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Everything posted by titletownclown

  1. So what. I'm a man in my 40's using various ball caps to cover up the truth. We all have our weaknesses.:sssh:
  2. You can have a playoff mode in NCAA football?? I have played Madden football for years but have never played NCAA.
  3. Please oh please NCAA guys give us a playoff system soon. With all the upsets of top 10 teams, it's obvious that "rankings" of the so-called top 2 teams at the end of the season just don't cut it. Will we ever see a play-off system in college football?
  4. I read the entire transcript of this interview. It is truly unbelievable that people are getting bent out of shape about "What Ann said". In a nutshell, she merely stated that she believes Jews must convert to Christianity in order to gain access to Heaven. Guess what? Most Christians believe this. Most Christians believe the acceptance of Jesus Christ is the only path to salvation. Does this make every Christian who believes this Anti-Semitic? No. People who dislike Coulter love to place "labels" on her everytime she has a disagreement with someone of another religion/ethnicity/sexual orientation etc. If she spars with a Jew, she's anti-semitic, if she fights with an African-American, she's racist, if she speaks out against gay marriage, she's homophobic. So many people in this country have become so thin skinned, it is sickening. If you want to get irate with Ann, get irate over the following statement (one I really love): "Hillary Clinton may become this nation's first female president which will make her the first woman to sit behind the desk of the oval office instead of under it.":thumb: Put that in your pipe and smoke it all you Ann haters. "
  5. Some very good ideas in the previous posts. I think with all the upsets going on this year so far, the playoff argument is strenghened in that it is impossible (currently) to select "the two best teams" in the country. It makes more sense to select 4, 8, 12 teams, etc. and let them battle it out to determine which team is truly the best.
  6. Hey, take it to the pro sports forum. Try to stay on topic. Thanks for the update.:thumb:
  7. I have no idea what you are talking about. I thought this was an intra-conference game or has one of the teams transferred to the SEC without telling anyone?
  8. Happy Birthday GT. Do you expect your prolificity as a BGP poster to slow now that you are older and slower?
  9. Hard to argue with that assessment. And you are correct that Fletcher has had successess also.
  10. Ditto. I haven't turned on Fletcher due to the hiring scandals. My problem with Fletcher is 1) Last time, he campaigned on a promise to try and lure more health insurance companies back into the state thereby increasing competition and PERHAPS lowering premiums as a result. However, nothing has even been attempted in regard to this. 2) Never campaign on a "clean up the mess in Frankfort" platform unless you mean it. 3)The vile "Tax Modernization Act" passed during his administration. 4)His opposition to casino gambling while the lottery, horse racing and other forms of gambling are already present. Although it won't be an enthusiastic vote for Beshear, I'll cast one for him nonetheless.
  11. All us true Ads fans are on permanent standby ready to provide alternative transportation should the need arise.
  12. So, basically you're saying George W. Bush is smarter than the Guru......................I'm telling.:argue:
  13. Which is why I stated that the name of the school on the degree does aid in getting your foot in the door.................... I.E. The school you attend does matter (to some extent). I read the question as value/perception from the individual's perspective and the potential employer's perspective.
  14. In my experience, the name of the school that appears on your degree DOES aid in getting your foot in the door. However, once in the door, job performance is the key to long-term success. If XYZ company hires 15 grads from Harvard and 2 grads from UK, and the UK grads outperform the Harvard grads, then they will be the ones to climb the corporate ladder more quickly due to performance. When I graduated, I began an accounting career in Nashville with a firm that was one of the "Big 8" Accounting Firms. Hired at the same time were a couple of grads of Vandy, one from Yale, one from UT (I think), and a couple others from various other schools. Competition within the firm was brutal, and every 6 months evaluations were done by the managers and partners, and the weakest individuals at each experience level were terminated. After four years, the Vandy grads, the Yale grad and others from "prestigious" schools and been terminated and only two of us from the original hiring class remained. And we were both products of "lowly Ky. public colleges. To this very day, I consider the fact that I left that firm on MY terms to be a major accomplishment.:thumb: Some of my brightest and most successful clients are individuals who never attended college and in some cases didn't finish high school. One client in particular comes to mind. He never studied a foreign language, never took a calculus class, and probably doesn't understand Keynesian economic theories. But, he is brilliant in matters of business and has the necessary "street smarts (the most important of all)" to be a very successful business owner whose net worth is solidly in the 8 figures (all to the left of the decimal point;))
  15. As usual, I am the only one coming to my defense.
  16. My point is relevant regardless of which conferences bring the $ and which don't, but I understand what you are saying.
  17. Apparently everybody is qualified to vote in the poll if James is qualified. My top 5: 1. Faber College 2. Ithaca College 3. UK 4. Sylvan Learning Center 5. University of Phoenix online.
  18. So a #17 teams defeats the #1 team and falls to #24?? I question the quality of the drugs that James is purchasing from his dealer.
  19. This poll shows what happens when teams in the stronger conferences knock each other off and allow the teams in the weaker conferences to rise to the top. And the meek shall inherit the earth. Rush Temples of Syrinx and Holy Bible Matthew 5:5
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