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Royal Uncle

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Everything posted by Royal Uncle

  1. Exactly. That's what I've been trying to say, but the Jr fans won't take the blinders off long enough to look at the whole picture.
  2. That's like saying Tony Stewart should own Joe Gibbs Racing or Jeff Gordon should own Hendrick Motorsports. Your argument is based on emotions, rather than common sense.
  3. I don't think he deserves anything. IF he is entitled to anything at all, it would be an equal amount of ownership of his father's company as the rest of his siblings. Certainly not majority ownership.
  4. Dale and Theresa owned DEI, just like they owned their house. When Sr died, Jr had as much claim to their business as he did their house. It was not Sr and Jr's business. If Sr wanted Jr to own the business, then I'm sure he would have made provisions for that to happen. DEI belongs to Theresa Earnhart. If Theresa were his natural mother, I doubt Jr would be making the waves he does.
  5. Too much media attention is focused on Dale, Jr. Even when he's not doing well, all the announce crews spend way too much time talking about the #8 car. If Jr wants all od DEI, I say "Who cares?" He should concentrate more on driving and leave the politics of ownership to his father's wife, the legal owner of DEI.
  6. I mentioned this in the RH/Fairview thread, but I thought Laura deserved a seperate thread for this accomplishment.
  7. In Rose Hill's win over Fairview tonight, Laura Terry goes over the 2,000 point mark for her career. Congratulations, Laura.
  8. Don't know point totals, but Laura Terry comes out and scores 11 of RH's first 13 points, putting her at the 2,000 point total for her career. Great job, Laura.
  9. Too many to mention. Dale's career was winding down, but it would still be great to see that black #3 on the track.
  10. I was hoping to see Terry hit the 2,000 point mark tonight. 11 more to go. Good luck, Laura, on this personal milestone.
  11. Not going to comment on the officiating except to say, when a game is over, the focus should not be on the refs. The best compliment that can be paid to any sports official is to not mention them at all. The best refs draw no attention to themselves, call the game fairly both ways, and quietly walk off the floor at the end of the game. The game is for the kids. The fans are there for kids. The refs are there for the kids. When the refs attempt to draw the attention to themselves, that is when they deserve any critisism they receive.
  12. At the end of his career, he is going to hold every record their is to hold for a QB. If not Manning, then who is the best QB ever?
  13. Was that Dennis Rodman as a background dancer in the white?
  14. With Terry needing 22 points to reach 2,000 for her career and her missing RH's last game due to illness, look for her to have a big night.
  15. Need to add to my earlier post. I was not implying that Terry would have changed the outcome of the game. Only stating she did not play. I have no idea how long she will be out. Bball is important, but she needs to get healthy, first and foremost. Close Talker, with your question about T's, are you trying to get another RH thread closed? I would like to see one game talked about w/o all the contention of most RH threads.
  16. Laure Terry did not play. Still trying to get over a bout of bronchitis, made worse by a case of the flu that's hitting everywhere. Hope she recovers soon.
  17. Then the front office needs to take a stand, get behind their QB, and cull the herd. Get rid of the undesirable. This isn't rocket science, it's just takes common sense, morals, and a spine.
  18. I don't expect anything more from athletes than I do anyone else. You say it's a misdemeanor dope possession, that is the law. Whether you have a little or a lot, it's still a dope possession. A little or a lot is still wrong. I'm probably in a minority here, but I say throw the book at any and all drug offenders. Fill the prisons, build more if needed. But take a hard stand on drugs. Athletes are no different than everyday folks, except they have more $. Fines don't work. Take away their rights, and make them earn them back or loose them forever.
  19. I would think this has already been said in private. If that doesn't work, then take it out and embarass the offender publicly. If we shamed people more often rather than make excuses for them, maybe some of this foolishness would stop.
  20. Arrest and court records are open to the public. I don't care about past deeds. I am only concerned w/ the present. Maybe someone isn't a bad person, as you say, because they commit a crime. But they are a distraction. Distractions in the workplace cause corporations to loose $. I don't tolerate distractions from my peers or those under me. Upper management, I have no control of. But those on equal or less footing, I have told them to get it together, act like a responsible adult, or leave. That's what the Bengals should do.
  21. :thumb: I said it in another thread. The U of Miami of the NFL. No respect for themselves, the game, or their team.
  22. Palmer has every right to expect a drug free, crime free work place. If my co-workers had the arrest history the Bengals have had this year, especially these types of infractions, I would go to management and demand personel changes. If I didn't see them soon, then I would walk. No one who works hard and follows the rules wants to be w/ a bunch of slackers. "I say keep it up, Carson!" Maybe he'll be able to run the scum off.
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