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Everything posted by Hasbeen

  1. I would think it depends on who KC hires to replaced Mills. Scotty Russell is getting a lot of support locally and is considered a leading candidate. However, the administration has assured us that they will go after the best they can find. Scotty ran the offense while Wayne was the defensive architect. Knox Central will need to hire either a defensive minded head coach or, if Russell is given the job, a defensive coordinator. Unlike last time, KC is now an upper level program with great facilities and a top notch feeder program. A very attractive job that should get the attention of numerous quality coaches. It should be interesting to see who applies.
  2. I just can't see Wayne Mills taking the position. He is a lifelong Knox County resident, played for Knox Central, attended Union College, his wife works in the Knox system and his kids attend Knox schools. His ambition was to become the head coach at KC and he has turned a nothing program into one that has played in the regional championship two of the past three years. He has told many parents that he is where he wants to be. With all due respect to Bell, Harlan, Corbin etc., I fully expect Coach Mills to guide Knox Central into the position to be the dominant program in this area. I think if I were a Bell administrator, I would have to take a good look at what a certain young coach is doing at the bottom of Log Mountain.
  3. Wayne has told several of us privately that he is very happy where he is and would have no interest in Bell County. I believe him although I do expect Bell to come after him hard.
  4. Well said, Jim. The big city private schools are so different from my world that I really couldn't care less what they do until they start blowing the "we work harder" trumpet. If the good programs in my area of the state worked any harder Child Welfare Services would investigate the coaches.
  5. Harlan Co. is a program on the upswing. It was anounced yesterday that a million dollar private contribution will allow them to finally complete their sports complex. With Coach Larkey at the helm, this will be program to be reckoned with in the future.
  6. Knox Central is a very good football team with few weaknesses. However, Bell found and exploited those weaknesses and was clearly the better team. Congrats to Bell and good luck the rest of the way. KC finishes a school record 10-3 losing to Bell twice and an overtime loss to Johnson Central. Not too shabby guys.
  7. After seeing them tonight, Bell could very well be the best team outside of 6A in the state.
  8. I posted this a few minutes ago in the Bell Co./Knox Central thread but I've decided this should have it's own thread. From Cincinnati.Com: Heading into this weekend’s games, Bell County coach Dudley Hilton has 344 career victories — one shy of the former Newport Central Catholic coach’s record. Bell County should beat Knox Central in Friday’s Class 4A regional title game. (It already beat Knox Central once this year, 21-7.) Schneider amassed his wins during 44 seasons at his alma mater. Hilton is in his 35th year as Bell County’s head coach. Whether it comes this year or early next, that's a great career!:notworthy::thumb:
  9. I can't believe this has not been brought up yet. "Heading into this weekend’s games, Bell County coach Dudley Hilton has 344 career victories — one shy of the former Newport Central Catholic coach’s record. Bell County should beat Knox Central in Friday’s Class 4A regional title game. (It already beat Knox Central once this year, 21-7.) Schneider amassed his wins during 44 seasons at his alma mater. Hilton is in his 35th year as Bell County’s head coach." Hopefully, Knox Central wins so that Coach Hilton can have the entire off season to prepare for the big celebration that will most assuredly come in the second game of the 2011 season!:lol:
  10. That's key, especially when applying for grants. At some point an elevated walking track will be installed making the facility user friendly for the community also.
  11. The one at Knox Central was paid for with booster funds and grants. It's used by most of the sports programs plus PE, ROTC, and even some academic functions. It's an extremely handy thing to have not only during inclement weather but also during the hot, preseason days when many teams were forced to cancel practices due to heat.
  12. Lots of talent on the old Evarts, Cumberland and Cawood teams. Just a matter of time before Coach Larkey blends them into a championship team. This could be the year.
  13. Odds definitely favor it. I would really like to see the new plant Bell is to recieve increase their enrollment so they can make a quick return to 4A. I would also like to see Rock return to their glory days. Imagine what an exciting district battle it would be between these three teams!
  14. I don't think this one will be as low scoring an affair as the regular season game. KC has done what they needed: experimented, added some options, moved pieces around the board. Problem is, Bell seems to have done the same. I think this one will be 35-28 one way or another. Since I'm a KC fan, I'll pick the Panthers. Knox Central will be a district/regional contender on a regular basis now. It would be so much sweeter to take it from Bell rather than inherit it.
  15. Sneaked in? I saw it coming after the regular season game and even posted as such in the the '08 prediction thread. Got rediculed pretty well as I recall.
  16. As my username implies, I've been a member of this club for quite some time.
  17. Here is the game story and a few stats. http://dailyindependent.com/localsports/x892106606/Knox-ed-Out
  18. Hazard is a real threat to win it all this year. Great season for Coach Bart Elam and his Pineville Mountain Lions.
  19. Congratulations to Rowan County on a great season. 10-2 a fine record for anyone and they played a great offensive game scoring 36 points on a KC defense allowing only 10.8 on the season. Congrats to KC. Most wins ever for a KC team (10-2). QB Johnathon Barger 7-10 for 120 yards. Jeffrey Canady rushes for over 200 yards despite leaving the game early in the third quarter with cramps. On to Log Mountain!
  20. OK, let's try it this way. "One thing that concerns me about both Knox Central and Bell is that neither have been involved in a close game in nearly two months" How's that?
  21. From the Ashland Independent: http://dailyindependent.com/localsports/x2073124697/Monday-Morning-Quaterback-Watch-what-you-tweet As Rowan County coach ShaDon Brown said on Friday night, “Their kids hate ours for some reason and ours hate them for some reason.” Or as Knox Central Coach Wayne Mills said in the Corbin Times Tribune:http://thetimestribune.com/sports/x552966727/No-love-lost-between-Rowan-and-Knox-Central “Well, we played them during the summer in a seven-on-seven game and you can say there isn’t any love lost between us,” he said. “Yeah, I don’t think we like each other that much.”
  22. Do you consider 41-20 and 35-0 a challenge? I'm not saying Bell isn't playing good teams. I'm saying they've not been challenged.
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