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Everything posted by bugatti

  1. Dude is maxing out. He is not a world-beater by any means, but he is giving it his all.
  2. If we are being real about this, UK should have lost down in Gainsville. This was the basketball Gods correcting that.
  3. Having Dillingham (76%) shoot FTs at the end I can live with. Reeves (87.7%) and Sheppard (80%) are the best choices, obviously, but that is a hindsight 20/20 coach blame. Fouling up three definitely should have happened. Not sure if he was calling for it or not? UK is horrendous at grabbing rebounds, so maybe he did not want to risk it (was he calling for it from the sidelines?). The egregious play in that sequence was Sheppard losing his guy for a wide-open look. That is on him, but it is more fashionable to blame the coach.
  4. I believe he would have, but he can't trust Bradshaw or Z to grab a board or be in a suitable defensive position. Not much choice in the backcourt with the guys sidelined.
  5. And maybe we are saying the same thing, but I assume the documentary has been done for some time. This latest stuff with him being removed would not be in there. I am unsure to what extent the doc will discuss his indiscretions.
  6. Yes, it's on Netflix. I assume they were timing this with the whole Raw deal, which presumably was in the works for some time.
  7. Another thing tangent to all this Netflix stuff is that Bill Simmons is serving as the executive producer of a six-part docuseries on McMahon, scheduled to come out soon. I wonder if they will need to go back and make some last-minute edits. This whole thing has been in the works for some time, but not sure Netflix will want a multi-hour Vince McMahon promo leading into this new venture.
  8. Lies. This only happens to UK. πŸ˜‰ The amount of top 10 teams losing on the road to unranked opponents - even bad ones - is staggering. If my math is correct, top 10 teams are 27-29 on the road against unranked competition. This comes off top 10 teams winning 10 of the past 12 on the road against said foes, so the winning percentage was much worse until this past weekend.
  9. The dumb part is, when I go without it, I'm fine. It's habitual. I can do a handful of blueberries and be satisfied. What I do for healthy-ish sweets: Dates with almond butter. Non-fat greek yogurt, blueberries, almond butter, and a touch of honey or date syrup.
  10. My big downfall is sweets/desserts and snacking - even on "healthier" stuff - from the time I get home until dinner. My wife and I have honed in this month and aside from my recent work trip to Pittsburgh, last night was the first time I ate anything not prepared at home... it was a salad from Crisp 'n Green. Meal prepping on the weekends is an annoyance, but it is an absolute time and money-saver. Plus you know what you are eating.
  11. I learned a long time ago that no matter how much you work out, you can never outwork a poor diet. In life, if we had to pick between diet and exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle, any doctor will tell you a diet wins 100 out of 100 times. I get it, it is tough. I LOVE food and all types.
  12. As one who is often asked for dietary tips, I believe the best advice is to eat as real as possible. If you see a product label littered with chemically named things, stay clear. Eat natural, a lot of protein, throw in some leafy greens, salt for electrolytes, resistance train 3-5 times a week, and move your body, the pounds will take care of themselves. Aim for "eating correctly" 80% of the time and results will show almost immediately. Don't count calories, count quality.
  13. That's just the tip of the iceberg of what we went through, spending a lot of money that we did not need to spend... but that is for another thread. The only thing I've learned about healthcare - and I am incredibly grateful for those in the field - is that you must be your own advocate.
  14. Well, if it is of any help, I had no idea who the hell either of them were. πŸ™‚ Howie and Chris long I knew, but they played for different squads.
  15. I still can't wrap my head around KC being in the Super Bowl. They had to play until week 17 to secure the division, had an offense that could only muster 30 points three times with no explosiveness, and battled the injury bug with key personnel. If they find a way to win, I think it will be more about their defense than what Mahomes and company can do. They are going to make Brock Purdy beat them.
  16. I like the place I am going to. My T-level number was solid. However - and I am going to screw up this part - I am only utilizing a fraction of my testosterone that I should be. Something hormonally is not fully activating, so it is overly "binding" in my blood so as not to fully release the testosterone. The physician did not want to prescribe testosterone to me until we see if we can naturally get this to unbind on its own. I am trying out DHEA (hormonal stimulant) for three months to see if it has an effect. Hopefully, it will activate things and then I do not have to do the testosterone, or we can at least have a better plan. If the DHEA does not work, she said they would prescribe testosterone, but my readings would be super high (1,200 or so). While it would be high, I would only be realizing the effects of a normal person. The talk was also kind of upsetting getting back to the infertility stuff we dealt with several years ago. The doctors at the time checked my levels, but that was it. Nowhere near the in-depth analysis of what I had last week. Something that simple could have made a difference for us. C'est la vie.
  17. Pretty impressive if you can name the other. I had to google it.
  18. I am not going to say much regarding Campbell's decision to go for it on fourth downs last Sunday or other decisions he's made throughout the year. I am not sure they are analytically driven, either, just his gut instinct, bravado, or whatever you want to call it. For this Lions' team, you can say it worked. I will say, over time I would not bet on that proposition paying off. For every 2023 Dan Campbell there is a 2023 Brandon Staley who had this stuff blow up in his face countless times.
  19. He's the best and beloved by the players. Even Terrell Owens, who famously melted down with the Eagles (and multiple other teams) to this day says Andy Reid is his favorite coach ever. Not sure that is a ringing endorsement, but still πŸ™‚
  20. It read to me like someone scrolling through their phone and saw a still image with some kind of caption like, "Flowers was flagged for taunting for doing this?" Completely ignoring what else happened. It is like when people cut together these mixtapes with captions like "Russell Westbrook is a problem!!!" without showing his haphazard shot selection and unforced miscues.
  21. Rice is a good and will grow into a worthwhile WR. Dude is still a rookie and learning the ropes, but he is their best WR. Kelce can give you a couple of good quarters, but he is on the last few holes of the back nine. I was counting in my head. Was that Reid's 11th conference championship game?
  22. Was he serious with that tweet or was it meant tongue-in-cheek? Flowers pushed the defender back to the ground, stood over him, and spun the ball on top of his head, practically. He earned that 15-yarder.
  23. I think it threw off Baltimore that the Chiefs came in and brought the aggression early on. They were not used to any team doing that to them, especially at home. They got in their heads and Baltimore played into the Chiefs' trap, finding themselves down by double-digits by the second quarter. It was the first deficit by more than a TD Baltimore had faced all season and they did not know how to react other than by pressing. That was a classic "been there, done that" culture win.
  24. He’s done that before (horribly). Quinn at least made a Super Bowl that he should have won.
  25. Spags pitched the equivalent of a two hit shutout coordinating that defense.
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