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Bball Legend

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Everything posted by Bball Legend

  1. Morgan 64 Elliott 52. Jordan Perry is playing unreal right now. Gonna be hard to slow him down.
  2. 16th Jordan Perry- Morgan Co 27.4 ppg Ryne Callahan- Rowan Co 22.1 ppg Ben Jordan- West Carter 9.2 rpg Alex Roy- Fairview 8.6 rpg Thomas Chaney-Menifee Co 8.4 rpg Several teams still not reported stats. Greenup county's Jair Jackson I'm sure is top 3 in rebounding. And Gage Hughes possibly top 5 in scoring. They have only reported stats for 5 games.
  3. Correction. Redparth had 14 points and Ryan Adams 16 points.
  4. For Morgan county Jordan Perry 37 points in 3 quarters, and two monstrous dunks. Holden Redparth 17 points.
  5. Ha ha. Rose Hill are two for sure. And if East Carter only beat Ashland by 1 point I 'd say Ashland beats West Carter then. And Russell is terrible this year. Lost to Morgan co by 37. Yes Morgan county has a good team this year but 37?? That tells me as bad as Ashland is that they will still get two W's against Russell. Maybe less than ten, but I think closer to 10 than 2. Never thought I'd see the day that an Ashland team started out 0-13. Unreal!
  6. I can see the 6 games you are talking about, GRC, Mason, Boyd, Elliott, Rowan, and Johnson Central. And I assume you are throwing in Fleming county in that group. I am counting on Ashland to beat Russell twice, Rose Hill twice, Fairview, then again in the districts, West Carter, East Carter (I know they lost to them by 1 point earlier) And I know nothing about the Ohio nor West Virginia team. So yes, I think it is very possible that Ashland somehow finds a way to get 10 wins. There are so many iffy games on their remaining schedule and I am as shocked as anyone at how they have struggled mightily this season. But I do think it is still possible for them to win several of those games. Maybe not 10 but 8 anyway.
  7. I would not change anything with that top 10 ranking. Great job GB32! I also think Rowan, Morgan, Greenup, and Boyd win their district titles this year. That 63rd seems pretty balanced and Raceland probabaly has the edge. But Greenup county is a lot better team than their record indicates and by the season's end I see Coach Tackett getting them to all play better team ball. Elliott county and Morgan county will battle it out all year, and I believe East Carter could play really well and knock one of them out of the regionals with an upset. Still think Ashland gets to 10 wins by seasons end, and somehow makes it to Morehead State come regional time. With Fleming county being down this year I think Rowan walks through those districts. Menifee county could push Fleming to be that runner up to go on to MSU. That's my 2 cents.
  8. I think Johnson Central will end up going to the state. Not sure they could beat anyone though. 15th is in the weakest in the state I believe. Rowan co has already beaten JC by 12. And Boyd county looks to be better than Rowan. I know JC was not fully healthy, but of all of the regions I believe the 15th is the weakest. 16th isn't much better though.
  9. Guess we'll never know. Sayre could not have won regardless. Morgan is just a better team. Now Sayre gets to play the big boys in the 11th region. I wish them luck.
  10. Morgan lead by 13 at the half. Sayre was never really in this game.
  11. Perry made all 4 ft's. He was perfect from the line tonight. Good game to watch. Both teams played well.
  12. I believe after Friday night Rowan will prove that they are the team to beat in the 16th. And with the regionals being at MSU that gives them some advantage I think. Then I'd go with Boyd, Elliott, Morgan, Raceland, East Carter, Lewis, Fairview, West Carter, Greenup. After the first 4 I mentioned I think those other teams listed are fairly even. Morgan, Raceland and Fairview have all benefited from pretty easy schedules so far. All A should be interesting too with Elliott and Morgan potentially playing each other 5 times this year. The Greenup co tourney, 2 regular season games, the all A finals, and the district championship.
  13. Perry has been a full time starter since 7th grade. He averaged 16.1 ppg during his 8th grade year.
  14. I am not sure. After Statstuffer posted that they had dropped out of the Greenup co tournament, I looked at their schedule and seen that they are scheduled for the National Holiday Classic. I cannot imagine anyone from their side would not have notified someone at Greenup co. prior to today.
  15. Just heard that Menifee Co cancelled out of the tournament completely so Greenup Co advances and will play the Morgan / Allen Central winner at 3pm followed by the other Semi at 4:30. I assume there will be only 1 game on the looser side of the bracket and I assume it will be at 1:30 pm tomorrow. This is assuming they stick to the original bracket and just advance those scheduled to play Menifee. I also heard Greenup JV will play Allen Central JV at 6pm in place of the scheduled Greenup / Menifee game. If I hear of any changes I'll try to update again....[/quote Yeah I just looked on KHSAA website and is says Menifee is supposed to play Larue Co in the National Guard Holiday classic. Very odd. Keep us updated on the games.
  16. He hurt his ankle about a week and a half ago. But during practice the last few days he has been dunking with ease. So I'd say he is good to go.
  17. So will the winner of the Morgan/Allen Central game play the winner of the Greenup/Menifee game at 3pm tomorrow or 4:30? Or will there be a 6pm game? Thanks. Looks like it will be an interesting tourney with Morgan, Greenup, and Elliott county being the favorites.
  18. I'll take Morgan, Elliott, West Carter, and Greenup. Then Morgan over Elliott, Greenup over West. And Morgan over Greenup in the finals.
  19. Yes Morgan county will be in the All A, and are much better than their pre season ranking. They should be the favorite to go from the 16th. Jordan actually plays shooting guard this year.
  20. Johnson Central lost to Rowan county by 12 on the 13th of this month. JC is 3-4 this year all against the 13th--16th region teams. Not saying the Golden Eagles won't be there come districts. But right now I would not put them in the top 10 discussion. I'd put Rowan at least #5.
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