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Royal Uncle

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Everything posted by Royal Uncle

  1. You forgot Wasted Time by the Eagles
  2. I think the reason for the no cheering policy is to shorten the duration of some of these very lengthy ceremonies. It is very common now to ask the audience to withhold their applause until all graduates have been recognized. I support the policy for this reason, but withholding a diploma from a high school kid that is not responsible for the actions of the folks cheering is as stupid of an action that a school could take.
  3. I always enjoyed Dusty Rhodes. He was my favorite and still remains so today, but I had to throw my vote towards Ric Flair. He has been wrestling as long as I can remember and is one of the toughest guys ever to step into the ring. Wrestling in the Mid-Atlantic and Mid-South regions, he didn't get the attention Hogan got from being based in Madison Square Garden, but Flair was twice the wrestler in his prime that Hogan was. When Vern Gagne had the AWA, he held a "Clash of the Champions" series of matches which pitted his AWA champ Rick Martel, WWF champ Hogan, and NWA champ Flair. Flair dominated these matches, while Hogan had a hard time getting past Martel. Flair was the much better wrestler.
  4. Yes. This would give the better players a chance to showcase their talents on a larger stage and catch the eye of more college scouts. The added exposure over a period of 2-3 years may give a player or two the chance at a scholorship they may not have gotten, otherwise.
  5. After all the animosity and bickering by adults on this site during the season, I thought it would be interesting to point out that Laura Terry, Brit Faulkner, Jessica Fortman, and Chinwe Okoro have chosen to be teammates during the Gus Macker 3 on 3 tournament in Ironton, OH this weekend. I believe w/ the way these two teams played each other the past few years, this is a tremendous show of respect for each other by these four young ladies. Thank you for showing the adults what really matters. Good job girls.
  6. I think you are confusing hatred for jealousy.
  7. I met Mohammed Ali in the lobby of the Sealbach in downtown Louisville. He was having a bad day w/ his Parkinson's, but he was very gracious and took time to allow a humble fan a moment - THE GREATEST. I also met Larry Bird, and have met several Nascar folks, including The King, The Intimidator, and Jeff Gordon; but Ali was the coolest.
  8. 24,31,48,29,11,5,20,8,25,07(Boyer) That is a good list of bowties.
  9. You are right about the change in format. The first year the chase was instituted, had the system stayed the same as the previous years, Gordon would have been the champion. I think this is where NASCAR loses some of it's credibility. The NFL, NBA, NHL, and MLB have maintained how they choose a champion for decades. They may have changed the # of teams that make the playoffs, but the format has stayed the same. You can compare champions of yesterday to those of today, but you can't compare the winners of this chase format to the winners of past Cup titles. And if Gordon wins four titles under this current system, you can't even truthfully compare them to his first four titles (or 5, as I believe he should have) that were won under the old system.
  10. Moroncat, I can take anything. In all of my threads, I have never made personal attacks aimed at the kids. I have trashed refs, coaches, and other posters, but these meaningless jabs at a high school kid are senseless.
  11. As I stated earlier, this thread is only gaining the wrong kind of momentum. Adults are running down kids that aren't even on here to defend themselves. This thread needs to be closed now!
  12. Nothing constructive or beneficial could possibly come from this thread. It should be closed immediately before something hurtful and unnecesary is said about one or more of the fine girls on either RHCS or RHS.
  13. I believe she broke her nose during the East-West All Star game in Bowling Green during the sweet sixteen.
  14. No stats available, but halftime score 48-48.
  15. For personality, you couldn't beat The Nasty Boy Rob Dibble. For what he did on the field, Pete Rose.
  16. Your post was a total waste of space, time, and energy. If the thought of someone stepping up to the plate to discuss what they feel was an obvious injustice to a quality young person upsets you, then I suggest you would feel more comfortable in a communist state where your views would move you up the ranks very quickly, comrade. Anyone who has had to coach or play against Emily knows she was slighted and your comment was meant to do nothing but insult a great young lady.
  17. Should have been the green eyed monster. See, I admit my mistakes. If only whoever left Queen off this team would admit their's.
  18. I smell the green monster, and I'm not talking about Fenway Park.
  19. Must have been voted on by the same folks who voted for POY in the 16th region. Sorry. That's a whole other thread. My bad.
  20. I knew well in advance that being critical of the officiating would open myself up to some critcism of my own. Regardless, I chose to post what I did because I believe in my heart that a disservice was done to a good group of girls. They will go on. This loss is not the end of the world. Emily, Laura, Britt, Lindsey, and all of the underclassmen have had a great season. Good luck to the seniors in their next steps, and to the other girls, we'll see you on the court next year. Practice hard and GO ROYALS!
  21. If you weren't at the game, you should keep your comments to yourself. We know what we witnessed first hand. YOU DON'T!
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