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Jack Lambert

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Everything posted by Jack Lambert

  1. Will this game have video or audio stream online? Never mind someone else beat me to it.
  2. Boyle and Central might have something to say about that since Boyle beat Central Hardin and Puducah Tillman lost to Central Hardin 48 to 25.
  3. After last nights loss to Cooper are you still so sure of the butt whipping you've promised Boyle county.
  4. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't Boyle and Central on the west side of the bracket?
  5. That was the score when we left in the 3rd in the pouring rain congrats Boyle.
  6. You must like Al you keep bringing him up.
  7. Makes for great reading though doesn't it.
  8. You need to quit living in the past Boyle and Lex cath are two totally different teams this season IMO Boyle is a lot better and Lex Cath is not as good but that's just my opinion and on a side note you shouldn't let my opinion bother you so much.
  9. Sounds to me like you're making excuses this year you blame the losses on shooting yourself in the foot when the reality is you have lost to better teams this season. You keep on guaranteeing victory we'll see in a few weeks.
  10. A Just keep killing them crows I'm sure you will enjoy them in a few weeks. You know as well as I do LC was a lot better last year, and let me let you in on a little secret Boyle is light years better than they were last year so you figure it out if you can. Chuck Smith is in his second year back and Boyle is only gonna get better as each season passes.
  11. What has LC done to make you believe this, from what I've seen this year they're average at best.
  12. Why ask Jack my son plays on the 8th grade team that beat Lex cath 54 to 14 this season I don't have to relive my youth thru my son Lex cath didn't even have a team when I was in highschool so we never lost to them in my day.
  13. To the best of my knowledge from the beginning of this rivalry the team that won the regular season game also won the rematch in the playoffs every year that they have played. The only exception was when Mercer upset Boyle in the playoffs.
  14. A running clock seems to be a popular opinion so I'll go with it to.
  15. Collins may well win anything can happen sometimes the football bounces funny ways that's why they play the games.
  16. Are you saying Collins is playing a lot of sophomores if so all the more reason for me to think a running clock.
  17. To the best of my knowledge that JV team last year was mainly all freshman, Maybe that's why you waxed them twice.
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