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Everything posted by StrongSide

  1. I believe it has been thrown around in previous threads that all the NKY teams picked up their phones to call HHS to get on the schedule once the talent level was dropping.
  2. So you're saying don't do exactly as you just did in your post?
  3. I would think HHS has no pressure on them because honestly no one is expecting much.
  4. I don't think your posts are outrageous, I just wanted to seize the opportunity to call your posts useless based off your wording.
  5. So take everything you say worth a grain of salt, check.
  6. Heard some things last night that you would've never heard from former HHS faithful, it was kind of sad to hear the victim's mentality from the staff.
  7. I don't think that is real based on the fact that I would hope a cop wouldn't shoot his gun into the air without knowing where his bullets would land.
  8. I don't know what there is to disagree with within his statement. Pretty much nailed it on the head.
  9. I agree the QB has not played at the level of a DI QB so far this season, however he does have the physical size and arm strength to play at the next level IMO. Even if it is a HHS alum recruiter up there it was still a very bold move to offer a player before he has had any valuable/relative varsity snaps. How long has the HHS alum been a recruit for Central Michigan?
  10. Oops didn't finish reading to see that T Birds had already answered the question.
  11. We have a set defensive line up but not a set style of plays for defense that have to be run. Offensively the teams can use whatever scheme they please. So pretty much every one is coming in freshman year learning a new system.
  12. I know I'm on a rant but... Highlands linebackers were not making plays in the backfield that were clearly there for the taking. If they still teach the same keys as they did 5 years ago ryle backs should've been stopped on multiple plays for a loss and it just wasn't happening. I'm being hard on the defense I know, I was never much of an offensive guy.
  13. Congrats to Ryle on the victory, with that being said... I would not base them being a final 4 team by beating this highlands team. The defense for the main part is soft, they do not have a nasty/mean mentality to themselves, they are satisfied with giving up yards and no touchdown IMO. They (the defense) does not have a man or two that are tenacious/hungry to get the ball carrier and lay a punishing hit. With this being my first game of the season actually seeing it hurts me to say that I do not see this HHS team as a state competitor. I know that ryle is supposed to be "so great" but in all honesty the teams of HHS that I know and was a part of didn't even blink at the thought of losing to a northern ky team let alone two of them. Something needs to change or this team will be luck to go plus .500.
  14. I am really hoping that these "changes" that are being talked about make a difference tonight. Need the birdies to get on track.
  15. I coach in the 7/8th grade FTJFL and there is some serious talent in the current 8th grade class as well about to come through.
  16. I'll say it again don't put words in my mouth... I think you are reading what you want to see and instead of what is actually out there. Never did I say a team HAD to play HHS. I said what a great way to earn respect by playing/beating HHS. I know you are looking for a reason to argue that Cooper isn't getting the praise they deserve, so you are deciphering these messages looking for hidden meanings. Keep searching.
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