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Everything posted by Chant_50

  1. I wasn't suggesting they would not make a bowl...just the fact that it seems to me they are losing some games that they "should/could" win...Just like last years rendition of the Vols...Thank God KY was dumb enough to hire Sanders.
  2. I agree disapointing regular season, but anything can happen in the playoffs. I am glad we are there. Sweeping the district is good, but out of district we struggled. Something really tells me we could make a good run in the playoffs. In Corbin we must always remember that the teams that are supposed to be great and champions fall short, and those that have lower expectations always manage to have a good run. Yes the jury is still out.
  3. I prefer a simple uniform...plain jane for me. I just can't get into these multi-striped jobs out there. They just look tacky to me. I like traditional uniforms like Corbin, LSU, Auburn, UT, Michigan, etc. I do think Corbin should put the stripe back on the helmet...tradition???!!!!
  4. I am a coach, and I feel that not only is it unprofessional it also reveals that you as a coach have no better/more intelligent way to express yourself. I used to swear constantly, and I realized that kids will use my ill-behavior as justification to use foul language as well...so I stopped before I did damage to their character and my prestige as a coach in their eyes and the eyes of the parents.
  5. The point about the close games is young teams tend to find a way to win when it is on the line. I think the youth has played a major factor...much more than "inept" coaching. I said they didn't do anything different in that the technique, terminology, and approach to the game are the same. Anyone with eyes can see that we are throwing for 250 a game these days rather than running it for 250...but the offense is flexible enough, given flexible personel they could easily switch from power to air-raid at the drop of a hat and have a more balanced approach in the future.
  6. I don't think red bunch was talking about Clint...I have a few ideas who, but I will reserve comment for the time being.
  7. Garrard was very good a couple years back, then Taylor and Russell were competitive before moving up. Greene Co. was also good before they went down to 1A. Wayne had some teams above 500 a few years back as well. Casey has always been at the bottom.
  8. UCLA is hardly as good this year as UM, OSU, or UT. Now Notre Dame can't help that these schedules are done years in advance. The fact remains that the Pac-10 is much weaker than the SEC i.e. Cal vs. UT. I would really like to see USC play somebody in the SEC besides Arkansas early...heck I'd like to see those two play now that it is a little later in the season. Of topic sorry. Point being I can see why UT would move above them playing a good SEC opponent vs. an average Pac-10 opponent. No knock on the Irish though...Just another reason we need a playoff. Teams are playing 12 games now...heck lets make the regular season 10 games, take the top 6 teams and have a playoff all the others play a normal bowl season. The BCS Championship would rotate as now and the three other venues that are BCS bowls would host two of the playoff and one regular bowl game. The argument that it is too many games would not hold because if the team comes from a conference with a championship game it would be a 14 game season...the same as this year assuming the team makes a bowl...if a normal conference such as Pac-10 or Big-10 they would play 13. That my friends is not a reach and everybody gets paid.
  9. Alabama has a great D...their offense is struggling right now with a young QB...as someone said earlier the shoe has switched feet with TN and Bama. Last year UT's offense was a joke, defense was great, and they played to their competition. Now it seems that Bama is suffering the same fate.
  10. Yes...here's why. UT vs. Alabama...3rd Saturday in October...Conference game...I don't really need to say more.
  11. If Corbin beats Garrard this week it will be a rematch the next week in the playoffs...then assuming they pull out back to back wins against the same opponent they will play either Casey or Wayne Co. the following week!!!
  12. Who were the powers that be trying to please with this new system...its a joke!!!!!!!!??????????????? Honestly who does it help to play the same district schedule twice in almost consecutive order?????????????????
  13. Anytime Corbin doesn't go deep in the playoffs and make a run at the state they fall short of their goal...when that stops being the goal the program is dead. People must understand that with pride and tradition comes expecations...like winning another state title. The struggles are obvious on this young team. They have less than 6 seniors that contribute and are 6 pts away from being an 8 win team this year. The team is composed of mostly sophomores and juniors that simply haven't grown up as quickly as hoped by fans, coaches, and team-mates. I have every faith that the lackluster seasons will be forgotten next season...and I also have a very calm feeling about the playoffs, Corbin may just work out the kinks and have a good run. I really like how many are pointing fingers at the staff...the same staff that was "the best we've seen" after taking an average team to the state title game only to be exposed by Breathitt Co. Of course everyone isn't going to agree with everything a coach does, but Monday morning QBs don't help matters much...they discourage the fan-base, parents, students, faculty, and most importantly the players. I had a player approach me over the weekend to ask me what I thought about the coaches expecting to get the same old answer he'd been getting from many Corbin "faithfull". I told him they aren't doing anything they differently than they did when they were winning 10-12 games per year. I told him everything just didn't come together early in the season the way they would have liked, but it is a new season now...the playoffs are about two weeks away and anything can happen, just stay positive and disregard all the distractions outside the team...those can ruin a great team much less one that is a little down on itself!!!!!!!!!!! GO HOUNDS!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Not to say that they are not very fast high school athletes, but just not 4.3 with laser timing.
  15. I haven't heard anyone say anything about Rock's skill players. Corbin has pretty good team speed...yes I said team speed. They should be able to stunt in the interior enough to keep the 300 pounders off balance, and the outside contain by the corners and olb's will be enough to keep em in the box. If Corbin can jump out early they have a good chance. They will be in great shape; there are few coaches that have teams in such good condition in early season as coach Jewell. Most teams take a few games to get into game shape, but Corbin normally comes out of the gates in great 4th quarter condition. Someone said earlier that the OL of Rock would wear Corbin down, but if they are 300+ they will be the ones tired in the August heat. I remember when I was a senior Connor had a line that looked like a solid division 2 schools line (Justin Bolton & Co.), and they were gonna wear us down on our home field. We sent them home 28-12. Corbin doesn't have any linemen as strong or fast as myself and some of the others we had, but they aren't far behind at all, and they will certainly have a never quit attitude after last years disappointment. This will be a great game and Rock's skill players hold the cards. As stated earlier with Anderkin and company they would be in the pizza box, but that leaves the question of what do they have. Also for the first time in a long time Corbin has quality depth...does Rock??? Everyone knows there are too many variables to judge a game on paper, speculation, and pre-season hype. I have seen many games that Corbin didn't have a snowball's chance in you know where and they have pulled out the upset (i.e. Henry Clay 2000, Rock 2003? E-Town 2004 the list could go on and on back through the years, but this will suffice as it is fresh in the memory. I will not make a prediction because with all honesty I can't. It is truly a tossup. My heart is with the Hounds though.
  16. Unless they use lasers there is a variable of about .2 seconds on the times...some coaches time faster and slower than others.
  17. With spit flying off his "freakin" teeth.:ylsuper: :lol:
  18. :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: Well I don't really have 4 thumbs, but if I did they'd all be up to this post.
  19. Oh I know...I just thought it was worth mentioning. The comment was also aimed more at Boyle as well.
  20. Off topic, but do coaches necessarily have to be certified teachers, and does anyone know if Pineville needs to fill the teaching vacancy or just the coaching position.
  21. No it is in the industry...there are many job opportunities in the area, and it makes it attractive to young families that seek opportunity but don't want to live in Lexington or Louisville. The area is growing and already high talent pools are replenished by fresh numbers.
  22. The history courses need to be split in two, also the "free electives" should be cut in half to make room for classes that are two-part courses...they are trying to cram a vast amount of material into an inadequate amount of time. Cats testing has turned out to be a bad idea as well; the fact is that teachers are teaching a test toward the end of the year. I also have some inside access to a gentleman that is in the Corbin School System, and he tells me that the CATS is designed to show progress no matter what. He said the test progressively gets easier year after year or stays the same based on what the district has done in order to keep vital funding coming in. Essentially a dumbing down in the name of keeping financing. What does that benefit a student? They will memorize what they can for the test, take it, and life will go on. Learning the material is not the emphasis anymore...it is simply memorize, test, forget...repeat. Most teachers also aren't stimulating their students to think on their own either...every upper-level/AP course I had in high school wound up being a regurgatation factory. The teacher would spout his/her version of history or opinions on literature and expect the student to repeat this on tests and assignments. I guess there is no room in high school for objective education and free-thinking students, they may draw a conclusion that is not on the CATS!!!!!!!!!!! I also played at a division-1aa college, and we got after it in the weight room. We had many 400lb. benchers, 500lb. squatters, and of course 300lb. cleaners...We also had a rare 600lb. squat, and 350+ clean, but I'll tell ya some of these numbers are a little high. In my experience a squat is thigh parallel to the ground, not hamstring...I could be from a different school but I am not so sure. Also I would love to see these cleans...are they getting a good pull, then squatting to the pull under and rack...then standing. If these numbers are acurate,and they are combined with good form these strength coaches need to move them on to more advanced power building lifts such as the snatch the clean and jerk etc. Also the future looks bright if all is on the up and up on this thread. One other coment on the 600lb. squat. I saw someone post that the kid was 310+; this sheds light on the subject doubling one's body weight on the squat is not hard to believe, but this high a weight at a H.S. age is a surprise to a lay-person. I remember when I was @ Corbin my Sr. year (2002) a good friend of mine,Bram Hoover, weiged about 170-175 his numbers were very high...squat-515,bench was somewhere in the low 3's, and clean was around 260. We used the electronic beepers on top of the thighs...thus the thigh was parallel. We also had 7-300lb. benchers, 8-400lb. and 4-500lb. squatters, and several clean #'s just under 300lb. (270-290 range) with probably a 20-25 players over the 200lb. mark. It is also worth mentioning that the heaviest of the linemen was 275...thus all the percentages were very high on the weight to strength ratio. Oh well that is all past and this post is too long...if you read it all thanks.
  23. Here is a great argument...PE classes in general are a joke...Most weight-lifting classes in order to exist are required to accept any student that registers for it. I will not de-value math, english, or any other such "traditional" course, but most high schools have a certain number of electives included in their curriculum therefore it is perfectly reasonable to say that weight-lifting is acceptable for all the same reasons as study skills, teen parenting, home ec., auto shop, or any other "elective" class one takes. Anoter positive is the fact that exercise is on the decline...especially among teens...obesity is a major killer and health problem in this country, and this state in particular. So any extra physical activity young people are offered should be relished not disdained!
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