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Everything posted by BigCountryBoy

  1. Carlton was amazing and hats off to the O-line. Great blocks from Henson on several runs around end. Defense really stepped up also. Penalties really hurt Trimble. Several unsportsman like conduct calls. Someone tell me why the spread formations? Were they trying to catch us off guard?:confused:
  2. What those stats do not show is who carried them when they needed it the most. ie: Hensons triple double in district championship or Carltons Huge game to beat shelby in the region, or maybe even another soph. Maddox who dropped 20 for 3 games in a row. To say that Perkins and Edmondson carried the team is a little extreme. But Perkins was an extremely good leader on and off the court.
  3. Big Grin for Coach Browning and :dancingpa cheers for his assistant coaches.
  4. This is the year I think the coaches have been waiting for period. The starting 7 have played together for many years and all have the quickness,athleticism,and knowledge of the game as Edmondson and Perkins, if not more than them. If you knew the stats of this team from last year you would know that Edmonson and Perkins did not carry this team, all of the players and coaches contributed fairly equally. Brown,Henson and Carlton are hard nose defensive players and Jones and Maddox will flat out shoot the lights out. This team will battle in 07/08.:thumb:
  5. Unless my math is wrong, TC has one more victory this season than SK!
  6. Congrats to TC on a good win. See you in two weeks win Trimble vs Gallatin.
  7. Glad to hear Cox is going to be OK. You hate to see any kid get hurt and placed in an ambulance on the field. I agree that they need to find a way to protect him better. It seemed he was pressured all night long... I know #88, David Henson, from Gallatin had 4 sacks on him and other kids had a few more.
  8. My thoughts and prayers are with #5 from Owen County and his family. God speed on his recovery and hopefully nothing too serious.
  9. A hard fought game on both sides of the ball for the Cats! Congratulations to the Wildcats.
  10. This may be controversial but this is what i see as top 5: Oldham Anderson Gallatin Simon North
  11. Doesn't Owen have a new coaching staff? New system to implement as well... 14 might be optimistic, but that's why they play the game. Good luck to all and hopefully the kids all get plenty to drink and stay healthy.
  12. I don't know much about either this year, so I am not picking. Should be a good game to see. I'll have to depend upon your updates on here to tell the tale because I am going to the Gallatin game Friday night. Good luck to both teams....
  13. Hopefully Rose will be back for Carroll from his ankle injury he sustained the week before. However, with or w/o him, I like Ludlow in this game. Ludlow 35 CC 10
  14. Little Tater says they run a 3-4 defense and sometimes a 4-3. Don't know about the offense. Go Cats...
  15. I'll take the Wildcats in this one... GC 28 OC 17
  16. It was a great finish... CC scored twice with 6 minutes left to go, and had a chance to win. There were 3 conscutive timeouts called on that conversion play at the end as CC tried to find the right set to run from. When GC's Henson came scraping down the line from the DE position to make the stop, the place errupted. I talked to him afterward about that play and he told me the back was pointing where he was going to go. Henson beat him there to save the game. Overall, a pretty exciting game to see. That's what I love about Friday nights in the fall....
  17. I knew we were in for a barn burner when CC first play from scrimmage was intercepted by GC. Then, on GC's first play (the very next play) they fumbled back to CC. However, after the first 5 minutes of play, both teams settled down and played some solid football. Congrats to GC.:thumb:
  18. Nice win for the Cats! Figures it would come down to the last possession of the game! Same way last year.....
  19. I will be the first to predict a Gallatin victory. GC-27 CC-10
  20. Due to portable lights game time has been moved to 7:30pm
  21. Buttels, Listening to your broadcast now of your radio program on Northern Kentucky sports. Great Job! I hope you are able to get the word out:-)
  22. I don't know much about CC team this year. I do know that seating at the game may be a problem, if there is as many people there as there was last year at CC.
  23. Nunn hurt is ankle but the trainers at UK got him working again and Henson has a slight tear in the rotator cuff in his shoulder (happened last basketball season) just reagrevated it. But both played very well. Thanks for asking. Welch is a good athlete, happy to hear he will be ok.
  24. Is Welch injured? Henson & Nunn just came back from injuries thursday. Also looking forward to our first Friday Night Home game under the lights:dancingpa
  25. Thanks Viper, Ludlow has a nice team with a strong line and quarterback. My last look at the scoreboard was 33 to 23 and then ludlow scored some more, but I believe both teams had JV in at that time. Good Luck this year with your team:thumb:
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