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Everything posted by rockmom

  1. We expect them to be all things to out kids, part parent, disciplinarian, teacher, morality police, and personal protection. I think this also opens up opportunity for grieving families then to place the "blame" on teachers when their child isn't saved. I think this also opens up some potential for conflicts when a teacher doesn't feel he or she should have a gun. If they lose a student to a gunman, does that mean they are derelict in their duty? I just don't see how this is fair. Police have extensive training and their jobs are designed so they are pretty much always on alert. Yet we want a teacher conducting classes to also be on the alert? I just hope my daughter in law leaves teaching at this point.
  2. Maybe the Louisville non-2013 championship won’t be a “thing”...if NOONE has a season, there was no Championship to be had.
  3. i’ll take that and I’ll delighted.
  4. What a tough position to be in. I cannot imagine what he must be going through. Can any of us ever really know how we will respond when something like that happens? I know how I think I would respond. I tell myself I’d be putting myself between the shooter and the students. But would I? I’ve always responded well in a crisis. But I’ve never been in a deadly situation. There isn’t anyone to warn you what may be coming. You are going about your normal day and then it’s chaos and I can’t even imagine...do you even realize what is happening right away?
  5. Here's one thing I've noticed. People who aren't UL fans assume that UL fans who think UL is getting screwed thinks UL did nothing wrong. I know 0 UL fans who think we did nothing wrong. But most think that UL is definitely being punished more harshly than anticipated based upon NCAA history. A lot feel there's something other at play than just this situation, bad blood, per se. I do know a not insignificant number that feel we are getting screwed royally, but still understand that we had punishment coming. Never met anyone who felt we had done nothing wrong and should have no punishment.
  6. They have endured every penalty levied for actions they had no part of. We owe them everything.
  7. There are lots of lessons for all to learn. One of the most important, maybe more for the “big guys” who rely heavily on staff, is never blindly trust your staff. If there is one single person I won’t forgive ever, it’s Andre McGee. And that a crushing to me, because he was a favorite of mine when he played. I feel like he betrayed everyone. Probably unreasonable, but I don’t care.
  8. I will be happy to share the process through with many UL fans went through. But in reality nothing will be well received by those who are reveling in the tumble of U of L basketball. Is there a place for derision? I’m not sure. I guess to each their own. But, I sort of feel that no one can tell us how we should act in such a situation because it hasn’t happened - there is no precedent. I know that over the last couple of years I’ve felt disbelief, anger, incredulity, hope, despair....I know that I have gone from defending Rick Pitino to hoping he’d leave. I still believe him, but I no longer excuse his lack of responsibility because he didn’t know. I realize he needed to depart l. I am not sure yet how I feel about Jurich. As to the rest of the mess at UL with the Governors interference and the wackadoo board, and the foundation issues, Getslow expresses my feelings much more eloquently. There is still a lot to get through for UL fans. At some point we have to move forward in something. Doesn’t mean the disappointment isn’t palpable. For most of us, we have 0 influence on anything at UL, athletic or academic. I’m still a CARD though. Anywho, It is very interesting the moral authority so many people assume when their rival is hitting rock-bottom. Peace, love, L1C4.
  9. Hearing Petty in my head. :lol2:. "I won't back down....". Actually, that song is a really good fit for all this.
  10. I'm not worried for the future. I know there's more yet to come from the Adidas crap. But all in all, I think we'll be back sooner rather than later. I honestly hurt for all the players who did nothing wrong and have this done to them. I don't thing one single player on that team was even alleged to have received any of the "benefits". And the kids who have played with the self-imposed punishments. It's a mess, but let's clean it up and get back to work. Worse has happened to better, as they say.
  11. FWIW, I still have my piece of the championship floor....
  12. I'm calling you out. I have never, ever reveled in any of UK's struggles. Do a search. I'll wait. You don't hate it for anyone of the UL fans.
  13. Should make people like you happy. Or maybe you’d have preferred UL just drag this out even further so you could have more reason to pile on
  14. Happy, happy birthday to one of my favorite people...not just BGP but real people!
  15. An aside, my dad was buried in his favorite kahki cargo pants and his favorite polo, a resort logo polo from where I work. My family is the "clean jeans is dressed up" kind of family. My boss and 3 co-workers made the almost 3 hour trip to the visitation, showing up on suits. To say they stood out is an understatement. And then I had to explain how our resort logo apparel was considered "burial attire'. Let's just say that they now know "from whence I came". :lol2:
  16. Yield Management-Hospitality Side hustle-still in the infancy of starting my own business, so working hard with no return right now. :lol2:
  17. rockmom


    Yep. Sorry. I went back to work today after a week off sick and I just got home. They were SO appreciative of your info! It really helped them make alternate route plans to avoid potential bad weather and it worked like a charm. All due to your info!
  18. rockmom


    You undervalue yourself! You are very special and I appreciate your friendship!
  19. rockmom


    Thank you so much! Copying and pasting to text to them now. You are a rock star!
  20. rockmom


    They are settled in, in Kansas City, KS tonight. I've given them all this info and they said to tell you thank you!
  21. Congratulations, Xavierians! I am excited about this hire! I'm really looking forward to epic battles again, and for that rivalry excitement to return. It's been far too long. This is good for us too! Kids want to be a part of something great. And it looks like this could be a matter of returning to 2 GREAT traditions. Looking forward to the Coach Wallace Era! See 'ya at PJCS!
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