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Everything posted by BadCat

  1. I kind of agree about MVP award, except that I think Billy Joe Hearn Award is based on entire season rather than just tournament, but someone correct me if wrong. If so Rich is deserving. The game was true defensive struggle, and Caleb Fetters is one of best defensive players I have ever seen, and was rewarded with 56th defensive player of year award. As far as Tourney MVP, I would have gone with Dixon. He is big, strong, can really handle the ball, score (inside or out), and rebound. I like his play even better than region POY winner Gilbert. He has better attitude, and is much more team oriented. Ken Brandeburg also played excellent tournament, and will only be better next year. Also, let me commend folks that ran the tournament this year. Huge crowds, but traffic control and hospitality top-notch. Excellent sportsmanship from teams and fans. And I love that train whistle from Estill County band.
  2. Thanks Gold Sunrise. I hope Lee County doesn't have to play Estill again. Trust me Dixon is a horse. Whichever winner draws Estill had best know they are subject to early exit next week.
  3. Both teams let nothing on the floor. Dixon had free throw to tie with 4.5 let and missed, Lee hit last two free throws. Classic game. Lee County gym packed, probably record crowd. (Can somebody edit thread title, I cant get my piece of junk computer to open "start a new thread".)
  4. Way to go tigers! Professor, when do we get those burgers at White Flash? I can usually go for about ten of them. Wife won't get around me for a week.
  5. Yes they have some good sized kids. Dixon is a big strong boy that can put the ball on the floor and go to the hoop. Some talk above about Lee overlooking Estill, but that won't happen, as concern was that Bobcats would overlook Owsley. We have seen enough of Estill this year to understand perfectly what can happen. Estill may beat Lee, but it won't be because Lee underestimated them
  6. Professor, we used to redshirt kids at Lee and you all too at Owsley to get that extra year of growth. Don't do it anymore, and it was part of the reason Lee County faded in 90's.
  7. I think Powell was outmanned this year, but I don't think the have a senior. Anybody know for sure? If that is right, they will be much improved next year. Another year makes a big difference with teenage kids, size and strengthwise. I look for Owsley and Breathhitt to improve for the same reason
  8. No doubt about Hazard and Leslie. You win the district, and then supposed to get an easier draw with a runner-up. No such luck this year. Winners and runners-up are going to be about the same. No easy draw anywhere that I see.
  9. I really believe that tis won't be the last time Lee and Estill play this year. I believe they may be the best two teams left. I believe Lee will win at home. The game that scares me will be on the nuetral floor at Knott, if it happens
  10. I don't understand the surprise here. Powell finishes 8-17, 1-9 in the region with a lone win against Owsley. Estill one of three best teams left in region, and very possibly the best. Estill should have won big, and they took care of business.
  11. Coach Wright should have thrown one of those three games in the regular season so that Lee wouldn't be in this terrible position of needing to pick up that fourth win. Everyone knows it is easier to win later if you lose a couple earlier! Come on guys, being 3-0 against a team is an advantage, not a detriment, common sense tells you that. Lee may well lose to Estill because Estill certainly has the horses to pull it off, but it is NOT going to be easier for them because Lee has already beat them three times. I'll take Lee, because they have proved that they can win.
  12. Good level for Gilbert. Linsey-Wilson in particular plays a competetive brand of basketball.
  13. I'm going to pick Wolfe, but very low confidence in that selection. I believe Stamper will be the difference
  14. Estill overcame that pesky "hard to win three" factor an completely dominated Powell. Estill is a top regional contender, and the game friday with Lee will be a barn-burner. If you are coming, better be there early because house will be packed.
  15. Don't know much about skiing but Hazard and PCC split two games the years you refer to. I hope tou are right about Estill and Powell, because I would rather Lee play Powell, because Estill has proven to be the best team. Unfortunately, I look for Lee and Estill to tip it off Friday. BTW, Lee proved that you can beat a team four times in a year last night.
  16. Fetters, Rich, Brandenburg too much for Owls. Anybody thinks Neeley is not top notch player wasn't at this game.
  17. How many times? I'm sure it happens occasionally, but often enough to say that it is hard to win three times? Lee has beat Owsley and Estill three times this year, Owsley beat Lee and Wolfe three times last year. Wolfe beat Powell three times last year. It just ain't that hard. I'll take the team that has won twice head up every single time. Sure, I'll lose occasionally, but in the long run I would be a very wealthy man.
  18. Somebody at KABC must be reading my posts. He surely deserves the honor.
  19. Why is it hard to beat a team three times? If team A has beaten team B twice in the same season, it would seem that team A has pretty well established that they are the best team, and will win the third game almost every time.
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