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Everything posted by formerkywrestler

  1. Our oldest doesn't work. But she practices all year long with two small but mandatory from us breaks after xc and track season. She's tried to find jobs but not many people are looking to hire someone with extremely limited hours. Call it what you want but she's received multiple college offers due to her running and she's very dedicated. I'd rather her not work and focus on her college ticket. She does pick up money from two families by picking their kids up and dropping them off after practice.
  2. Gulf Shores will be like NYC compared to Peridido Key. Sleepy little fishing town. Not a lot going on. Just great beaches and a low key atmosphere. Situated well. Can easily get to Orange Beach, AL or Pensacola.
  3. His Mom would probably be the only person to buy a copy...maybe.
  4. Do you think people in impoverished situations don't have work ethic and ambition. This post seems to imply that if you do no matter what you will come out of a situation.
  5. No reason not to be proud of what you've accomplished. Your original wording just seemed weird. Like there was something wrong with having experienced that. Your longer explanation made a lot more sense.
  6. I've been there myself and it's easy to do. I grew up with a rather privileged upbringing and it's taken life experiences to see that the reason many people don't or can't get out of bad situations isn't always as black and white as we see. I try and strive to see things from other perspectives as it's the best that I can do. I know you're a good dude and I feel you'll attempt to do so as well.
  7. Honest question. If your parents didn't start you in a great situation do you think you would have gotten to be where you are? At the very least. Do you think it would've been substantially harder.
  8. 1. You said everyone had access to agrocery store within a 15 minute drive which a) ignores the fact that not everyone is a car owner and b) you fail to understand what options are actually in a lot of those grocery stores. 2. You continually assert that this obesity is brought on by only ONE thing. So yes, your intent was blindingly clear.
  9. Again. "The poorest of the poor". Seriously. C'mon man. That is NOT what we are talking about. Your verbiage and language continues to assert that these are extreme examples when I can assure you they aren't. It's not just the West End. Go to any number of rural counties sprinkled throughout our state and checkout what food they have access too.
  10. The rest of your posting in this thread shows your intent was pretty clear...
  11. If you want to show you don't have the slightest clue or understanding of a topic that is on you. In this case you obviously don't and it's painfully clear.
  12. Kudos. One of the best posts in here. This issue isn't black and white. Yes, it is about personal responsibility. But there is a myriad web of other contributing factors.
  13. If you want to act like her examples are an extreme then you set yourself up for a statement like what PP92 made. Millions of Americans live what Rockmom has described every day. Many with even less.
  14. You should do a lot more research on food deserts before you speak on topics you obviously have zero familiarity with.
  15. There is one outlier to the study and you're trying to further the idea that the ONLY logical thing is to say that the outlier is correct while everything else is wrong...
  16. I'd get sick trying to figure out ours. Girlfriend and the oldest run 25-60 miles a week. They roll through shoes. Plus gotta have trail and road shoes. Or trainers and spikes. I probably spend close to $300 myself on running and biking shoes and they buy 2x the shoes I do. I barely ever buy any shoes that aren't for running or biking. Those two plus the youngest also invest heavily in non-running shoes.
  17. I like those styles of vacations. Similar to things we've done.
  18. I don't know how much plainer I can state it. But yes I am specifically speaking about West End first responders. Hence, why I said "West End" first responders...
  19. You just asked how it applied. It's very clear how my post applied and how Bevin's statement does NOT give support to first responders in the West End. Which clearly contradicts your point that he is supporting first responders. That is why I highlighted that part. Didn't see the need to acknowledge that you said it was stupid. It's there to read. We both agree on that part. What we don't agree on is he has done a good job and provides first responders support. Which again is why I highlighted that part because...it was what I was responding to. I was trying to make this easy for you.
  20. I'll give you this. You confound me more than any other poster on here. I think you are a smart guy. But this post is totally without logic. It can EASILY be argued another way.
  21. He offered basically zero support to an entire community that is hurting. And though you may be ripe to overlook the "rough neighborhood" I can assure you first responders live and work there. So at best it seems he picks and chooses which first responders get his support.
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