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Everything posted by greendevil

  1. No disrespect to NCC/Dixie but I beleive the winner of the Bluebird/Colonel game will be at Rupp...
  2. Didn't Holmes just lose by 19 last night???:confused:
  3. If you have watched him more this season that always seems to be the case...
  4. I havent' seen them this season, but in the past the Lloyd cheering section has been one of the more obnoxious/inappropriate ones... I am not from Ludlow.. now you have...
  5. I agree that probably the biggest problem is where to put the school (lack of space)...
  6. This has been rumored for a long long time but the only thing that you always hear is that it will happen eventually... But how long is eventually... We've been waitin' for eventually to end for about 10-15 years now... So I don't know if it will ever happen...
  7. Did anyone else think that the block that gave NC the lead with less than a minute a no doubt charge?
  8. Bad pass at the end... I would have probably taken my chances with Llanes or Glenn end gettin end to end, but I can understand what they were trying to do. NCC had a couple chances to win in regulation at the basket and could have ended it there... hate to see a games final lead change come on a questionable call at the basket, but thats the way the ball bounces... Gesenhues hit some big threes for NCC... Congrats to NC on advancing and congrats to Newport on a good season...
  9. Senior night seniors should start as long as they realize that they still have to follow the rules... I have seen where some seniors do something against team rules with the attitude.... "they can't not play us on senior night"... in that case they should be sat down and put in their place. I also feel there is no obligation for one to play the seniors in any more than the first few minutes unless beneficial to the team...
  10. Some of the best talent fails because of poor work ethic, bad decision making, and playing for the Knicks...
  11. Its gotta be Willie... I understand they had talent coming back.... but didn't they have something like 10 wins last year?
  12. :thumb: Maybe "Penick and the Panthers" or maybe even "Dan and Chase and the Panthers" but not Logan and the Panthers...
  13. There are different types of defenders... There needs to be more clarification... a post defender, an on ball defender, a wing defender... Which one?
  14. I'm not a Ludlow fan but IMO, you need to see someone more than once before you can pass judgement on them... Penick is more than just a tall guy...
  15. Who got the last shot... or was it that sort of deal...
  16. Just out of curiosity.... where did this game take place, for what tournament...
  17. Cooper from Brossart I think won A school state shot last year... I think he is a junior this year. Last season I know he was throwing around 51'... Don't know how that compares with everyone else around the state, but it's the best I've seen in watching about 2/3 years of H.S. shot...
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