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Everything posted by iceking

  1. Isn't there a program that turns student loans into grants in the state of Kentucky if you go into teaching? I agree get off the kids backs. Forgiving the loans to get people into jobs that normally have a shortage and are important is not a bad thing. It is not trying to get a free ride. That IMO
  2. I will get an image of that later in my sleep and wake up in a full body shiver. Thanks. :eek:
  3. Now that is the game they all came to play you have to watch for the let down against USC. That could come. I am not trying to be negative but they have had let downs this year. They are a tough team and I admire how hard they played today. But it was still a loss and we need wins.
  4. I also find it funny that if this happened in the last few years that OTS would have been just ran over the coals.
  5. You are going to see alot more of this in the future. Kids like this are only going to play one or two years at the most and if they can take their teams on their backs they will get the same out come in the NBA draft. Teams are all on TV alot and all play in many games against so called bigger better programs.
  6. That is twice that UAB beat UK this year. Moron is a strong word.
  7. If I was a betting man I would almost bet that Pendleton draws Montgomery in the first round. But I am not.
  8. I think you are right on the runing-mate is going to very important. ON both sides.
  9. I know people that are serving at least 12 years in federal prison for 1st offense marijuana charges due to mandatory minimums. I think our laws are way out of whack.
  10. Plus I could be wrong on this too but I think NCC's only loss was to an Ohio team. So they were 33-0 against Kentucky teams. I could be way off base on that but I don't think I am.
  11. I am almost positive you are right on Persley playing on that team. I and I am about the same way about the NCC being # 1.
  12. Congrats to the Cats. That is a huge win for them.
  13. Be careful with that. I am sure there are people that have their opinions on that.
  14. UCLA UNC K St. I had to go on a limb and if anyone can carry a team like Carmelo did it would be Beasley.
  15. That would make one of the few games without one. Coach K or Coach J :laugh::laugh::laugh:
  16. I think he will make a good commentator.
  17. Yeah he did get creamed. He might have got the nomination but would have never been president. IMO. Reagan was too strong.
  18. You using it is not a big deal but if you really don't think it has been used in texts that is supposed to make people think about it then I think you are wrong. Some people on either side of he aisle will use whatever they can to scare people into voting their side. But I think this stuff is back firing on them.
  19. No I don't think that is it. I think the value system of each party has switched. IMO
  20. The conservatives would not give Alaska and Hawaii back to the native people they would want to expand on into the south Pacific. So they could have the natural resources they need. That is how that works. :sssh:
  21. We have not had many Republican Governors in the last 50 years.
  22. Is that what it is? I would almost bet that almost everyone in the senate has had an affair at one time or another. I would be shocked if it is not at least 80%. And at least 80% of the governors. and so on down the line. But I agree that most stuff is fair game. But families are not.
  23. The sad truth is that is reason's why people won't vote for them.
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