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Everything posted by StrongSide

  1. I agree the officer was a little over the top flipping her out of the chair. However, why do teachers or authority figures need to prove to students that they are making efforts?? The kids need to learn to respect authority when they are told to do something. Babying them and patting them on the back a thousand times is not going to get the point across, all that will do is teach them to stay stubborn and insubordinate until they get they want.
  2. I think a major problem UK has is that Boom is the only true SEC talent we have on the offensive side of the ball. We don't have receivers that demand the ball and go up and make plays.
  3. You all are making me want to read the premium threads....:idunno:
  4. Yeah I get what you mean, however if he is playing so well on the freshman squad as an 8th grader I think he would benefit more by practicing all summer long going against varsity guys rather than the freshman team. I understand JV games are nothing compared to varsity games but the idea of him getting to practice with and against varsity players all summer would be great. Just my opinion but I don't know anything.
  5. I agree, I think he would benefit more by playing JV next year rather than playing freshman ball again.
  6. I have gotten my haircut there twice and its been terrible both times, my fault for going back but I thought I should give them a second chance to prove me wrong.
  7. Yeah a little contradicting but it hasn't been much of a rivalry since 2006 it's been very lopsided.
  8. Part 1 of a successful season at HHS has been completed, Beat Cov Cath. Now time for the second part of a successful season. State Champs!
  9. Completely agree, I am not sure why they even put him in the game at this point. When he game in for goal line D he was getting pushed 2-3 yards off the ball.
  10. You could get an Obama phone those seem to be free. LOL
  11. Does cooper have much of a passing game? I know they have a solid run game but just curious if they are pretty much one dimensional.
  12. I'm rooting for Cooper, it will make things interesting on here if the pull out the W.
  13. Just remember that Highlands is supposed to be "broke" when they beat Ryle in the next couple seasons, then you will realize how much of a one and done program Ryle is. I don't know if you can really call it a one and done program gotta get somewhere first this year before I start saying they've accomplished something.
  14. Every Highlands thread turns into a one hit wonder school (fans of that school) thumping their chest. I find it comical too.
  15. I agree with your post for the most part except Highlands ran the mill previously in 5A so maybe we were expecting the same results.
  16. Not sure if Mitchell was or not but I am leaning towards yes he was a tuition player. Connor on the other hand was not a tuition player, he was a Fort Thomas resident. I think there may have been a couple more on the 2004 team besides Mitchell but not positive. Other than the 2004 team, I can't think of any real standout tuition players that have come through.
  17. BGP discussion has ZERO influence on what HHS will do. You really don't have a clue :ohbrother:
  18. I think others have answered your question as to how teams knew Highlands would be down. I am not as close to the system anymore as others so I can't give you the response you want.
  19. First off RELAX.... I wasn't stating that it was true I was simply mentioning that it had been brought up previously that teams come calling when HHS is down. Also, nice job not missing an opportunity to bring up Cooper.
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