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Everything posted by offside

  1. Quit heckling me, ZC. I would never have been suspended from this site if I wasn't defending your bad calls, and I ain't gonna fall for it again. :banana::bunny:
  2. Dang, I had no idea there were announcers lurking around. I got nobody else to deflect the criticism to! Really, I think the announcers are very professional (especially the PBP guy) and are doing a great job. Sounds like a big time network broadcast.
  3. Nah, they just didn't understand the concept of faceguarding or the fact that a sideline warning is in fact a warning. I've heard much worse.
  4. 93 yard drive. (Aided by an "unconventional" Illegal Block Below the Waist against the BC defense.)
  5. I think it's unsportsmanlike conduct: Rule 9.5.1(d)...Using disconcerting acts or words prior to the snap in an attempt to interfere with A's signals or movements.
  6. I'll shut up and run my laps now. "Rabbit ears are bad; thick skin is good."
  7. I should apologize. I just get worked up when somebody describes the officiating, especially for a third round playoff game, as "subjective, blatant and erroneous". You all cheer for your team; I reckon I cheer for mine too. Nevertheless, thank you all for letting me hang out here and participate in the conversation.
  8. Here's some solutions that don't cost a dime: 1. Let's say the kicker removes all doubt and kicks it between the uprights? 2. How about an acknowledgement that the official under the uprights has the best view possible and is trained to make the call? 3. Ooh, here's another good one: Know the Rules. A kick must pass completely inside the extended uprights in order to be judged good. 4. Last but not least, the NFL and NCAA have demonstrated that technology (i.e. video replay) proves nothing unless it is indisputably conclusive. Even with lazer beams and robots, somebody will still have to wear the striped shirt and be accountable for a judgment call.
  9. NFHS Rule 8-4-1c (Field Goal)...The kicked ball shall pass between the vertical uprights or inside of the uprights extended and above the crossbar of the opponent's goal. (If any portion of the ball is judged to be outside the inner edge of the uprights extended, the kick is deemed unsuccessful). NCAA Rule 12-7-1...In order to reverse an on-field ruling, the replay official must see indisputable video evidence through one or more video replays provided to the monitor. "The ruling on the field stands. Video replay failed to provide the indisputable evidence necessary to overturn the call.":D
  10. You did. And the photo shows him praying that he won't ever have to work another game without offside. :banana:
  11. Well....the crew was from Lexington. Funny, I worked a state championship game with this referee several years ago between TWO "mountain" teams. I distinctly remember the two of us laughing at the ridiculous accusations of incestuous favoritism by BOTH sides. Even in the playoffs, when my Northern Kentucky crew works games in the eastern part of the state, we get these ridiculous comments. Other places, they just boo. In the mountains, they tend to make accusations of payoffs and being the brother-in-law of the opposing coach's wife. I'm probably stepping in a big steaming pile on this one, but what gives with this insecure attitude toward officials that seems to only be present in Eastern Kentucky?
  12. From the Cincinnati Enquirer: "Teipel crossed the 100 yard mark by the opening minute of the second quarter, scored his fourth touchdown by that quarter’s conclusion and was warming himself on the sideline for good by the half. The rest of the Tigers’ starters joined him shortly thereafter. That included junior quarterback Matt Rigdon, who piled up 131 passing yards and 81 rushing yards before being pulled at the start of the third quarter." The box score indicates that Beechwood scored 6 points in the second half. Again, I am not in the business of defending coaches. But I sure don't see any evidence of a "classless" act.
  13. Incorrect. The running clock starts with a 45 point differential in the second half. I don't have a dog in the fight, but any criticism of Coach Rash for being "classless" is severely misplaced. And I am quite confident that Coach Hornsby agrees. Congratulations to Ludlow for a very successful season.
  14. That was the coldest game I ever reffed. The toilets in the official's dressing room were frozen solid. Thankfully, the livestock stalls were nearby and were nicer anyway. Can't say I miss the Fairgrounds. A close second was the 2003 semifinal between E-town and Owensboro Catholic. A two-foot snow drift accumulated in my ear that night. Thank God for the hot burgoo from Moonlight Bar-B-Q!
  15. I misread the thread title. Thought it said, "Chad Johnson Decapitated." Dang.
  16. Now Jimmy, that's questionable Kool-Aid you're peddling. Stirring the pot has its limitations.
  17. My supervisor doesn't want any 5 yard "running into" fouls. It's either roughing, or it's nothing, which makes it simple. Another philosophy is to call "running into" the kicker if the defender makes slight contact with the kicking leg, and "roughing" if the defender contacts the plant leg in any way. I don't work in the SEC, so I don't know the criteria they're using.
  18. Well, here's what the NCAA Rules Book says: *Roughing is a personal foul that endangers the kicker or holder. *Running into the kicker or holder is a foul that occurs when the kicker or holder is displaced from his kicking or holding position but is not roughed. *When in question whether the foul is "running into" or "roughing", the foul is "roughing." That not very clear, is it? I bet that the 5-yard "running into" the kicker foul will be eliminated in the next couple years just like the 5-yard facemask was this year.
  19. Okay, you're not responsible for that specific load in my knickers. I'm still not a member of your fan club. Seriously, when I retire from reffing, I wanna apply for a position on the howitzer crew! BAM!
  20. You must be mistaking me for somebody else! Really, I was referring to a 'flop' I took several years ago as I ran past the cannon--I think it was the Highlands v. Boyle County game in 2004. We had a good laugh with it, but by no means was I hurt in any way. If somebody really did get hurt, I apologize for making light of it.
  21. :lol: Stupid refs, mostly. Your boys shot my hat clean off as I ran by one time! I miss Boom and the boys on the sideline, but I for one am glad that they moved the battery to higher ground. Makes it harder to hit a moving target!
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