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Everything posted by iceking

  1. So we should not ban those. Just let everyone have those in there houses to protect thereselves.
  2. Yeah they were until we just came in and raped everything they had just so we could convert them and make them into something that the new settlers wanted them to be.
  3. See there is a smart person. We only wanted to take there land that is a good one for you.
  4. Genocide = all the Indians we killed when we took this country over. Assault weapons to me is fully automatic weapons.
  5. That is a great point. I wish it was not that way. But to say it is not is being naive, I think. I just don't think the country has got to that point.
  6. I guess that we used those guns to commit geneside on a group of people in our history is ok too. That is not prepared to kill that was killing.
  7. I agree that is a much lower extent than 40 years ago. But it is still an issue.
  8. So is it right to say that most people I have been reading today are against abortions because they are killing a living being but want to be able to have enough ammo to blow half the eastern seaboard off the map? Is that right?
  9. I just wonder if Obama will have the same problem. I would like to think that the country is ready for a African American President but I am not sure it is. I hope it is. I really hope it does find out.
  10. There are certain things about Obama that I really like. I have never been able to put a name to what I would call "it" but this man has "it" and a whole bunch of "it". He unites and I wish you luck in pulling all the people you can to his side. Anytime brings something different or a change there is a danger for his message to get silenced. People say that don't like things in Washington. You could ask a hundred people or a thousand people on here and they are all going to say if they are completely honest that you can't trust anybody in government and there is not a good person to vote for. But when someone comes along to make a change they are saw as radical and a fruit so does anyone really want change like they say. Just my opinion.
  11. I tried that but it says I have to download some program. Do you know what that is about?
  12. I say legalize it all. Then at least you have the right to make some gain on it. Like taxation. And then there were some control over it. It is always going to be there not matter how hard you try to stop it so at least with this way you have some regulation on it. Just because I wouldn't do anything or agree with these things does not mean I think people should be told what to do. That is why we have sepertion of church and state. How about stopping teenagers from smoking. That is against the law but we are not arresting them everytime we catch them are we? If so I know a certain school system that would not have many kids left in it. That is what my wife tells me at least. :sssh:
  13. Too many for them to find or they could not find anything? I don't think you would have to worry the Clinton machine because they are not going to be there. :banana:
  14. Of course they did. They needed that foundation to supress the slaves and the women of the times. That is what that was based on. They might have put the 10 commandments and other like stuff on these buildings and money and such but we have never really lived it as a country. How about the genecide we did to the Native Americans? Just becasue they were savages and did not believe Christianity.
  15. I am with CCHS that I don't know if we can have universal healthcare. If they privetatize(sp.) it then it will be a disaster. Just like when welfare reform was taken over by Locke-Martin. Those decsions are made by people that have not idea what they are dealing with. But I am not sure the church is big enough to handle everything that needs to be done. LBB you bring up an interesting discussion.
  16. I just think it is the person's choice and I am not big on the government telling people what to do. Outlawing abortation is government control IMO. I don't support but don't think is my right or anybody else's to make that descions for other people.
  17. I was put up for adoption before abortion was made legal and I wonder what if. Maybe that might be a selfish reason but that is why. I think adoption is the best way. Many people can't have kids that can raise these kids that these people don't want. I think we should look at that more.
  18. I was always told that liberal's wanted change and conservatives wanted the status quo. I think the classes of being liberal and conservative are titles that are put into place by the wealthy people that are on the news that wants people to follow an idea or a set of ideas. Bill O'Reilly, Rush, Hannity, Matthews, Keith Obmerman, so on so on. They are trying to seel there book, shows. I think most people are trying to do the same thing in our lives and that is to try to survive, teach our kids the best way to become adults and not go crazy or crack up. We all have different opinions on abortion, capital punishment, and gay rights. I am against abortion and I have personal reasons for that but I think it is an individual right to choose. I don't know if I have a strong stance on capital punishment. I believe gays should be able to be married and they should have same right as any other couple. The fact about Jesus and his views is I think all of you bring up great things but that is not how we are supposed to make our descions. We are supposed to seperate church and state. But as a country we don't do that very well. Both sides right and left bring things to the table that are very troubling. Our budget is going to get us in trouble and being in a war that is costing us money is bad. We have many problems at home that need to be taken care of.
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