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Everything posted by mountainwarrior

  1. I know this is for fun but I think some people will get all fired up over it. With that said why doesnt someone not just pick the teams in it but pick the winners and give an estimated score. Then when the real tournament rolls around it will be fun to look back and see was the best guesser.
  2. Something tells me that Morgan is going to be ready to defend their house. Here it is the middle of January and this is going to be only their second home game, they will be pumped and ready to play. But if they aren't Rowan definetly could pull the upset. I take MC by 9
  3. I dont know if Stamper makes them a favorite to win the district but he sure improves their chances
  4. JBS is for real. I wasn't sure if they were, but this win solidifies them as a contender in the 14th.
  5. Gilbert did have 32 points but I was impressed with his game as a whole. I was talking to a Wolfe assisitant after the game and he told me that Gilbert also had 15 boards and 12 assists. A heck of a game. Stamper helped the Wolves out a great deal. He hit 7 threes and opened the lane up. If he continues to do that than the Wolves will be improved greatly because so far teams have just packed the paint on the Wolves and they have struggled to score but with Stamper hitting the 3s team cant put 5 guys in the lane and it will help his younger teammates out, letting them have more one on one scoring oppurtunities. I beleive the Wolves are going to start improving
  6. Breathitt is not a bad team. They have lost alot of clsoe games and in that they are gaining valuable experience. Breathitt impressed me, they played hard and shot the ball extremely well. It was a good game to watch. Congrats to the Wolves
  7. gilbert didnt gaurd rich, wolfe tried to let their "big men" gaurd him and you are right wolfe didnt contain hin he did have a good game
  8. I agree with wolfe and lee having great places to play lee's new gym is a dandy and they have great fan suport wolfes gym is a dandy also with new bleacers and a new floor but their fan base is down this year with the team struggling, this is when we need to be out there cheering them on more than ever everyone has to love PCC's gym although it can fell empty at times
  9. i have heard alot about the dixon and berryman? boys heard that they are real players I hope they play well too and they need some recognition in this region if they are as good as I have heard. But still this will be a god game, would lke to see it
  10. thank you ronniethepopular and i am sure that cody will apperciate the compliments too and your point about rich drawing double teams is very valid but the difference is that rich has help on his team and if you double him too much someone is there to make you pay, Brandenburg or a twin, a main reason that lee is hot right now, but with wolfe co. gilbert is struggling to find help someteams just run two and three players all night i havet seen estill play but from what i have heard dixon is a good player you are right I am a grown man too and I dont want to ever put a kid down I just try to get on here and defend gilbert because I hate to see such a god kid from my comunity getting so much negative press
  11. my point is why wouldnt gilbert shoot the ball, his team had a chance to step up agaisnt KCC when he only took 8 shoots but no what happened his team got beat by 40 , so from a fans point of view (who has been to every game) why would Gilbert want to shhot the ball also everyone likes to act like all he does is shoot, they just ignore his 14 boards a game and his 5 assists per, sounds like he is doing his part all over the floor not just on the offensive end
  12. he mightve taken alot of shots but he also lead the team in assists with six gilbert should take alot of shots, wolfe has noone else to score, it was probably a little less than half his team shots (if you are referring to the lee county game) it seems that noone it the region likes Gilbert, is it jealousy or what, Neely is in the same situation at owsley as gilbert is in at wolfe but none is ever bashing him for taking to many shots (he doesnt deserve it, all he is doing is trying to win) i was asking how he padded his stats at the end of the games when he is the most double teamed man in the region and anbody who wants to argue that just needs to talk to any 14th region coach they would tell you why should my team double or triple him because when he passes it to his teammates they dont seem to know what to do with it they have had tons of turnovers in teir games, maybe gilbert shots it because he is the only one who can get the ball down the court sometimes and if you are wondering yes I am a wolfe fan and yes it is hard going trough this dismal season but i just dont like gilbert being made out as sch a horrible ball hog
  13. I dont think the 14th is as weak as every one says it is yes there are some lower level teams but every region has that but what the 14th is that alot of the other regions arent is that its competitive year in and year out with as many as 6 to 8 teams fighting for the trip to rupp
  14. i had thought it might be but i wasnt sure any stats yes leslie is a very solid team but smith will make owsley a drastically better team ( i think) so dont count them out this early
  15. should be a good game, you dont hear much about cordia but i have seen them play and they are a solid team
  16. just wondering where people liked to wach games and players love to play games rate your gyms an appearance,atmosphere, and facilities, lockerrooms etc.
  17. i think leslie will come away with the win but it will be a hard fought battle, great chance for buckhorn to prove the stength in the region and maybe pull out a big upset
  18. any stats congrats to the tigers is KCC slipping as of late I think i have seen a few loses in the past few weeks whats going on?
  19. you are right uk96 but what some people are saying about old players reffing just seems a little strange to me
  20. professor, was the game this onesided throughtout it or did the score just get out of hand in the last few minutes with the owls trying to scrap back, that seems to happen alot and people think that teams get blown out when they lose by 20 but it is easy to hae the game within reach say around 10 or so with 2 or 3 minuts left and then with fouling and gambling defenses the score just gets pushed up also do you have any stats
  21. gilbert didnt score 10 from the freethrow line in the last few minutes he missed 4 in a row and only had 8 from te line in the whole game
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