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Everything posted by mexitucky

  1. 500 more and Jiu Jitsu this morning. Holidays are finally out of my insides. Feel soooo much better.
  2. Today was 10 swings 2 goblet squats 15 swings 3 goblet squats 25 swings 5 goblet squats 50 swings 5 rotations. 31:30 today. Tomorrow will be Hindu push-ups/bombers bn swings. 1–2-3. Gonna be terrible bc I hate them.
  3. 500 more on Day 4. 1500 total.
  4. It is 24. My bad. That’s 53ish lbs.
  5. Just 28 kg. It is Dan Johns challenge. Check it out
  6. 10,000 kettlebell swings in 20 workouts. 500 swings per workout. 2 days on. 1 day off.
  7. That is the big question with the exception of how they replace those offensive linemen.
  8. Neither of the 2 that played today is the answer
  9. You speak computer way better than I. What do you know about “scaling?” Ethereum has been battling the issue this year. What exactly is the “scaling” issue?
  10. I'm not a hypocrite. You know nothing about me. I am trying to stay on topic. Start a gun thread, then we'll debate.
  11. This isn’t a gun thread. Guns aren’t at issue here. This breed of dog is. Guns are for another thread. The instinctive violence of this dog is the point of this thread. I feel it is every bit as much nature as nurture with them.
  12. Or becoming parents, but that's another topic too, ha.
  13. Not one bit? Ok. I wouldn't let my daughter out with her friends running around just in case they excite the dogs.
  14. I've never said anything about guns and that is a different topic. I'm not a gun guy and I don't get why anyone needs an automatic weapon. However, keeping in that vein, if we want to vet Pit Bull owners and require training for a license to own them, then have at it. Just not in my neighborhood. All it takes is one bad day and this thing will change your life forever. I am not against animals, but human's created this breed, we need to contain their availability.
  15. Ok, so you would feel comfortable with them in your neighborhood?
  16. What's the difference? You can't take a life back. Everyone knows that it is the owner's fault, but these things cause too many injuries, and too many owners are negligent.
  17. That's my point. You should be able to get dogs out of your yard without getting mauled. I'm not saying other breeds aren't capable of this, but Pit Bulls seem to do this much more frequently and effectively than other breeds.There is NO margin for error with them. When they are switched on, they are killing or getting killed doing it. A woman or child is not stopping one and a grown man isn't stopping 2 without the grace of God.
  18. Nobody can possibly deny that murder is a hugely important topic. However, for the sake of this thread, it is a topic in a different ballpark.
  19. No breed has that. That's why Pit Bulls are so dangerous. If another dog has a lazy or irresponsible owner, then that dog may bite. It may be a gruesome bite. W/ Pit Bulls, in a one-on-one situation, it is almost certainly death. Since we can't guarantee 100% competent ownership, we need to enforce 100% abstinence of ownership of them.
  20. What does that have to do with the dog breed or their tendency to go whole hog during an attack?
  21. Here's the issue. There is NO margin for error with a Pit Bull and too many are raised by gangstas, whether real or imaginary, who don't give a darn about raising the dog. All they want to do is project an image. You neglect a labrador, he isn't going around the neighborhood with a buddy taking down a horse.
  22. It is true. Something cool is about to happen up there that will make people forget that poor decision making by the powers that were at the 2 schools.
  23. B/c it is going to take a major engineering project to stabilize the hillside to create room for a stadium. Depending on who you listen to, the Diocese did NewCath no favors by selling what is now the land that Aldi's sits on.
  24. I started the dynasty thread and I have zero love for the CovCath b-ball program. I am a NewCath guy with kids at Highlands. The thread was made from an observation of what CovCath had coming up through the ranks. So far they have finished in the state semi finals and the 9th Region reps have gone semi final and final after that. So, I was incorrect due to the fact the CC didn’t win 4 in a row. However, the 9th Region has never been so successful down state before, so I beg to throw in a caveat.
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