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Everything posted by mexitucky

  1. I agree that if you want to play more than one then you should for sure. If football and soccer were in different seasons, my boys would do both. The problem w/ specialization isn't specialization. If a kid loves a sport, then they will be playing it on their own whether in season or not. Actually, they'll probably be playing more than they would in season at the local playground or wherever. The problem w/ specialization are the parents who don't understand how college recruiting works. Playing for a high club level/travel team is all well and good, but if your kid can't hit 85 on the radar gun, or is too slow, nothing is going to help get them beyond the kids that can throw or run fast in a coach's eyes.
  2. No, what it means is that you are doing what you can to get a scholarship. Chances are much better that no matter how hard you work, you won't get a scholarship b/c you aren't that type of athlete. That being said, you will have a more successful high school career in your sport of choice. Therein lies the dilemma. Do you want to be good and maybe great at one sport, or marginal at all 3? That is something that only the athlete can answer.
  3. I don't know what this means. You can make stats say whatever you want. The fact is that Ezekial didn't get a scholarship to THE OSU b/c he played basketball or ran track. He got a scholarship to play for the Bucks b/c he is a genetic freak like 98% of that roster. If you are a marginal athlete, and you are in a highly skilled sport like soccer or bball, then you have to practice that skill continually or you will fall behind to the kids that do.
  4. We are talking about 2 totaly different types of athletes. Unless you have a DI body, you will fall behind in other sports. OSU's WRs who played basketball weren't falling behind on the football field b/c they were better athletes than the kids on the other side of the field. Their linemen weren't going to not get DI scholarships b/c you can't teach that type of athleticism at 6'5 300+ lbs. Those kids could have not played another sport and still gotten the full ride. It was up to the kids. It is the D3 type athlete that get hurt by not specializing. Where they would really have to hone skill throughout the year be it BBall, Soccer, or baseball, they are getting passed up in those sports by kids who do focus. It is up to the athlete to balance, do I want to improve very marginal chances of going higher than D3, or do I want to be a role player in all 3 sports.
  5. This is way out there, but someone threw out the coach at TMC if a certain figure could be reached and a teaching spot were open. I didn't realize that TMC paid so poorly.
  6. For how tall he is, and what he can do, Bolden from Holmes gets my vote.
  7. I was just messing w/ him. Seems like everything he says is in good fun.
  8. If a team can only shoot 36% from the line, or somewhere near that, no amount of adjustment is going to help. They have to shoot better.
  9. You haven't been to the football threads this year, I suppose.
  10. I am 100% sure that it wasn't. These 2 teams had played 3 times in the past 2 weeks. All 3 were feisty. If the ref was trying to put the kabash on emotions taking over the games, the 1st quarter would have been a great time to start now in the dying seconds of the game.
  11. I was wrong on whose possession it was on the inbound. SV's player was facing Ahfeld w/ his back to the official. That part is correct. Ahfeld hit his arm away. It was a reactionary call in a game that got away from the official.
  12. Wait, what??? Was that a positive comment towards the Breds? Are you softening in your old age?
  13. Yes, but the past 6 years Wisconsin White-Water has owned the Mount.
  14. Please tell me that you can tell the difference. Your screen name says that you are a hoops fan. You are telling me that you have never seen a better group of ball players lose to a good group of ball players who played harder? NewCath's group is extremely skilled. CovCath has 1 player who was one of the top 2 on the court Friday and then you have a group of kids that are good basketball players and work and scrap extremely hard. It is not an insult, it is a compliment to CovCath. If anything, it would be viewed as an insult to NewCath.
  15. I truly don't. Not this group, and not last year, at least not in terms of being a better collective of basketball skills. They are better competitors and that is a great advantage to have.
  16. I don't think so bc Pangallo didn't look to bump anyone either. This angle really wasn't a big deal. Being able to grab and slap played more into it
  17. This reminds me more of our early frustrations w Beechwood in football. You know that you are more talented or just as talented a lot of the time, but they KNOW that they can beat you and you think that you can win. The mental gap bn knowing you can and thinking you can is worth a first quarter a lot of the time.
  18. No excuse, just how this game went. NewCath never adjusted to the physicality that CovCath presented. CovCath's kids take it to the limit to see what they can get away with. If you are able to use your hands and body to direct ball handlers and slap at wrists then it affects an offense. NewCath never did the same on the other end. Adjusting to how a game is called is an important part of the game as well. Winning teams do that, and I liked how CovCath approached it. When they meet again another region refs and that could change how much they can use thir hands. As for mind games, CovCath has mastered the black arts. Flopping, 4 coaches approaching officials at time outs, coming underneath shooters in the post. I kind of like, kind of find it annoying.
  19. It was without hesitation. I wonder if he gave an "and one" plus a little extra.
  20. NewCath did a much better job getting him the ball than they did last year. He still had to work for every touch.
  21. Good question. He didn't get the chance to do much before he got hurt. CC did a great job on him. However NewCath was gaining a good foot hold in the 3rd quarter when he went out.
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