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Everything posted by TonyDanza

  1. Way to go SHA! :thumb: If I was the coach of Assumption, two of the players would have been YANKED because of their behavior towards the end of game. Rivalry or not...you NEVER laugh when you hurt a player!
  2. When I first joined I was a dude! :lol::lol::lol:
  3. So good to hear from you BF. Continued prayers and better health my friend! Sorry but I am going to speak for me, you and PH! I am so OVER us (and others) going through...illness, cancer, insert a health problem here! In my maybe not so famous BGP words I say this! CRAP and for the Love of GOD please make it stop! :irked:
  4. Continued prayers. I know how tough all this is. I think its even worse when the process is drawn out. Keep your head up FKW. Your BGP family is here for you.
  5. Ouch! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: BTW....nice knowing you! :scared::scared::scared:
  6. Birdsfan...my motto for today..."I believe there are angels among us"
  7. Someone called me and said I won the Bob the Builder #1 fan award! They said if I joined BGP I would get a prize! Needless to say I didn't win the award because I was never the #1 fan so I got mad and started tasing people. :lol::lol::lol::lol: Or maybe it was because I wanted to kick the crap out of RockPride and Gametime? Or maybe it was because Rockmom was my long lost prom date in 1980 something? No wait it could have been Tubby's or the Private Schools fault that I joined? What was the question of this thread? Why I am here? Who are you people? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
  8. nWo the BGP weatherman rocks! :ylsuper::ylsuper: Rockmom may have to go to take a look at the Square can't see it from my office!
  9. :lol::lol::lol: True story my friend! I was so pulling for Oregon!
  10. I am feeling good with the exception of a few chemo side effects. Bald, bones still ache, fingers tips tingle and get numb. Taste buds are ok but could be much better. I do notice I get a little more tired at random times of the day. I honestly have a hard time complaining because overall…it has not been all that bad. I also unfortunately get to see MANY people that are much worse off than me so why should I complain?! This week will be busy with work, doctor appointments and tests. Doctor appointment and CT Scan tomorrow, PET Scan Thursday, Chemo #3 next Tuesday.
  11. I have to agree with you on this from the times I have seen him. Of course I have few other choice thoughts about this coach as well but I will keep that to myself for once. :lol::lol::lol:
  12. That made me laugh out loud! :lol::lol::lol:
  13. I have several I live by but there is something that totally drives me crazy that others do. Please do not take offense if you dress this way. It is just my personal opinion. I do NOT like flat bill hats (frontwards, backwards or sideways) or oversized clothes. When I see a flat bill hat I want to take it and bend it!!! I don't show you my underwear so please don't show me yours!!
  14. Ok REALLY...you had to tell me that?! :laugh::laugh::laugh:
  15. Ann Taylor look but I am so not afraid to shop at Target for that look.
  16. Don't put words in my mouth! I think its funny that certain people won't EVER admit that "their player" did something wrong but will jump all over another player just because they don't like the team/player. IF YOU WOULD READ MY FIRST POST....I admitted that Jennings was wrong!
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