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Everything posted by bballfamily

  1. Bill Clinton is a smooth talker as all hucksters are.
  2. Beats the heck out of a monarchy or a dictatorship that controls 99% of the wealth.
  3. I find disrespect of our flag distasteful. It does not matter who it is. I agree that tattered flags need to be taken down. I mow a cemetery that has lots of vets buried there. I remove all flags that start to show wear and tear and dispose of them properly.
  4. Do you really think talking to people who cut off the heads of living humans will be beneficial? Or talking to heads of state that wish to commit genocide will be beneficial?
  5. I teach as well and do not accept the petty excuse that they are just kids. All actions have consequences. Based on your beliefs we would have to excuse all misbehavior because "they are just kids". Those young people knew what they were doing.
  6. Is it possible he had a love for his new homeland? He may have had a dislike for the leadership of the land of his birth, but could have had a love of the country he left.
  7. If what you say is true, how come all the Germany, Polish, Russian, Japanese, Itatian, etc, etc immigrants children learned to speak English? Not to mention people of Spanish heritage in previous generations.
  8. Gerrymandering was ruled illegal by the Sumpreme Court years ago..
  9. I hope the day comes when none of this matters. I hope we can simply elect the person who is best suited to do the job. We would base our vote on who best represents our political beliefs, not because someone is of certain race or sex. I could never vote for either of the Democratic candates as their political beliefs are opposite of mine, pure and simple.
  10. My daughter earned enough, but does not get a stimulus check, because we claimed her on our taxes. She was getting everything back anyway. Would this be your case?
  11. The melting pot means we become one, Americans. I am an American of German heritage, but when it comes down to it I am an American first and always. I do not have a German flag flying from my front porch, but the Stars and Stripes.
  12. Then it is a tax on profits, not an export tax. With twisted logic like that, it is no wonder no one pays attention to the Constitution or that when they do they just make up interpretations to fit their needs and have us in the mess we are in these days.
  13. You always use a combination history and current events to determine what is going on and try to judge what the future may bring.
  14. Check the Constitution, exports taxes are not allowed. In the Commerce Compromise (Constitutional Convention) tariffs were allowed on imports, but not on exports. The North wanted tariffs on both, the South was against tariffs on both, henceforth the compromise.
  15. I thought it also was to include the interest rates as well. Carter came up with this ploy as a campaign tatic with the economic slowdown under Ford. It came back to bite him as the economy went south during his 4 years in office.
  16. While there were many great projects completed by the New deal programs, they did not get us out of the Depression. A very good example of why big government programs are not the solutions to economic problems. Do not confuse this with there was a real need to help people feed their families during this time of economic despair. The point is that government cannot spend us into prosperity.
  17. Congress can pass a measure allowing domestic drilling in Alaska, the gulf and off the coast of California. 80 billion barrels of oil waiting to be tapped. As far as those who oppose this for environmental reasons, we can drill and not destroy the environment. All the doom and gloom predictions of how Alaska would be destroyed by the pipeline have never come true. Yes I know you will say that was the pipeline then, but what about now? There will be accidents, but the world will not come to an end. With even better technology, damage will be small or not at all. Yet there will be those who will still say no. It is a good thing that these doomers and gloomers were were not around when man discovered fire, our ancestors would have frozen to death and there would be no BGP.
  18. I made the comment to friends 3 years ago we should take him out, but we have not.
  19. Mistakes are made in all wars. When they disbanded the Iraqi Army I wondered why they did that, because in WWII we used our former enemies in some situations to help us maintain order. Just because you make mistakes does not mean you turn tail and run. You adapt and overcome.
  20. His lack of effort on the war on terror led to deaths at Kobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, 2 embassies in Africa and the attack on the USS Shaw. Besides I was bored today and wanted to see if I could stir up things.
  21. President Busdh wanted to celebrate our victory, but the Bush haters began their campaign to discredit the US and its 40 or so allies for getting rid a vile dicatator. They hate the idea that the US is the only superpower in the world. They rather see their own country drug through the mud than to rid the world of a would be Hitler/Stalin dictator. There is nothing that would make these people happy, but the US suffering in any way possible, whether it be politically, economically or militarially.
  22. Campbell Co. goes to Ohio on a regular basis. They used to go to Indiana at one time . I do not know if they still go there or not.
  23. What I am pointing out is that we have not destroyed the earth. The sky has not fallen in, it was wrong what was done to the buffalo. As far as oil being a limited resouce they predicted in 1919 that in 10 years all the oil would be gone. Also Brazil has announced 2 huge oil finds off their coast. I have been hearing doom and gloom for the last 35 years and we are still here.
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