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Everything posted by Northerner

  1. Meaning beating a top tier team like Boyle Co. Oh BTW Lafayette was winning by only 3pts and a late pick 6 to end the game, so 10 pts??? Sure it covered the point spread.
  2. They will contend and will give PLD a run. Correct me if I am wrong, but this squad is probably faster and quicker than last season's quad.
  3. Central with a big crowd? Never ever seen it.
  4. Scott Co is too strong of a club and is on track to meet SK in the playoffs
  5. In all fairness to all, when was the last time have we seen Lou Central play? I saw them play 2 season ago and they got their teeth handed to them by a week Lafayette team. Now I understand that they have been to the 3A championship the past seasons, but 3A is A LOT stronger now that it was before. So they might have been world beaters then in 3A, it's different now. So yeah if BC plays Central, BC will take them down. If LexCath plays them, well they might, but not guarantee.
  6. Majority of those freshman for LC were not playing freshman ball. They were being used as 2nd team or special teams. The freshman that played in the season you mentioned, well lets just say they are " little freshman ". you know what I mean? LOL
  7. Even though I'm a homer, but I am also a realist. Boyle Co is just in a different level this season. With all that said, the only thing that Lex Cath has going for them is that it's a rivalry game and Lex Cath can get a little motivated with the mindset of taking 6 of last 7. Oh BTW all you homer making statement about running clock or plus 21pts, Really? When was the last time or many times in this rivalry game that the points difference of the winning team was anymore than 10 pts? Not recently....
  8. ^^ Did I say he was awful as a QB or did I say anything that he will be not good at? I said he won't be a QB because he can contribute more to a team as an ATHLETE. ^^
  9. He will NOT be a QB at the next level. He is an " athlete " ie. Randall Cobb. WR, kick return specialist, wildcat package. He is very quick and elusive.
  10. I don't know man, I don't follow who Ryle schedule. All I know is I watched them vs Lex Cath and Highlands. And I don't look at the outcome of the scoreboard. I look the players, what they bring and how they play.
  11. And Cov Cath is aweful this season and Catholic barely won 15-14. SMH
  12. The heck are you talking dude? I myself never ever said anything about LC could have beaten Cooper OK. I am just piggy backing on Ryle's fan comparing their victory vs. Lex Cath to Cooper win. Point out where I ( Northerner ) mentioned anything about result would have been different if those injured players for LC would have been playing and would have resulted in something different. Chill, don't get offended cause Cooper seems to be the underdog and the wise choice via poll to win.
  13. WOW! You don't trust us, are you going to the roster to look at their credentials? K it's 67 Wueter and 57 Carpenter.
  14. vs. an awful team, yes that's him. With all do respect to Madison Central, they are not Cooper.
  15. I don't know how many series he was out but I know Cooper did not do anything while the back up was in and If the starting QB is his 1st year, then he's good... good enough to tear up LC db's.
  16. I don't know names so I'll just refer them as starting QB and back up. So your telling me that Cooper scored all their 28 point all in the 2nd qrt, all passing TD I believe with the back up QB???
  17. So your telling me when Cooper's QB went out for a few series due to an ankle/ knee vs Lex Cath... Cooper was moving the ball with a back up? I think NOT, so it's not an excuse, when you don't have your better player, the wheels on the wagon doesn't move as smooth. And yes once he re-entered the game, Cooper we're a well oiled machine... Right?
  18. ^^ That's without their 2 starting O-line and their QB. So as a defensive coordinator, I will load the box to stop the run, which Cooper did an outstanding. And with a back up QB, they couldn't get their offense revved up. Just saying. Ryle played Lex Cath while in full strength and Cooper with tons of starter.... Important starters.
  19. Nope, that's all you get. If I elaborate anymore, then it's going to cost you. LOL
  20. It depends if some of Lex Catholic injured players are back. If they are held out, then it will be a long night for the Knights, but if the 2 starting O-line, LB and QB Braumbaugh are back, then they might keep it close... But this topic is for another thread and another week.
  21. :thumb: :thumb: cause 50+ is no where near 31 pts and neither as 35+ compares to 28. Ryle beat Highlands 60+, Is that fair assessment? NO LOL
  22. Just curious where you got those scores? Ryle vs Lex Catholic was 31-24 and vs Cooper, they put up 28-0 vs Lex Cath.
  23. ^^ Not to mentioned 2 starting OLine were out due to injuries vs Cooper. ^^
  24. What is there to elaborate? The line is bigger all around, which I came to a conclusion of SIZE. Athleticism in Ashley, Bateman, Morgan, England, Chisholm, Long, Beagle... Is that enough or do I need to mention more?
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