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Everything posted by bugatti

  1. Not sure what their confusion was about unless they thought they played an entire quarter. It was common knowledge the OT rules changed for playoff games following the Bill/Chiefs AFC title game a few years ago to at least give each team a possession.
  2. On #2, that would also apply if SF had scored just a FG. Which they had.
  3. Thought it was interesting the SF players were not aware of the OT rules but the KC players said it is something they've been prepared for all season.
  4. He is not. And I am NOT excusing Kelce's overreaction here, but if we go through every diva moment a player has exhibited and been on the field five minutes later, it would fill a book.
  5. This is not a statement about liking or disliking the Chiefs. They are easily dislikable. But the amount of off-the-field distractions around Andy Reid (children), Mahomes (being the guy + his family), and Kelce (Swift), and for them to deliver is nothing short of amazing. We see these things bring down teams all the time. "If you are what you say you are, a superstar, then have no fear, the camera's here, and the microphones... then have no fear, the crowd is here, and the lights are on." This is a major deviation between the Patriots. Their dislike was mainly football-related.
  6. A pretty evenly matched-up game between the Chiefs/49ers gave us a classic Super Bowl.... down the stretch, at least. Both sides can point to major miscues or injuries they can cite as why they lost, but I believe those things evened out in the end. Amazingly, KC has found a way to do this in consecutive years with so little offensive punch. Kelce could muster up a half of football in the playoffs, but the guy was closer to a middle-of-the-pack TE most of the year. Rice came on as a viable WR, but he was still a rookie and would be a #2 on most teams. Then you have a bunch of JAGs at WR. Pacheco is fun. But this is about Mahomes. The KC defense did what it did all season. Bent, but didn't break with Chris Jones being the ultimate disrupter. Swift wins again.
  7. The ONLY thing I’m holding out hope for is the following: UK’s best 6 and reliable players are Waggner, Sheppard, Dillingham, Thiero, Reeves, and Mitchell. Edwards and Onyenso are wild cards to me. How many games have those top 6 been fully healthy together and what is UK’s record in those games? Besides the KU loss - which UK played well - has every other loss been with a non fully loaded roster?
  8. For context, five of those came in the goofy COVID season. I’ll never pretend that year was legit for anyone. Then of course this year there are what, 3?
  9. I think it is time to extend Payne. Let’s go!
  10. Slept on this game for my next day reaction. I know UK is practically down two starters (which accounts for something), but that sucked.
  11. Good for him. And as I’ve alluded, if there is a year to make the jump, it is this year as the draft class - especially from the college ranks - might be historically bad. There will be more names called on draft night from other countries and the G-League than we are accustomed.
  12. No it hasn’t, and these large deficits are draining to come back from.
  13. This is what most people ignore every year when they say, “this isn’t even a tournament team.” Yeah, they’re not good, but nobody else is. It is not like teams 30-50 are surging. The schedule does stay tough so it’s not out of the realm.
  14. No matter who was at fault on the failed lob play, I have no doubt if UK scores they were still going to give up an easy basket at the rim and lose 🙂
  15. It was though he maybe wasn’t looking for his shot. He just misread it.
  16. I would say it was more about personnel and maybe the wrong people executing the play (blame Calipari for that). The chances UK hasn’t practiced that look (or similar action) in practice is zero percent. That was about as basic as it comes.
  17. I actually agree with this. Super low bar to hurdle. It’s the action at the rim that’s so disturbing.
  18. I guess shame on Cal for drawing up the play he did (Onyenso cluttered it all) but we’re just going to continually praise Sheppard’s decision making yet act like he is incapable of seeing that wasn’t going to work in the moment? If the lob wasn’t there it was supposed to go to Reeves at the top of the key.
  19. Jay Wright was a tough listen talking over the other guys continually. I’m sure he’ll improve but it’s a skill set you don’t just pick up and do well.
  20. Yep. The rigidity today kept Dillingham on the bench the second half. Granted, they were scoring, but if you’re not stopping them anyways, might as well have your best scorers on the court.
  21. Thought it was fitting UK went to a zone on a BLOB and Edwards left his guy in the corner open by about 15 feet. They missed the open look but it led to the easy putback.
  22. It’s horrifying how little UK gets out of the 5 position, sans a few blocks Onyenso is sometimes able to get. I still think UK should go weird. Play 4 guards and put Thiero at the 5. What are you losing?
  23. That's some great trivia. Thinking of other multi-winning MVP winners and their schools (Super Bowl era, believe Unitas only had one in the SB era): Texas Tech, California, Michigan, Southern Mississippi, Tennessee, and Notre Dame. Counting pre-Super Bowl era we have Syracuse (Jim Brown), but my trivia brain isn't large enough to know where some of the old-timers went. Just looked, and it seems Otto Graham would be the only other. He went to Northwestern.
  24. Like the MVP, I have no idea what this award is supposed to be about. Found this from an old NFL.com article: By definition, the CPOY Award is given to a player who "shows perseverance in overcoming adversity, in the form of not being in the NFL the previous year, a severe injury, or simply poor performance."
  25. Interesting. I googled it and the voter had Lamar 3rd behind Allen and Dak. LOL. He at least had the courage to defend his position, where some of these voters hide. His decision was statistics-driven. Of course, you can cherry-pick stats and the W/L record is the ultimate trump card. In fairness, Lamar's stats compared to his unanimous MVP season are nowhere close. But numbers across the board are down. They should rename the MVP award to "Top QB for a Competing Team Award." That is all it has become, which I am fine with.
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