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Everything posted by Northerner

  1. Awesome offense, but very vanilla and soft defense, especially on the side of Lafayette. Disappointed that it was not more a defensive game.
  2. Davis kid from Bryan Station/ Duel threat QB. Saw Morgan in a couple of games, did not impress me on being a UofL commit.
  3. Keep an eye on #4 3 , #10 , #11 , #54 , #4 from the soft LexCath Defense. Those kids makes tons of tackles.
  4. 2 quick question if you don't mind. You mentioned that you were not impress at all with LexCath last season... Even after they handed Boyle Co. their only 2 losses for the season? And for this season, are you saying that Braumbaugh didn't get injured.. Your statement as far as the team " Is not very good ", changes?
  5. They will be alright with Fagot. They still have the nucleus of the team RB Jone, WR Thompson, Ogbugo, Morris. They might have to simplify their passing attack just a bit. Their run defense is skeptical of course, giving up tons of yardage... But in return, their passing defense have been good according to stats. Giving up only 190 yrds to Ryle's D1 QB, zero to JC and only 140 yrds vs CovCath and I believe negative passing vs. Boone Co. Keep It Simply.
  6. If Collins is a " Hail Mary " reach ( ie state finals vs. Highlands LOL ) then I'll pick the Titans, but we all know that Boyle Co will steam roll over them.
  7. But I guess their passing D is very good then, considering only giving up 200 yrds to a D1 Ryle QB, Zero to JC, 150 yrds to CovCath and who knows what Boone Co did. Might have been negative passing. Just saying and just lighting up the post.LOL
  8. First of all I am not the one you need to talk to about searching for previous post alright.... 2nd all I know is that the 2 quotes that stuck to my head, which is last season when you said that last season's LC was the worst you have ever seen and this season so far, you mentioned after the Cov Cath game that both teams were not very good... Is that right so far @theguru??? I mean to be honest with you, I didn't think an Administrator or a moderator are allow to make such a negative comments on a team(s) or coaches.
  9. @LEX, Let it alone brother. We all know that he his very critical of LexCath. He was the same dude that stated that the team LexCath last season was " The worst he has ever seen ". And so far this season he has also quoted that " They are not a very good team ".
  10. WOW! I didn't know it was that lop- sided in the last 5 season. What happened there? I use to think that Boyle Co would run at least 3-5 wins before LexCath would win one.
  11. KY high school to NFL head coach? C'mom man! How about No One. One step at a time, only a few can be a head coach in a college level, let alone a head job at an NFL team.
  12. Wow, Lafayette is not even in the mix? I thought they were the one out of central KY that can really push the Louisville or the Northern KY school. Just imagine all that talent/ D1 on that roster. Its early though, they might make a push.
  13. I agree to all, but now let's shift that question to Central KY/ Lexington Area. Who and why?
  14. That's what I do brother. I just don't get on here and predict a winner or score or non of that. I form my opinion and EVERYTHING I post, I write up constructive reason. Which I think everyone on here should, instead of just mouthing off scores and who will win. Nothing against brother, just saying
  15. ^^ I think they will be just fine throughout the season. ^^ They just need to be more consistent on that offensive play calling. Their defense have save NUMEROUS times, either be a 4th and goal or 4th and short. Defense has stepped up and done well.
  16. Last time I checked, the question was " Can any eastern team challenge Belfry " RIGHT? And my answer.... NO ONE IN THE EASTERN SIDE!!!!!
  17. No one in the eastern side, but Boyle Co. or Lou Central will handle them in the championship game. Why? Cause Boyle Co has Robbins ( KY Mr. Football ) in my opinion and Lou Central has the athletes/ speed and size to match up well with Belfry.
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