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Everything posted by Freebird23

  1. Lake Cumberland is down 40+ feet. Where are they finding water?
  2. I take it this schedule was hatched prior to R-berg leaving... If Cov Cath can get through the season without injuries, they will definately be a stronger team as a result of the 1st class competition.
  3. This gives a whole new meaning to "turf" wars... Recruiting next on the agenda? Best of luck to both schools. I think there is plenty of acreage and student athletes out in the "county" to support both institutions. I also do not see why the two schools just cannot get along. Just use Highlands and Newport Catholic as a role model...:argue:
  4. I thought Campbell County installed a new system at Bob Miller Stadium a couple of years ago. Had to do something with mixing in shredded tire rubber in with the natural grass. I remember that rubber had something to do with the base. Did that work?
  5. I would have to slide towards keeping the current rules with a formation of a regional team that would be charged with investigations outside of their territory. The state divided into 4 territories with a 3 member team that would investigate allegations. Monthly review of allegations and findings of said allegations the following month prior to the BOC meeting. Real world, too many politics in Kentucky for the BOC to relinquish any power. If they could not rule on cases of recruiting fraud, then why would they want to sit in meetings...
  6. That's what I get for not reading the first page... and jumping late into this thread. There is a big difference between the decision making process prior to the start of the 7th grade vs. the 9th grade.
  7. I may need some help here but I have three establishments that come highly recommended from a Mason dweller: Polo Grill 513-701-7656 / Mason-Montgomrey Road. Very good and won't leave you broke! Encore 513-774-7072 / Fields-Ertel Road. Gourmet food. Highly suggested by my co-worker. Little pricy... The teaser, there is a brand new Brazillian Steak House that just opened up on Mason-Montgomery Road. It is the establishment to try out in Mason right now. Starts with an "A." Best I can do, perhaps the Buckeye BGPers can assist with this new choice.
  8. I not sure why one and one's parents can not make a qualified and binding decision going into the 9th grade. What facts are not available to them prior to the 9th grade that may be available prior to the 11th grade? In other words, how are facts about a particular school going to change within two years? If the student and his/her parents do their part in the fact finding responsibilities then they should be able to make a decision for junior prior to the 9th. If the child changes his/her mind about their school choice, they can still change schools. They just sit out a year in athletics.
  9. Can we take a vote? All in favor, flush dem toilets extra long... If the resorvoir on Memorial goes down a foot - you are in, IF that does not work and you hear a fat man yelling in the bath tub... that be not Littlefeat but L-neck screaming for his bride :cry:
  10. I agree. We all have been well versed on the mighty teams from the North. Whom are we going to see in the championship representing the wicked West? What level of competition are they going to face early on to serve as the "litmus test" for the state ring? I am always ready for a road trip...
  11. First, I agree with L-Neck that punishment should be swift, severe and final. Not only for the head coach but to the AD and to the school they represent. As stated, the rules are in place, love 'em or hate 'em - the Board now needs to react in a swift and consistent manner on the enforcement of the rules. IF the Board can not perform their responsibilities in the enforcement of their rules and regualtions, then they need to be replaced. For the record, I am an advocate that the child or parent(s) should pick their school of choice prior to the start of the 9th grade. Exception: Parent documented work relocation or Parnet or guardian of child death. Period. Thanks for asking...
  12. Ahhhh... let me check my GPS :bunny: You are right again, that would be North on I-75 @ 745 AM!.
  13. That's Beechwood. Home of the Tigers of tailgate city... I-75 South @ 7:45 AM.
  14. We all love highschool sports for its pure and simple ameturism. Recruiting at the middle school and highschool level threatens this unique quality that separates highschool sports from collegiate and professional competition. The KHSAA has too many rules and regulations now as they miserably demonstrate their eneptness in dealing with basic violations. If the KHSAA Board members were in charge of a Fortune 500 company, I would advise all to sell the stock immediately! They need to run their responsiblities as if they were in charge of a company. Their decisions need to be CONSISTENT and TIMELY. Their decisions need to be FAIR to the shareowners. (That's us, the schools, students and fans!)
  15. Teams in northern Kentucky would much rather play a southern team vs playing an Ohio school. Bragging rights for the state are on the line and the players get pumped for these contests. Playing in Ohio and Ohio playing in Kentucky just does'nt seem right... like oil 'n water. The fan turnout for the Ohio/Kentucky matchups are low with the exception of the Paul Brown and Nippert Stadium football games. I'm in!
  16. From someone who is from out of town who is the "Jumper" across town?
  17. Unfortunately, it is a sport at our school. Kids are booed, coaches are booed. My son has had things yelled at him from the stands and sidelines. All classless cowards! If you are that unhappy, don't come 'cause you are a disgrace to the school and to the scholar athletes on the field. ... I feel much better now.
  18. Think the tide is coming in for the birds and a change is a 'coming in favor of the birds... However, with Dixie now in the same classification, I see a rivalry brewing between the blue and red Colonels of Dixie Highway. :fight:
  19. Anyone outside of the Hendo family would be nuts for stepping into the head coaching position this late into Summer practice. Especially if he planned on changing the offensive and defensive schemes and plans on bringing in own coaching staff. The later the administration makes the announcement the more challenging it will be for the new coach and his staff.
  20. The kicker, #11, for the East squad did a nice job sending the ball well into the endzone on kickoffs. Seemed like an effortless kick for the lad. Who was the kicker for the East and where is he headed for college? They ran out of programs by mid 1st Qtr. The kids exchanged school decals - it was a challenge to figure out who was underneath the helmet and which highschool was being represented... :creepy:
  21. East defense controlled the tempo and field condition for the entire game. Koester, Flynn and #44 from Holmes really stood out on the East defense. The West offense just could not get the sustained drive without a fumble or INT. The West defense got burnt on the long ball, did well against the run. Enjoyed the developing friendships on the sidelines as much as the action on the gridiron. Great evening for $5.
  22. Congrats to all of the Dixie fans... An excellent multi-sport complex that you all should be very proud of. Very well done period! That should be Spritzky's first win in the new digs...
  23. Sorry to hear about Jordon Kramer. He alone is worth the price of admission.
  24. I will be there with one, two or three of my sons... My wife has plans on mowing the yard, fixing diner and painting the fence on the back 40... she will not be able to make it this year. She has to go to work after all of her chores are complete.
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