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Everything posted by JJD

  1. Sounds like, as always, Birds kept punching. Hope everyone came out of the ball game healthy.
  2. Good fight Birds. Stay classy - little bro is getting healthier by the day. Hope to see you next month.
  3. And I think the answer is...Highlands is pretty darn good and so is Moeller - pass the beer nuts.
  4. I think the Moeller/Highlands question is getting closer to an answer.
  5. A nice win for all of NKY to share! Great job SK!
  6. Great job Eagles! Good for the whole program!
  7. Assuming McNeil is the young man that was at Ockerman last year, I thought he was the best combination of ball skill, physicality and tenacity that I saw in the NKMSAA last year. McNeil reminded me a lot of Nick Ruthsatz - strong with the ball and strong to the basket. The next best guards I saw were Ruthsatz and Pangallo, in no particular order. Mayer was a beast at the 4. Will be interesting to watch him make decisions on sports as time goes on...
  8. Final from Park Hills. My primary motivation for posting this thread is to congratulate the Boone Co coaches, players and fans. As a CCH supporter, I was VERY impressed with how hard the Boone kids played and how positive they stayed throughout the game. Their coaches were encouraging and positive, as were the fans. Hats off to the Boone Co. program! I know that you are a proud program, steeped in tradition - and I know winning is important. But, regardless of tonight's score, congratulations to all of you for fostering a great environment for your kids. I was truly impressed by the class exhibited by all that represented Boone Co High School tonight. Best wishes to the program - wishing you nothing but success moving forward (except when you play Cov Cath). Good Luck Rebels!
  9. Agreed - would love to see an all Bluegrass field. I also think that it helps the contenders prepare for Rupp. Seeing top level competition from outside your region, in a tournament setting, is outstanding experience, IMO.
  10. Also saw where Conner beat South Oldham and Scott lost to South Oldham. Who knows? But, it does appear that Scott has a shot.
  11. I don't know much about either program, but I think it's very serious. I just scanned the KHSAA site and saw Conner beat Grant Co 32-20 and Scott beat Grant Co 43-0. I didn't go any further, but that at least tells me that this is a legitimate thread. Again, no insight at all, and as we know, scoreboard comparisons are dangerous when we're talking about 15-18 year olds. I'd love to see Scott win - not because I dislike Conner at all.
  12. I can't say for sure, but my senior football season was 1990. I did not play for either Conner or Scott, but both were in our district. That year, Scott was far better than Conner, at least in terms of talent. I think Scott may have even ended the year above .500, which I believe was the first such season in school history. They did not make the playoffs - back then only two teams went per district. It was Cov Cath and Lloyd in AAA that year. But, I'd be shocked if Scott didn't beat Conner that year.
  13. All football players. Starting K is one of the team's leading RBs and the backup K is the starting QB.
  14. HHS - Congrats on repping NKY well. Now, please excuse me - I think I just threw up in my mouth a little...
  15. Starting long snapper left game earlier with injury. On the PAT, the starting kicker was moved to long snapper and they attempted PAT with backup kicker. Probably had a better shot just going for two. But, if "IFs and BUTs were candy and nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas." In the second OT, CCH player was stopped right at the goal line on 4th down. Bang bang call by officials as to whether he got in. He was ruled short - probably the correct call. Exciting game - congratulations to Conner! Two nice wins in a row.
  16. As a Colonel fan, I am disappointed for the Freshman, as they lost a tough game in a tough way last night. However, I sincerely hope that last night's win is a spark for the Conner football program and helps with some of the morale issues that this thread has mentioned. Good win Cougars! I just wish it was a different opponent. But, in consecutive weeks you have beat HHS and Cov Cath. Good for you!
  17. In other words, any issues at CCH, perceived or real, did not change because Highlands lost a close football game.
  18. No sir. I'll try again. This is not about whether or not CCH pays attention to the HHS program. It's about whether or not a close HHS loss, to a big, FL school, lessens any pressure on Wirth - this also assumes that he is under serious pressure. IMO, the thought that his job is more secure based on HHS's result this weekend is misguided and/or arrogant.
  19. I didn't misunderstand anything. I asked a question seeking clarification, which is what you do to ensure there is no misunderstanding. But, I will add this, since you believe that I am off... A loss by Highlands in no way alleviates any perceived or real heat on Wirth. Intentional or not, the thought that a Highlands loss to a big school FL team could, in any way, affect CCH's coaching situation is misguided and frankly, arrogant.
  20. Do you really think HHS takes any heat for this kind of a loss, or was this an attempt to jab Cov Cath fans?
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