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Everything posted by JJD

  1. How, in the world, could a 4pt loss against a top 10 8A FL school be, IN ANY WAY, a signal of the end?
  2. What's the definition of serious threat? Yes, the last time they beat HHS was 2006. In the 2011 regular season, I believe it was a one score game, with CCH inside the 20 at the end of the game. The last two years (2012 and 2013), CCH lost 28-13 at HHS in the playoffs. If "serious threat" means a single possession game, then I believe the 2011 regular season game is the only one since 2006 that I can recall. Let's be clear, HHS has been far superior to CCH, top to bottom, since 2006 and frankly, for the majority of the past 15 years. But, let's make sure the facts are straight.
  3. Was that LaSalle's first game in the gauntlet?
  4. Wow! Good for LaSalle! Didn't see that coming.
  5. St X over Elder in 2OTs. I don't know score, but, this tells me Moe, X and Elder are pretty even. Scoreboard comparisons are dangerous, but it's all I know.
  6. St X over Elder tonight in 2OTs. I don't know score. But, tells me that Moe, X and Elder are pretty similar.
  7. Never had an issue with it. Coach Ray loved it during the playoffs because it gave him a chance to scout our opponent in person. With that said, Friday Nights were awesome.
  8. You're way off - no one is crowning anyone with anything. Relax - no one is short changing anyone.
  9. The QB is Rich Maile's nephew. Gerding went to Dixie - he wanted too much to sign.
  10. Forgot about the Butler kid - he's playing JV - that would be 10.
  11. Maybe it's 7-8, but no less than that. Three receivers, both OTs, MLB, one DT, one CB, one safety. How many is that - 9? 3-4 of those are feeder school kids that elected to come out for football, the others were heavily recruited and highly compensated. The pajamas - it's Spirit Week at CCH - homecoming is Sat. They have a different dress theme each day. Wait 'til you see 'em Saturday - you won't be disappointed.
  12. Maybe - but, there are several key CCH players on this year's team that did not play for CCH as 8th graders. Two of the three TDs scored yesterday by non-CYF 8th Graders. Off the top of my head, there are 8-10 kids in the rotation that were not part of the program last year.
  13. Two consecutive weeks CCH has had a late go ahead TD called back due to penalty. This team could be 5-0 as easily as they could be 2-3 - ah the vagaries of Freshman. Who was it that said "the best thing about freshman is they become sophomores..."? Nevertheless, good game young Colonels.
  14. Completely agree - I debated even responding to this thread because I believe it's entirely unfair to compare one athletic team at a school vs another. Yes, there is such a thing as healthy competition, but there is a very fine line. The football program has its hands full competing against the best program in KY - I said PROGRAM - top to bottom - school to community. They are dealing with an anomaly that most programs don't have to face.
  15. I think the term "disparity" is not fair. Yes, Cov Cath has been successful in hoops recently and yes, I agree that they have a special coaching staff and the makings of a state power, but that's as far as it goes at this point. Since 2006, Cov Cath has won ONE regional title in hoops and ONE state title - both this year. Regarding football, they simply can't beat Highlands, hence the reason for not getting out of their district. This is pure conjecture, but I would venture to guess that there have been years since 2006 when Cov Cath was the second best school in the state in their class. So, I believe painting the picture of a wide disparity is unfair. Yes, regarding football, Cov Cath's contingent views success in terms of beating Highlands and winning state titles. This has not happened. But, it is unfair to classify the football program as being far behind the basketball program. That may be the case in five years, but it's not now. Coaching may be the issue, but, as much as I'm sick of seeing Highlands get pumped by the posters on this site, we have to give credit to the amazing commitment the entire Highlands community makes to the football program. Until Highlands wavors in their commitment (doubtful) or Cov Cath catches up, it's going to be tough sledding for the Cov Cath football program - but that doesn't necessarily mean that their is a wide disparity between Cov Cath hoops and football.
  16. Great ball game. Highlands went for two from the 1.5 yd line in OT, after an offsides penalty on the extra point and came up short.
  17. To go a little further in my belief in Elder's legitimacy...they beat Lakewood St Ed's this year - at the time I believe St Ed's was no. 1 or 2 in OH. I know the game was at the Pit and I know rankings can be deceiving, but, I am simply going on what we know. St X gave Moe all they could handle and Elder plays X this week. As is always the case, we'll know more with time. Either way, Moeller and HHS are excellent football teams.
  18. I modified my previous post, but based on other results this year, I am expecting Elder to give Moe all they can handle. Just a hunch. Assuming this to be the case, then I think Elder will serve as a reasonable proxy for Moeller, as it relates to comparing to HHS.
  19. Unless Moeller destroys Elder (highly unlikely), the Elder/HHS game will go a long way toward answering this question.
  20. One further point of clarification - the state title comparison was offered as a way of defining relative success - responding to another poster (quoted in my original response), since he suggested that Cov Cath should be concerned with matching the success of the Louisville and Cincinnati catholic schools. Since the Louisville schools are in a different class and the GCL schools are in a different state - not to mention 50-100 percent larger, not sure what other way to define comparative success.. With all of this said, as I mentioned originally, Cov Cath should be more concerned with how to catch up with Highlands. But, I digress and apologize to everyone else for hijacking this thread with a stupid argument.
  21. Well aware of the difference between OH and KY. Read the entire post. Comparing Cov Cath to OH programs is silly. Agreed on apples and oranges. I would never try to disparage almighty OH - relax, your superiority is safe. I was simply responding to another post that suggested Cov Cath should be more concerned with Louisville catholic schools and GCL schools. I think such comparisons are irrelevant, but, in terms of state championships, Cov Cath is doing just fine. All of those titles were under the 4 class system, so there were a few more than 35 teams per class.
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