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Everything posted by formerkywrestler

  1. How in the world is an attorney going to make this worse? I can't even fathom this line of thinking unless there is a lot more you aren't telling us.
  2. Yep. I've had friends bring it back for me and also got some myself last summer. Other than that I rely on people to ship it down to me.
  3. This should be a LANDSLIDE. Budweiser by a country mile. Everything else is water.
  4. That wasn't the legacy advantage she left to Cirie. It was the advantage she found in the challenge that was sitting right under Michaela.
  5. I should hate Chik Fil A. But I love it. The service is second to none when it comes to fast food. Don't really care if they are brainwashed or not. The chicken is excellent. The waffle fries are fantastic -- I'm sure there are other sides. Sweet tea is great. Politics aside I can't understand why people hate on CFA. In fact, before this thread I didn't realize there were people who didn't like CFA for non-political reasons.
  6. I'm a big boy. What's wrong with The Economist? Quit beating around the bush. I'd love to hear what your problem with that publication is.
  7. How so? Because it disagrees with what Trump has done? That doesn't automatically make something left.
  8. Here's a take from The Economist. A publication that I'd say most intelligent people would regard as pretty in-the-middle. http://www.economist.com/blogs/democracyinamerica/2017/05/oops
  9. Trillium is known a lot for for their juicy, hoppy, NEIPA's. They really aren't that big in the sour world yet.
  10. Breweries are dropping left and right from their festival.
  11. The quality of their regular lineup has suffered in my opinion. The limited releases have stayed good (ignoring the infection year). But hey, at least in this case all infections will be intentional.
  12. Gotta tip my hat to Jester King Jester King says "nope" to Wicked Weed - Beer Street Journal
  13. I had a pretty reliable connection to get their beer monthly. One of my all-time favorite breweries. This seems quite different from some of the other larger craft breweries that have been bought up by A-B or M/C. They have a whole location devoted to funky, sour, and wild beers. Not something you see much of. I REALLY hope the quality remains the same and the ability to buy it at a local will be nice. I can't blame them for selling out but main do the big guys do some shady stuff.
  14. Honestly. I'm not sure how much you fault her for that. Truthfully, she was watching the challenge, engaged, and cheering on people she liked. Who is really over there staring at their feet?
  15. I enjoyed seeing one team get curbstomped while arguably the best challenge player was benched. Eating is HUGE in this part of the game. I don't care if you like her or not. You pick Michaela.
  16. Michaela is AWESOME. All you haters can go on somewhere.
  17. Facebook has a love button. Why not BGP? #PP92HasAFirefliesJersey
  18. Tebow would look like Giancarlo Stanton playing T-Ball against me. I'm just saying that's the only one that doesn't seem totally delusional for some of our members. And seriously. He is proven to be a good high school player. That's it for now. #PP92ForTebowFanClubPrez
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