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Everything posted by BogeyMan

  1. Have you seen Elliott County the past couple of years?
  2. You gotta be kidding! I guess the larger schools want a piece of the pie...and leave the private schools in there. Good small school competition and needs remain the same or even scale back the enrollment numbers to qualify.
  3. :ylsuper: :ylsuper::ylsuper::ylsuper::thumb::thumb:
  4. I don't know whether you choose not to read other posts or just ignore the facts. Elliott will play 3-4 Top 25 teams this year. There schedule was not as strong last year and yet they made a good run at the State, advancing to the quarterfinals with a very young team. And again, if you had a clue as to how the Greenup game was played, you would know the score was decided by Greenup's choice to speed up the game.
  5. OY Preps, Obviously you were not at this game. Greenup continued to attempt a press and continued to try and run the ball and quick shoot at every opportunity. Elliott did nothing to "run the score up." They let Greenup dictate the pace during the whole second half. Greenup pretty much determined the score was going to be high. Tehy absolutely and inexplicably pressed and ran the whole game. Very similar to Kansas v. UK in the Petino era when Petino decided to press and run the whole game and Kansas scored 150 points. Additionally, Timmy Knipp is going to become a big time player if he continues to develop as much as he did this summer.
  6. Early games mean very little. I watched Raceland smack Elliott around pretty good last year in the opener.
  7. With the two best players in the Region on the same team, I am sure Elliott will just mail it in and let Rose Hill have the title. This slight may be just what the Lions need for a little bulletin board reading. I wonder what they have to do to get a little respect from the papers, move the school to Ashland? If it had been a Boyd County school returning this season in the same situation as Elliott I suspect I know who would be ranked first in both the teams and players.
  8. Russell won't be last. Cubster's poll is good as always. According to it the 62nd should be wild this year.
  9. Breck was a lab school on MSU's campus. Ravenscraft went to Rowan County.
  10. The political games in Bath County are not much better than Greenup. Hicks will have his work cut out for him to keep his job there, too.
  11. Not in this end of the region. His antics take away from the kids and game. he is generally considered a joke.
  12. I agree. He is a talented coach and with the size of Boyd's system it can only help the overall stature of the region.
  13. Before everyone gets too excited let us remember his record the last two years at Boyd County (12-16 and 11-16). He has been a very successful coach but the talent level will aslo have to improve before the decline at Boyd Co. reverses.
  14. If true, what a great choice for Greenup. One can only hope the powers that be will leave him alone and let him coach. There is no telling how far he can go with the talent pool at Greenup County compared to what he had to work with in a normal year at Lewis County. I will be very surprised he if he doesn't quickly become sick of the political games normally played at Greenup County, although I wish him the best. He is a great coach and a class act.
  15. It just depends on who is involved and if the parents/coaches have any sense. The AAU program was very beneficial to Elliott County and the tournament experience led directly to winning the regional tournament in my opinion.
  16. That will put middle schoolers and younger gunning from deeper out. I would hate to see it!
  17. The Region has lost one of its most high quality people...a true class act!
  18. For anyone to attack GoRadio's impartiality or professionalism is disgusting and shows a total lack of knowledge of their broadcasts. They have promoted 16th Region sports teams and players for years and we are lucky to have someone of that level covering our area teams.
  19. Pratt has announced his retirement. Boyd has lost a major asset to the young men who come through that program. He has been a class act in the 16th for many years.
  20. Menifee has been a one stop graveyard for coaches. Apparently there is not much support to build a program and a there has been a lack of talent for many years. It may have to do with the administration or the feeder system or both. I know it is a small school, but the other region small schools are able to put together a solid team every few years. It seems to run in cycles for smaller schools, but Menifee County hasn't been real competetive for many, many years, and coaches don't stick arouond for more than a year or two.
  21. Hicks was a joke on the sidelines. Greenup will be better off without his antics and constant distractions. The man never agreed with one call that went against his team the whole time he was there...and he showed his disagreement in the most disrespectful manner possible. I don't know him in his private life, but his example to his players in public was to throw the biggest possible fit every time something did not go his way.
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