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Everything posted by Oldbird

  1. I believe I heard coach makes $400,000 so a raise of $200M would be significant. You don't think that would do it?
  2. I work in the financial sector and they use M to mean a thousand so $200M in my world is $200,000. I forget that the only place I see that is in my workspace.
  3. I know he is at home at NKU, but there are jobs both in terms of money and prestige that will be too hard to take down. What is the minimum? For instance Middle Tennessee is open (or will soon be). If offered would he take it? Conference USA and say he gets a $200M pay bump.
  4. Who would be willing to pull the trigger on Rick? Only a mid-major? What about Pitt? OR UCONN? How about Saint Johns?
  5. You couldn't be more wrong. The fall has already been hard. Attendance has plummeted down almost 3,500 from Tubby's first year to this year and down almost 6,000 from Pastner's last year. This is their lowest attendance since 1970. If Memphis averages more than 10,000 they get an $800,000 bonus from the Grizzlies. They get a reduced amount if the attendance is between 6,000 and 10,000. They get nothing below 6,000. Final attendance numbers haven't been announced but they are right around that magical 6,000 number in order to get something from the Grizzlies. Along with that donations have been reported to be down. Keeping Tubby is financially punitive for a program that needs every dollar. Of course maybe .... just maybe ... things get better next year .... team gets better, attendance gets better, donations pick up. etc. In order to believe that you have to put your hopes in Tubby's recruiting, which has never been something he is willing to do. They have two verbal commits right now - 2 star Myreon Jones and 3 star Conner Vanover (kid is 7-4). Good luck with things turning around with Tubby next year. The team had a KenPom of #160 this year. They aren't good now and there will be more of same next year. Penny may or many not be a good coach, but because he can recruit there will be hope. Hope alone will drive more dollars and attendance to program. Whether it is sustainable, who knows; however, hiring Penny is definitely best short term.
  6. Which always takes me back to the BGP armchair critics who not very long ago seized on every chance to jump on those making decisions at NKU. :lol: Anyone OK with that switch to John Brannen from Dave Bezold now?
  7. In addition to these two, there are two other recruits that Penny getting the job will impact (assuming we are interested), Chandler and Jonathan Lawson. Chandler is in the class of 2019 with Wiseman and Jeffries and also plays on Team Penny. Chandler (like Jeffries) is a small forward. Jonathan is class of 2021 (I think) and is also a small forward. I believe Jonathan is believed to be the best of the Lawson boys (older brothers Dedrick and KJ transferred from Memphis and will play for Kansas next year - Dedrick should be one of the best players in the Big 12 next year). The Lawson's and Jeffries are cousins. This is why Tubby demoting Keelon Lawson (the dad) from an assistant coach to a staff position to make room for Saul was such a big deal. It caused Tubby to loose his best player in Dedrick, a solid player in KJ, and assured he was out of the running for 3 of Memphis' best players in future classes. Although ultimately it may have no impact, Penny getting the head coach is not a good thing for Cal landing Memphis players in the coming years.
  8. Wiseman and Jeffries (who gave a verbal) this week both play for Team Penny. Will be interesting to see how this plays out.
  9. Alex Dean is the new girls varsity coach. Alex is a former Highlands and Thomas More player. As a Highlands player he keyed a Highlands defense that led them to a state runner-up finish and I know he had much college success as well. Most recently he was Highlands boys JV coach. I think Alex will do well. All the best to him and the program as they start this new chapter!!!
  10. There is no one in Memphis that doesn't believe Penny will be the next coach of the Tigers.
  11. Listened to interview with his dad, who said he will not reclassify. Interesting side note, Dad told story of getting on an elevator and Tubby not knowing who he (the dad) was. Dad introduced himself to Tubby, who became very interested very quickly. Funny story. DJ Jeffries is a cousin to Dedrick and KJ Lawson (former Memphis players who transferred to Kansas when Tubby demoted their dad from an asst. coach to a staff position to make room for Saul).
  12. No one will appreciate a Mark Gottfried hiring more than Gametime. :banana:
  13. Just watching some of the better people at our gym (and we have very few competitive athletes), having the ring muscle ups as an early movement was a real killer. I was amazed at how draining the double unders were to the two master athletes who competed on the announcement show last night. I figured for sure the muscle ups would be the element that challenged them, but it was the double unders for sure.
  14. 18.3 Crossfit Open 100 Double Unders 20 Overhead Squats 100 Double Unders 12 Ring Muscle Ups 100 Double Unders 20 Dumbbell Cleans (alternating arms) 100 Double Unders 12 Bar Muscle Ups 100 Double Unders 2 Rounds - time cap of 14 minutes Scaled Version, which is what I did: 100 Single Unders 20 Overhead Squats 100 Single Unders 12 Pull ups 100 Single Unders 20 Dumbbell Cleans (alternating arms) 100 Single Unders 12 Pull ups 100 Single Unders I made it through the overhead squats on the second round. Lots of criticism towards Castro over this one. Honestly I didn't mind it. I was too slow working through the pull ups, but that is just because I am not very good. I would be interested in watching someone complete this one as prescribed. Heard Noah Ohlsen got close this morning.
  15. Fifth Third used to enforce them with vigor, so don't be too sure. Even if a court sides with you, legal fees will make it feel like you did anything but win. Most companies that I am aware of have gone to having employees sign non-solicitation agreements where they agree not to call on their old customers for a period of time.
  16. Most every coach I know likes to win. They "tend" to play the kids that give them the best chance to win. Although there are certainly coaches that might have an agenda against a kid or a parent, I think more often than not it is more a difference of opinion between the coach and parent about how much contribution towards winning a kid really makes. There are far more crazy parents than coaches in my experience. :jump:
  17. I didn't do it again. Too painful and too little upside for me. I put the dumbbells flat against by shoulder/upper chest and just pinned them there with my hands, but I saw dumbbells in many different positions. Good luck if you try it again today.
  18. Games obviously didn't go well for us, but I did eat at Pizza Papalis. It was good. Not as good as Lou's, but in line with the other big Chicago names (Geno's East and Giordano's). I will say it is a very popular spot and by the time I left they were waiting outside on a cool day. The arena is very very nice; however, there isn't much around it to walk to or eat. Kid Rock's Restaurant was attached to the arena so I ate dinner there. I had pimento cheese shrimp and grits and it was an excellent surprise. I sat at the bar and started talking to the lady next to me. Turns out she was the AD from Milwaukee. A very nice person and interesting to talk to. After the game, I decided not to spend the night and just drove straight back. I got home at 3:00 am. Nice trip. Just wish I was headed back there tomorrow.
  19. If 195 is what you think you can do then I would probably suggest throwing on 2 1/2 pounds on each side (or even 1 pound weights on each side). It will at least separate you from everyone doing 195. The 185 I did is pretty common since it is a 45 and 25 on each side, so I wish I would have thought about it and gone just a little more.
  20. Not sure. It is awfully painful getting to that point and really why exactly would I put myself through it again? I will let you know how I do on Sunday. :jump:
  21. We are two weeks into the open and I am pretty sure my position on the leaderboard as one of the worst in Kentucky is secure. :lol:
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