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Everything posted by StrongSide

  1. Heard this morning that the family was in a restricted area and ignored posted signs to stay out of water.
  2. Doesn't this just set up another target? Personally I try avoiding large gatherings anymore, too many crazies walking among us.
  3. When did Pocahontas become an offensive slur?
  4. Speaking of him being a jerk, has anyone seen this classic video of the berm getting heated up. Warning bad language.
  5. I love the sound he makes when a person jukes someone out.
  6. Yeah I can see that, but I always kind of liked that he was enthusiastic rather than just another normal announcer/analyst.
  7. What's all the hate on berman for? I really don't mind him.
  8. Not surprised by this, that's more money for the school. They could care less about who is wearing what ropes.
  9. This conversation reminds me a lot of the quote from remember the titans "attitude reflects leadership... captain"
  10. Hillary will make sure their votes count :sssh:
  11. I would guess that at least 50% of these young people "demonstrating/rioting" don't really have a clue about what is going on. They see a way to be destructive and cause a scene to make the news so they join the crowd furthering the mob mentality.
  12. Old Dan and Little Ann from where the red fern grows
  13. As a younger person on this website it gets very tiring hearing how spoiled rotten and just overall miserable our generation is... I hope we can turn it around and be as perfect as the older generations someday :deadhorse:
  14. You might lose a lot of the younger teachers entering into the school system with this policy.
  15. I have AT&T and will switch to Verizon as soon as possible, ironically the day I bought my phone the signal map AT&T has at their store was "down". I'm pretty sure when I gave them my address and they saw no reception at my house they quickly turned off the map because they knew they were going to lose a sale.
  16. I believe it is bad for America, everyone seems to be too sensitive imo. And it almost feels like people are waiting for someone to slip up and say something not PC just to jump all over them for it.
  17. Forgot to add was invited to Army Junior All American Combine in San Antonio, don't know if I really deserved to be there but it was a pretty awesome experience.
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