a good idea, when you're telling all these stories, have a point. It makes it much more interesting for the LISTENER!" :thumb:
  13. Traveling is FUN! Thanks for sharing the story, I had a similar experience when trying to fly to Dallas back in March. Sad thing is, I can't help but keep flying, you never know what in the world is going to happen next. :lol:
  14. The new poster is nice, simple and to the point. My favorite poster from the series, so far, is the teaser artwork for part 8. It may not have been the best sequel in the series, but you know you have done something special when the New York Tourism board takes offense and has it recalled. I met Kane Hodder back in 2005, he played Jason in parts 7,8,9 and 10. He signed this 11x17 of the recalled part 8 poster.
  15. I don't think he has done a great job with the Reds this year, but we shall see what moves are made, either this week or at the end of the year. He continues to make these same mistakes next year, let the next manager search begin.
  16. Not a thing, he cleared waivers and the Cubs signed him to a 1 year deal, the Cubs were only responsible to pay him the league minimum. It was a no lose situation and it has paid off big time so far.
  17. That's just it, can you imagine how much money they would make if they had a Friday the 13th weekend at the Camp and how much money people would pay to spend the night there?? Oh well, maybe someone will use that bright idea someday. :lol:
  18. :lol: Nothing would surprise me. I do know that someone recently posted a story and pics about their trip to the cabin that was used in Friday part 2. Steve Dash, one of the Jason's I haven't met, is still amazed people care and take the time to seek out stuff like that. From a film that is approaching 30 years old. The location that was used in part 1 has pretty much changed entirely, there are maybe 1 or 2 cabins that exist that somewhat resemble what might have been used back when the film was shot. It's now a Boy Scout Camp I believe and they don't take too kindly to Friday fans being there.
  19. 4 games in Milwaukee starting tomorrow, there are still a long 2 months left in the season, but this is going to be fun to watch.
  20. I would post the Wild Card, but let see how the Reds do on their latest "do or die" road trip.
  21. That was one of the first things that crossed my mind when it was announced that Tim Allen and Tom Hanks would be back to reprise their voices. Jim will be missed when it does come out.
  22. Looking forward to adding Derek Mears to my Friday the 13th autograph collection. While it looks Jason has gone the HGH route, I'm just glad to see him back. :lol:
  23. While that can be said before Lovie arrived, this team has been pretty good before last year. They made it to the Superbowl for goodness sake just two years ago, you can say their OFFENSE is in the toilet and no one would disagree with you. But their defense, if healthy, will be one of the best in football. Angelo may not know anything about offense, but he does a great job on defense and they proceeded to "take care" of all their key pieces this offseason: Harris, Briggs, Brown, Hester, etc, etc. Yes, kick it away from Hester and you avoid the long return, however, by kicking away you could end up kicking it out of bounds and give the Bears great field position by default. With their offense that bad, they need all the help they can get. :lol:
  24. As bad as part 3 was, I couldn't agree more with this idea.
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