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Everything posted by iceking

  1. Maybe we should be spending the money in Mexico that we are in Iraq to help them get stable so they won't want to come and better the situation that they are in. IMO
  2. Yes that might be true but Regan never appointed the right justices that got RvW changed. And he had the chance if I remember right. It might have been him and Bush Sr. Plus I don't think I am going to be judged on how I vote. I think there are many other things that I have to worry about before that. :eek:
  3. The pro-life is a big concern of mine too LBBC, but I don't think no matter who is going to be the next president or any from then on will be able to change that law so I think it is a moot point. IMO
  4. That is funny right there. :laugh::laugh::laugh: Plus the red states would have to spend tons of money on keeping the immigrants out. Immigrants spend alot of time in those states to work for low paying jobs that no one else wants.
  5. That is funny right there I don't care who you are. :laugh:
  6. But the conservative country would be in debt so bad to China for the wars they would be in. So in sense they would be more broke.
  7. Is that like a Republican not supporting a Democrat for the same thing?
  8. First this is not just the typical Democrat style it is the political style in America. Democrat or Republican. And yes Obama is being attacked by Cunningham, but Obama never attacked McCain. So that is not a good argument. Neither candidate is attacking it their political parties that are attacking. And as far as the spin stops here, that guy is so conservative it is not funny. Cunningham was on Hannity and Combs again last night and the democratic guy on there could not keep from cracking up at Willie because he knows how he is and he basically said he it was his stitch to do that. They are the same left wing right wing. Trying to sell books and TV shows. Hannity just keeps trying to say that Obama is racial because of his dealings with Farrakhan and the church he goes to and the paper his wife wrote. He can't get anyone to bite on it and I think that is funny. He is going into dangerous territory there. IMO
  9. The process is not for Candidates to give money to voters per say. It is to give money to these super delegates which are elected officials for the most part. They give money to that elected officials campaign in exchange for something. Now they will never say that is for the vote of the super delegate but it is a underhanded way to do that. This process does stink and it is one of the reasons that I don't like the primary process. By the time we get to vote in Kentucky both parties have named there candidates. So do we really get to choose the nominee. Too many places are moving their primaries closer to the front. Now with all of that said do I think this money is a big deal NO.
  10. Tenn has the # 1 RPI. They have everything on their resume that is needed other than the name.
  11. I can see UT beating Ky bad. But I feel like it will be around 8-10
  12. I don't know why, almost everyone has Memphis on there list and Tenn. went into their place and beat them late in the season. I think Tenn. is still a # 1 seed especially if they win out and the SEC tourney.
  13. Team at 62 gets in before us due to the fact they have a win over KY If Kentucky can't win 2 of the last 3 they are not in. I know about the 10 win SEC thing but there is a first time for everything. What happens if they loose two of three now and in the first round of the SEC are they in?
  14. This was announced on 1530 WCKY the sports animal out of Cincinnati today around 4:30. This a good thing. I look forward to it.
  15. He is just trying to sell his stuff. Willie does not know when to stop sometime. I guess I only take up for him because I have done business with him and know he is not like that in person. But they all get on my nerves. I think all of these guys on CNN, MSNBC,Fox are all budies and try to sell each others books, programs, and the like. It is them trying to get the people worked up. I agree that Willie is Willie. He did look like a fool on Hannity and Combs last night.
  16. Should there be an outcry that Willie called McCain, John "Juan Pablo" McCanin last night and said he was throwing his support behind Hillary Rodham Clinton. What about that?
  17. That is funny right there I don't care who you are. :laugh:
  18. Worry what Bill says is like worry about what Woppi says. He puts on an act to get people to buy what he sells and that is his show. He is somewhat national. Not as big as Rush and them but he is not just local.
  19. A .22 will kill a deer. I have killed deer by the way. I just don't get into hunting anymore. Opening weekend of gun season is the state cross country meet which is more important to me now. No a .22 won't kill a bear but my old boss has killed 3 with a bow. He has them in his office. It was a site to see. And I agree with the guns to prescription drugs being like apples to oranges.
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