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Everything posted by iceking

  1. What is they type we really don't need to worry about? I am glad that you have a great hobby in that. That is what makes us all different. My wife's family had an extensive gun collection with some very old guns but someone in the government has them now, but I won't go into that on here. If you want to know about that it would be a private conversation. I have said I am not that big on guns or all of that but it is in the constitution and that is what I back. You should be able to own them.
  2. WE sterlized Native Americans during the late 1800's and early 1900's that is an act of genecide and that was on purpose. WE just disagree on this.
  3. I did not say on all accounts were they citizens. But didn't what Custer do an act of genecide. He left noone.
  4. http://www.fda.gov/cder/regulatory/applications/default.htm#top
  5. Plus you have to remember that they are dealing with FDA the government agency with maybe the second largest set of red tape behind the IRS.
  6. It takes at least 10 years for a drug to be approved from start to finish. The cost that goes into research and trials and test on these drugs is staggering. I will have to find something that gives you a price. That is one of the reasons that it is so expensive to have these drugs. There are other factors that go along with it but that is with any billion dollar industry, just like the gun industry.
  7. Well there you ago. Like I have stated before I am not that up on gun law. I personally don't have any need to have a house full of weapons. But I do back the constitution and it says that we have the right to bear arms so unless it is changed then it should be that way. But on the other side I can see where some of this stuff can cause a problem. People are just angry and the need for violence is out of control in this country. We are over worked, over stressed, and over spent. WE don't trust anyone and we don't slow down enough to know our neighbor. So we keep a bunch of guns in the house just in case. Just in case what the Iraqi army comes up Maple Ave. and tries to take over American. I don't see that happening. Do we need all that firepower to kill animals that can be killed with way less? According to the pro gun people we do. IMO we don't
  8. It does seem to be a way for some people to make much money while they use a lower economically group of people to work there. That way they can say look we are providing jobs for this group of people. That seems to be the case in the casino gambling on the Indian Reservations.
  9. Article d and e we did for sure. We have took children and transferred them from groups and tried to teach them the right way. You can say by that article that is what we did to the Indians for sure. But I guess since they fought each other that was OK. Since we have had a civil war and fought each other, should we do that again?
  10. I don't know how easy they are to get. I don't know if it is a good idea to send a bunch of people home with full assault weapons to keep just in case they are needed. I am not against semi-automatic weapons. I think for the most part they get a bad rap. There are laws on the books about guns that are just crazy. But there are modifications that can be done to semi-automatic weapons that make them much more dangerous.
  11. Also some of the things we are discussioning are beliefs in certain religions and churches. That is where the seperation of church and state came in.
  12. The tax thing I am not sure about. I do think we need to do a better job of controling our money. That is one thing that Huckabee says that I liked about this stimilus package that they passed. We have to borrow the money from China to give the money to people to buy products that are made in China. As far as the naked thing that is not the best example. I don't think even without laws or limited laws people would still do things within reason. Of course if it is Halle Berry :dancingpa John Goodman :scared:
  13. You have to remember in the time we are talking about there was little government and people were able to go and take land if another "American Citizen" did not have claim to it. So yes the did have much to do with it.
  14. You just asked me to define assault weapons and that was what I did.
  15. Hate to see the alma mater go down but congrats to the Panthers.
  16. I missed it too. Suprise to many on here. But a few including hoopdr picked it.
  17. Here is an article on the semi-automatic gun law. http://www.nraila.org/Issues/FactSheets/Read.aspx?id=59
  18. I don't even think that the gun laws should be changed. But I was saying it is funny that both sides of the aisle has issues that go against what they say on other issues. But some people get touchy when you question what we have done in our history. Yes there were tribes of Indians that fought each other till death. But there were peaceful ones that were treated horribly bad and to say anything other than that would be like saying slavery was a not that bad of a situation. They were not treated that bad.
  19. But what we did to them is major genocide. But like said before we are off topic so on to the 2nd amendment.
  20. I will agree that I need to study more on gun law. That is one thing that I don't know that much about. It is not an important issue to me. The constitution says for us to be able to bear arms and I have argued before I think that our government has enough control over us.
  21. No tell me who wrote the history that we study. The WASP's did. That is why it looks like we did nothing wrong. I am talking seriously to you but it seems you can't answer the questions straight so you just blow it off.
  22. That is true. We should start a new topic I guess. But that is good point.
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