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Jack Lambert

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Everything posted by Jack Lambert

  1. I thought Danville was hit hard by graduation last year, at the moment I'll go with E if they lose to the Rock I think it'll be a long season for the ADS.
  2. Great opening win for Boyle, I think both teams will do well this season.
  3. CH runs the Wing T like hoss403 said, the Wing T is very different than the spread, and with a QB that had only two pass attempts last year I don't see CH airing it out Saturday evening in Hog Town.
  4. I see that CH's QB Reece Iler was 2 for 2 with 12 yds passing and 1 TD last season I think this will play in Boyle's favor. I also believe Chuck's run defense will give Central Hardin offense fits with them being so one dimensional with a new QB with so little experience. with that said I'll take Boyle 28 to 14.
  5. I'm not confirming it, but I'm being told an announcement is coming soon.
  6. My son was in the group, and he said he might have saw him.
  7. I'm being told his first name is Chris I think you know the rest.
  8. I'm sure we crossed paths since we have the same passion for Boyle co football.
  9. My son played safety on the 7TH grade team last year and I attended all of the 7TH and 8TH grade games you are correct both of those classes are loaded.
  10. Brandon was a great player, but Duggins was on another level.
  11. Are you saying that Boyles gonna beat Catholic so bad that the score is gonna get out of hand? Yes I'm being silly just like you IMO LC has lost more to graduation than Boyle did, and I think Boyle will be the favorite going in, but you know as well as I do that these games are always going to be a toss up. IMHO LC could end the season with 5 losses . I guess time will tell who's fooling who.
  12. Yes he did, and Duggins was one of the best linebackers in the state, but then again he was the BEST highschool QB I've ever seen play the game. Players like Jeff Duggins Come along once in a lifetime.
  13. I would give my opinion but I'd probably be wrong, sometimes I like LC fans better than Boyle fans.
  14. I don't recall Pardue ever running the wishbone at Boyle and Mason loved it. Mason did use some of Pardue's formations but their schemes were different. IMO Pardue's offense is an entirely different animal when he has the personell to run it.besides if Pardue and Mason had the same offense then why would Pardue be installing his?
  15. You don't have to take my word for it go to KHSAA and look up the stats for Smiths first tenure since he only had one OC which was Pardue you will find that they ran the ball somewhere between 35 to 40% of the time and passed 60 to 65% of the time Hatz and I looked it up last year and it was somewhere around 60% pass 40% run give or take a few either way. Boyle had a very balanced offense under Pardue the first time around.
  16. Mason ran the ball about 70% of the time while Pardue passed the ball about 65% of the time during his first tenure at Boyle.
  17. Not really anything to talk about I simply made a comment that a few of the players told me that Pardue was introduced as the new OC at Boyle. I haven't read any official announcements about it, but it dosen't make a lot sense for the players to be told that he's the new OC if He really isn't.
  18. All I know is that he was introduced to the team as the new OC not a consultant. Why would he be introduced as the new OC if he was only being used as a consultant? And why would he be installing his offense if someone else was going to be the OC? All the OC's that I'he ever known have their own offense they don't use another coach's playbook to run their offense.
  19. Not sure why they would lie about it they also talked about how tough he was in practice or condtioning on them. As a matter of a fact I've had 3 other people tell me that he was the new OC, and that a position was being opened up for him. Just saying I don't know why its such a big secret.
  20. I was told By some of the players Saturday that Pardue was the new OC.
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