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Everything posted by stickymitts

  1. Are you saying Randy Parker is like the Easter Bunny and lesbians that think highly of men? Figments of our imagination?
  2. As long as I haven't said anything that has offended you and you don't want to physically harm me, I'm in.
  3. Very cool. Love when guys do the unexpected to help out others.
  4. How many minutes are these coaches getting per game?
  5. I wonder what they did without access to MySpace all day. Or is it "ConfinedSpace"?
  6. Love the pimp in the turtle neck chucking his blow up noise maker. That's some violent stuff.
  7. Since we're discussing the last few months and numerous threads regarding race relations I'd like to also acknowledge TheDeuce. Although, he only offers half the insight of PP92. :taz:
  8. Happens all the time at work. People accidentally hit the little red switch on the power strip. The only difference is, it takes North Korea 9 hours to figure out what happened.
  9. I missed arrogant. Was arrogant in there? Did I skip over arrogant? I'm not sure, but I didn't see arrogant. Anyone else? :banana::banana: My man!
  10. There are two reasons for imprisonment. To rehabilitate someone or to keep them from harming others. Locking this lady up does what to this woman that hasn't already been done? A fine is a waste of time.
  11. Are you smarter than a criminal?
  12. Ironically, those are also the best ones.............. #boomroasted
  13. Okafor will be the #1 pick. At 50% Okafor is not a very good free throw shooter. Duke is, IMO, the only team that can beat Kentucky. (Although either team could lose to someone else along the way) To debate who will win is a waste of time.
  14. You would have never lasted 4 minutes... "Ah Thank you!"
  15. That's just a pet peeve of mine. I'm tired of all the arguing over who would win a game that may never take place. So stupid.
  16. How many minutes you get last night?
  17. I'm sure he is thinking the same thing the rest of us are. Girlfriends getting a free trip and is going to be a pin cushion.
  18. Destinations: Milan, Prague, Paris, Bangkok and New Delhi. She'll be making more than one stop at one of these locations.
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