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Everything posted by mexitucky

  1. Why wouldn’t they and Beechwood just swap spots in the 2 NKY districts?
  2. McGinnes (SP?). CovCath Schwalbach. Highlands Kelly. NewCath England. Ryle.
  3. So, in 2A, you have the only real balance among the state semis. Other than that, Trinity home 99 out of 100 years. CovCath or Highlands home w/ Bowling Green home waaaayyyy more often than not. Johnson Central home game almost every season. Not sure about 3A. 1A, NewCath has a great chance at a home game almost every year if they make their schedule much more manageable. They have no reason to play such a tough regular season now if they will ultimately be rewarded for crushing teams with a home semi final game every season.
  4. Day 10. 500 swings and pull-up reps. Most importantly 10 days without any alcohol! First time in a VERY long time.
  5. THE job is CovCath until Boone County builds a Catholic high school that can compete with them for athletes and academics. So, for the foreseeable future, CovCath is the best spot.
  6. Let’s be fair. A lot of those guys have given a lot of themselves for the betterment of NewCath and NewCath football. What you got last year was a boiling point. Both sides need to take a look and reassess how some things went down. What can’t be doubted is that almost everyone had their heart in the right place. That being said, Steve, I believe would do well to make sure everyone knows that he was hired for a reason. He also would do well to keep a lot of the guys that are there. They know the school, know football, and care. You can’t ask for more from volunteers.
  7. Excellent post. I don’t get where he has been that he could have done more?
  8. He is more proven than maybe any new hire in the history of the program??? He is like the first hire in 70 years with previous head coaching experience. Where exactly has he coached that he should have achieved more?
  9. Before you start messing with them, I would check out a RKC certified gym. That way you are getting proper instruction and not getting hurt. KBs aren’t overly technical, but there is still a lot of technique.
  10. Day 8 was a repeat of Day 1. Shaved 16 minutes off of my time. 3,000 swings down. Jiu Jitsu and nothing else today, thank the Lord.
  11. Use the month for kettlebells at home and yoga to work on mobility. It has saved e a ton of time.
  12. The discipline problem isn't in the halls. There are plenty of people there to take care of that. The discipline problem is lent by being inconsistent with punishments and accepting of too many mental errors, IMO.
  13. Why? Campbell County has gone as far as it can go w/ Steve and Steve has gone as far as he can go with Campbell County. One thing that will never be doubted about Steve is that he is his own man. He has been since we were banging heads in middle school basketball, and I'm sure well before that. I, personally, am pumped that NewCath got Steve. He and Eddie have a very similar demeanor and confidence. Now, if 17 year-old Steve saw 40 year-old Steve become NewCath's head coach, I don't think that he would have been very accepting of the idea, ha ha.
  14. Day 7 500 swings with no strength work bn sets. 25 minutes Day 7 of zero alcohol. Down 4 lbs
  15. Then what I sent you is right up your alley.
  16. How active are you? Do you lift and sprint? If not, this is about as easy of a way to lose weight as I have EVER found and I have tried everything. Mark's Daily Apple. Look at the Primal Blueprint. I did it before a Jiu Jitsu tournament in 2016 and it worked wonders b/c you aren't hungry and it isn't a diet. It is just a change in the way that you get your calories. Effortless fat loss. If you lift a lot and sprint a lot, you will need to make tweaks.
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